Kundalini Awakening Symptoms: Signs & Benefits

Symptoms of a Kundalini Awakening
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“Kundal” in the word “Kundalini” means “the curl of the hair of the beloved,” according to Yogi Bhajan. In other words, Kundalini is the coiled-up cosmic energy of God, Creation, or the Universe. You are also the beloved, and this awakening process is the curl of your own hair.

“Kundalini energy is electromagnetic energy that reorganizes biological species back into their 12 strand DNA form.”

Kundalini Awakening Symptoms ImageThe human body, being comprised mostly of water, is a conduit for energy, that way when we practice Kundalini yoga, we use our bodies as the conduits they naturally are and begin to pull the 2D energy from the earth up through our spine to awaken the 114 chakras and activate strands of DNA that have been lying dormant.

To live a completely fulfilled life with no problems whatsoever, humans only need 21 chakras active, but seeing as most humans live with some or a lot of suffering, it can be logically deduced that many spend most of their lives with only a tiny fraction of their chakras active, or at a low level of activity. It has also been supposed by scientists that we only have 2 strands of DNA… but in the Aquarian Age, as we are collectively experiencing Kundalini awakening symptoms, we are evolving to have a total of 12 strands.

When the 2D Kundalini energy is pulled up from the earth and through the spine, it purifies the blood, heals the physical body, and awakens the mind to higher consciousness. This pulls the mind out of oppressive dualistic thinking into a heightened perception of the universal truths of existence. We release the structures and paradigms that we used to live within and come to a deep level of inner peace about the state of existence as it is. 

Here are 15 Kundalini Awakening Symptoms

The causes of a spiritual awakening will ultimately lead to your Kundalini awakening. Here are 15 symptoms to look out for.

1. Physical Symptoms

– Increase in energy, better circulation, and better overall physical health.
– Increase in flexibility and energy flow through the body.
– Less physical pain/illness.
– An ability to feel more and use all of the senses.
– A feeling of having your own energy within your body and being more present in the moment.

2. Emotional Symptoms

– Calming of the voices in the mind.
– Less egotistical/superficial.
– Fewer experiences of fear.
– Increase in acceptance.
– An ability to express emotions in a healthy way.
– Reduction or complete removal of feeling lost in life

3. Intuitive Symptoms 

– Heightened intuition.
– More vivid dreams.
– An ability to see auras and energy.
– Less dualistic thinking and more seeing the oneness of everything.
– Less analyzing and thinking in terms of logic and reasoning.

Kundalini Awakening Stages

Chakras Kundalini

Many would argue that there are no official kundalini awakening ‘stages’. This part of the kundalini awakening is actually up to how each person interprets their own journey to higher consciousness. 

Strangely enough, though, there is much research to suggest that along the course from unawake to awake, most individuals actually follow the stages of what some call “the Hero’s Journey.” 

Stage 1

In the first 3 acts of the hero’s journey, you are unawake. This is the most common of all states of consciousness, and the level that all human beings must begin. 

Stage 2

The second is when most people find themselves lost in the thick of the awakening. This is when the awakening feels dangerous and confusing, and as if the universe is testing you. Have no fear! It’s all part of the process. 

Stage 3

Meditating Kundalini

In the final 3 acts of The Hero’s Journey, you begin to come to a place of love, peace and balance at this level of spiritual awakening. The hero’s journey always ends with a reunion, and on the kundalini awakening journey, this reunion is with your own soul or “Higher Self” 

The Final Stage

God/Creation is love, and our life’s purpose is to experience that love, but because we are a piece of God, to experience love is to experience ourselves. It’s to experience our own life and our own existence, so the end of the kundalini awakening journey is when we get to a point where we are choosing to experience ourselves in our existence all the time.

Kundalini Awakening Blossom and OpeningFor some of us, this can happen overnight. One day we’re unconscious, and the next day we choose to be present and experiencing our own love and our own soul in every single moment. For most, there is an up and down that occurs, where we start to awaken for brief moments and then increase the duration of time that those moments last more and more until we reach a place where the awakening has stabilized and we are awake all the time.

