QHHT Official Blog

8 min read

Numerology Soul Urge Number 4 Meaning, Compatibility & More

Your destiny and life path numbers reveal your true nature or the path you were born to walk in this life’s journey. Your soul urge number reveals your inner desires and motivations in life. Today we are focusing on the numerology soul...

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December 18th, 2023

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Enneagram Test
Self Discovery

Enneagram Test: What Is Your Personality Type? (Free Quiz!)

The enneagram psychometrics is the latest craze for understanding our personalities. No one likes to be put into a box, but, it can be helpful to understand your core values and deep-rooted reactions to improve your state of mind and living. If you are a business owner wishing to understand your employees…Read More»

What is Your Sleep Chronotype
Self Discovery

Sleep Chronotype Quiz: What Is Your Chronotype? (FREE Test)

It is not surprising that there has been a recent increase in spiritual energy healing. One of the most popular methods is aligning and clearing away blockages from our 7 chakras.  One of the seven is your third eye chakra which is responsible…Read More»

How to Cleanse Crystals
Self Discovery

How to Cleanse Crystals (& Charge Program & Activate Them!)

We all have those favorite crystals which we cherish. Some sit on our windowsills, protecting our homes or they are worn as pendants around our necks, determined never to be taken off. Over time and exposure to different energies, we need to resort to our rituals…Read More»

Social Media & Depression

Social Media & Depression Link: Studies, Statistics & Causes

If you are of a certain age, you will remember your childhoods filled with hours in swimming pools, making mud pies for the fairies at the end of the garden, or getting the kid next door to climb over the wall for an afternoon of fun. Even as teenagers, our…Read More»


What Does It Mean to Be Mentally Healthy?

Our mental health encompasses our view of the world, in terms of our thought patterns and how we act out on them. It is inclusive of our social efficacy, psychological stability, and our emotional well-being. Our ability to understand or empathize with other people is reliant on…Read More»