Alien Abductions: What are They and What Do They Really Mean?
Do you ever get the feeling that you were very active at night when you were meant to be sleeping soundly in your bed? Well, the fact of the matter is that this is actually quite a common phenomenon. People have been reporting their experiences with alien abductions for hundreds of years, and probably longer than that. But, what does being abducted by aliens mean in reality? This is our topic for the day, and we would like to clear up some of the confusion we have developed around it as a result of fear.
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What Do Alien Abductions Really Mean?
If you were to define the word abduction, you would find that it means to be kidnapped, or stolen. According to the Collins Dictionary, the direct definition of the word, abduction, is;
“The act of taking someone away by force or cunning; kidnapping”
This would then imply that being abducted by aliens is being physically taken against your will, to a place where who-knows-what might happen to you. This use of the word abduction, when it comes to our alien visitors, is based on feelings of fear, not understanding what is really going on. If you think about the species of extraterrestrials that are known as the Grays, you might recognize how they have been mentioned in folklore and many stories even in these modern days. This is because we humans, do remember somewhere deep down, that this life is all a part of an experiment, in which we are all participating.
The experiment is based on upgrading our human frequencies, our DNA, and our vibration. We all agreed to be a part of this experiment, but one of the prerequisites for participating is that you will not remember, or realize that you are participating. Not only that, but you will also “forget” any previous arrangement according to your life path, so everything will come as a surprise, even though it was preordained by yourself and your guides.
If you have had an abduction experience, just understand that they are merely examining your physical body, sampling your DNA, and testing out your vibration and frequency. After all, where would science experiments be if we did no data collection?
The Grays are Upgrading Too!
In earlier days, when the Grays started making themselves more known to humankind, or when abductions started happening more regularly, their species did not quite understand the depth of our human sensitivities or the need for empathy as a result. This means they made quite the terrifying first impression on us unsuspecting humans. But, since then things have improved, and there is a better connection between the Grays and human beings, resulting in fewer stories of shocking experiences of abduction. This is because the Grays are also evolving, or upgrading. Humans play a role in his development by being a part of the experiment, and this connection between the species will only get stronger the more we start to remember that we agreed to participate all along. The reason we do not remember is that it would influence the result because we would inevitably change the way things happen within our lives. Knowing would just make the whole ordeal null void.
We Come In Peace
The Grays are not here to study humans so that they can invade planet earth and achieve world domination. They are here to study us for the betterment and upgrading of our DNA. By remembering that you are a part of the experiment and that you willingly agreed to it, you can strengthen the connection between the two species, and by doing that these abductions can become more like co-creations, or collaborations, that are part of creating a better human species. There is no need to fear this concept of a better human species, it merely means a better version of yourself inclusive of all adversities and attributes – it is about expanding.
What Happens in an Abduction?
Well, we have intel from people who have experienced an abduction where they were fearful the entire time. But, what we are noticing in our QHHT sessions is that these messages come through telling us there never was intended for us to be fearful, but rather accepting of it being a normal human experience. In the book called, The Custodian, by Delores Cannon, who is Julia’s mother, they refer to the experiment as a program. The book states that these visitations and experiments happen because we are a part of them, so they are our family. This means the visitations are like our family checking in on you, to see how you are doing.
The results of the experiments are to see how our physical bodies are adapting to our environments, and how the different chemicals that are mass-produced and polluted on earth are affecting our health. Ultimately, they are taking care of us, they have no intention to hurt us, but rather make sure we survive. These abductions have a tendency to visit from a young age, which is fitting as they are trying to study our physicalities and how to grow and develop.
You are Not Alone
If you were to go search on the internet for alien abductions, you would find a plethora of encounters that people from all around the world have experienced. A lot of them are quite frightening stories, particularly the older ones, from the time when the ETs had less empathy and revealed themselves in frightening ways. These stories are beautiful in that they can help you understand that the ET’s are nothing to be fearful of and that this happens more often than you might realize. We are part of an experiment that is for the benefit of humankind in general.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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