This actually mirrors the point and purpose of the kundalini yoga practice, which is to teach you how to hold a posture, or a specific auric vibration for longer and longer periods of time. This is why Kundalini yoga is based on repetition, “Jaap.” In kundalini yoga we practice “Jaap Sahib” which (in some translations) can mean “Repeat Grace,” and we practice kriyas (kriya means “change”) for longer and longer periods of time, every day to change our vibrational state and hold it there. This spiritual practice is to give us strength for the modern era, the Aquarian Age, by allowing us to harmonize with the higher vibrations the earth is achieving, and also elevate those around us to that same vibration.  

Read more: What Happens When You Open Your Third Eye (Benefits and Dangers)

Kundalini Awakening Benefits

The benefits from a Kundalini Awakening are literally endless!

1. Physical Benefits

  • Increased patience, and a feeling that you have as much time as you need in every moment.
  • Increase in your own personal creativity, courage, and character that will lead you to overcome any obstacle in your life with grace and ease.
  • Increased mental clarity.
  • More energy to be of service to others, and a willingness to help others.

2. Emotional Benefits

  • Increased feelings of love for yourself, others, and all of existence.
  • Increased feelings of joy and bliss in every moment.
  • A feeling of wholeness, completion, and success in your life.
  • An ability to just BE and to not need anything physical outside of yourself to make you feel complete (release of addictions, old habits, and toxic/karmic/unhealthy patterns)

3. Intuitive Benefits

  • Kundalini Awakening Hands in LightGreater abundance and prosperity.
  • When a challenge comes, you will not be afraid or feel lonely, you will know how to face it.
  • Heightened senses allow for an increase of pleasure in everything that you do.
  • A feeling that you are connected to others.
  • A deep and clear knowledge of who you are, what your purpose is, where you’re going in life, and what it means to be you. 
  • An ability to see your own inherent goodness, and the goodness in others.

What are some Common Kundalini Awakening Symptom Side Effects?

The side effects of kundalini awakening really are the actual effects. For every energetic change, there is a following physical manifestation of it. 

Your relationship with yourself is also your relationship with everything, so when your kundalini energy awakens, your senses heighten and you begin to experience your own existence more. In turn, you will begin to experience all of existence even more. The way in which you experience your own existence will be reflected in every area of your life – these are the synchronicities you will begin to see everywhere. 

If being in your own body is displeasing or uncomfortable, that will be reflected in the rest of your life, but as the kundalini awakening energy heals the body and heals the emotional blockages from past trauma which manifest in health problems, it will feel better and better to be in your own skin. You will actually begin to LOVE being you, and that inner sweetness will be reflected in how you interact with the rest of the world – the world will be sweet to you!

Read more: The Event, DNA Upgrade & Crystalline Body

1. Karmic Cycles End.

You might have one last go around with a certain habit, addiction, or karmic cycle, and then you set down the toxic behavior for good.

2. Greater creative abilities.

A general drive to create- increase in prosperity and abundance in life

3. A greater desire to just BE.

You will find a feeling and understanding of how time is illusory, and an ability to make time instead of being burdened by it.

4. You start to lose things that no longer serve you.

Anything that is out of alignment with your highest good falls away. This can be jobs, relationships, activities you take part in etc. Anything this is no longer serving you. This also includes people. Everything and everyone around you is transparent, there is no way for you or others to hide from each other, and the intentions of others become very clear; you will be unable to be manipulated anymore, and unable to manipulate others.

5. Body Detox

Some people do experience symptoms of the body detoxifying which can appear as illness symptoms but it is really just pain, toxins, and trapped emotions leaving the body so the cells can regenerate


Meditating on the Beach Kundalini AwakeningWhile there will surely be ups and downs, highs and lows along the path to higher consciousness, a pure and joyous feeling of love are the end result of any kundalini awakening. These moments where you feel the pain of grieving one’s past trauma/trapped emotions during a kundalini awakening should be honored, praised, accepted, and thanked as part of the journey. The end result is feeling into the fact that love is the sacred aspect of beingness, it is the quality of God, Creation and all that is, it is the feeling of living in your own heart in your most natural state, it is the color of the universe (if you will), and when you really begin to feel that all the time, that is the feeling of being both awakened and balanced in your kundalini energy.

