The Divine Purpose Behind Everything

Embarking on a healing journey with the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique can lead to a powerful quantum shift that leads to healing transformation. However, QHHT may initially seem perplexing and leave a participant with profound questions. During hypnosis, a participant can unite with their higher consciousness, revisit past lives, and venture anywhere in the realm of infinite dimensions, to face the root source of their disease or illness and achieve healing. Understandably, one may start to question “reality” as they have come to know it after a QHHT session. A common question tends to be, “how do I know if the past life memories, visions, and dreams that I experienced during hypnosis were real?” 

 It is expected a participant will question some aspects of the experience. However, becoming over-analytical can not only hinder the growth we can achieve from the session it can also inhibit any future benefit from QHHT sessions.

Dolores Cannon, founder of the QHHT modality, taught the higher self should be treated like a cherished friend. Ultimately, what better friend is there? When a cherished friend shares confidence, one does not fact check their admission and question their credibility. That would cause estrangement in the relationship and inhibit said friend from sharing pertinent information in the future. Until we learn to let go and trust.  The higher self and intuition are the same. To excessively question our own credibility causes the information that has been shared to lose effect and can stymie imparting wisdom in the future.

 Perhaps a more constructive question would be, “why shouldn’t this be true?” The truth is, as multidimensional beings if we can envision it, dream it, or experience it as a past life (or parallel life) experience, it falls into the realm of possibility.

A general understanding of the quantum aspect of QHHT is foundational to understanding a multidimensional existence. The quantum theory is that everything is energy and that energy can travel any distance, at any time, making all points in space and time theoretically equal. The theory of multidimensionality asserts there are multiple layers of reality or dimensions.

Much like the conscious and the subconscious mind or the parasympathetic nervous system, and it’s three sub-systems, and the automatic nervous system, their multiple dimensions run concurrently. As such, one can be in the dimension they are currently conscious of, while multitudes of other versions of self are realizing other destinies and lifetimes, in the past, present, and future. Based solely on the mathematical possibilities, there can be billions, possibly infinite, dimensions, experiences, and beings linked to a singular higher consciousness. Therefore, it is reasonable to assert there is a greater likelihood that past life experience, vision, or dream has occurred rather than it has not.

As Neale Donald Walsch said, “there is a Divine purpose behind everything, and therefore a Divine presence in everything.” Perhaps, the question should shift from “are the past life memories, visions, and dreams that I experienced during hypnosis  real?” to “what is the Divine purpose in seeing the past life memories, visions, and dreams I experienced during hypnosis?”

The higher self will never present anything the participant is ill-prepared for, unable to cope with or cannot benefit from. If there is a Divine purpose and presence in everything and every experience while under hypnosis during a QHHT session is aimed at the participants’ betterment and healing, should it matter if the experiences are “real” or not? Would a participant that experienced a quantum shift so powerful it cured a pervasive disease, or helped them move forward from harrowing trauma care if the past life experiences, or dreams they witnessed while under hypnosis during a QHHT session were real? Probably not!

When the parallel is drawn between a QHHT session and any another healing modality, are the same questions paramount? When an acupuncturist or a counselor fosters healing and growth in the process, does one question how they came upon their healing knowledge, beyond their academic background? Does the participant question how they came upon the symptomology to provide the practitioner to facilitate healing? Not typically, especially not if it is efficacious.

Of course, asking questions is a normal healthy part of any new experience, and an experienced QHHT practitioner will welcome any questions the participant has. Though, the participant should be sure to ask questions that make the most of the Divine plan, purpose, and healing.

The beauty of the regressive part of QHHT is that every experience can be easily connected to the current lifetime and presents understanding and answers to current maladies and problems, where the higher self deems appropriate at the time.

In love and truth,

Lori Lines
Level 3 Practitioner
We are all connected, therefore, as I heal myself, so shall you be healed. – Lori Lines

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