Kundalini Awakening FAQs

What does awakening Kundalini feel like?

If I were to characterize kundalini awakening into a single feeling, that feeling would be love. Not the kind of love that feels like fear, the kind of love that makes you feel complete and whole again. The kind of love that allows you to surrender with full trust, security, safety, and freedom. The kind of love that you can feel in your heart or in the location on your physical body that feels like home to you. The kind of love that makes you love your enemies and see yourself within them. The kind of love that allows you to release all of your negative emotions because there is no place to harbor them anymore.

How long does a Kundalini awakening take?

On the energetic plane, kundalini awakening can take an instant. On the physical plane, which moves a bit slower, the effects can be noticed in an instant but the cycle of going through the hero’s journey can take years. It’s not a race to get to the end, and there is no hurry as time is in abundance. The paradox is, the more patient you are with your kundalini awakening journey, the faster it will complete, and the easier it will go. But the end of the journey is not superior to the beginning. Every moment in the journey is a part of the beautiful fabric of existence, and the human soul actually finds the entire journey (the highs and the lows) very satisfying, not just the end where you start to feel really good. The soul is a bit more enthusiastic about feeling pain than the conscious mind is. Oftentimes the conscious mind tries to block some of the experience because it very well may be painful, but the more you allow yourself to feel every single aspect of the experience, and really BE here in it, the easier things will go. The quicker your life will improve. And you will feel a greater sense of love as you cease to hinder existence as it is. Because love is the quality of all of existence, if you restrain yourself from existing, you won’t really be able to feel the love that is ever-present. And that is what the kundalini awakening is all about, is to BE in existence as God has created it, no matter what that existence is. It’s about experiencing the horror so much that you begin to see the beauty in your own struggles and in everyone else’s.

Is Kundalini awakening permanent?

Every individual chooses in every moment if they want to live consciously or unconsciously, however, in this era where we are meeting the end of a ~25K year cycle in existence, most are going to choose to live permanently awakened in their kundalini energy. All of existence is reaching a certain vibration, so you can go with the current or let the current pull you, but where you land up is the same. There will always be the free will to choose not to awaken, and those who choose not to awaken and live in the confines of fear, pain, and suffering, should be honored and thanked, for they prove that free will does exist.

Devin HeadshotWritten by
Devin Roberts
Devin Roberts is a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Practitioner and a Spiritual Life Coach with a passion for teaching kundalini yoga.
Contact her at www.angelQHHT.com 


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  1. Hi Devin,
    I was wondering with the Kundalini Awakening symptoms could you actually feel the energy moving through your body. It is something recent I have been experiencing and it started when I was doing my QiGong sitting meditation. I feel the energy moving my body in all directions. Circular , rocking, movements etc. I am just curious if this could be it as I’m trying to get clearer answers from my higher self.

    Thank you,
    Stacy 🙂

  2. Hi Stacey! What an excellent question! Yes, for some of us the energy can absolutely be physically felt. I am glad to hear that you are doing QiGong as it is a very powerful practice to get the kundalini energy moving through the body – kundalini yoga is one of many ways to get the energy moving through you, but it is definitely not the only method! I have heard that QiGong is also a very effective and very healing ancient practice. 🙂 Let me know if you have any other questions for me!

  3. Dear Devin,
    Thank you so much for sharing this information! I have been feeling at home within for some time now and it is hard for me to describe it in words to others. You have expressed it so gracefully! Also, thank you for the video, I am excited to listen to it and follow your instructions, it has been some time that I was searching for proper instructions about how to safely develop and awaken these abilities, yet also cautious about the source of such instructions.
    Given your background training I feel nothing but confidence, gratitude and reassurance in your video. As they say:”When the student is ready, the Master presents itself.”
    Thank you from my heart! God bless you Devin!