QHHT Official Blog

8 min read

Numerology Soul Urge Number 4 Meaning, Compatibility & More

Your destiny and life path numbers reveal your true nature or the path you were born to walk in this life’s journey. Your soul urge number reveals your inner desires and motivations in life. Today we are focusing on the numerology soul...

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December 18th, 2023

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Why is it hard to find love Featured Image
Self Discovery

Why Is It So Hard To Find Love? (& Ever so Easy for Some)

So why is it so hard to find love, and keep it? Many people are under the misconception that finding their love should happen as they do in fairy-tales script: the hero saves the princess, they get married and ride off into the sunset…Read More»

DNA Activation What is it?

What is DNA Activation? (Benefits, Symptoms & Techniques)

Inside every cell within our bodies is DNA. We know our DNA to be life’s blueprint. What many people don’t know is that we all possess 10 etheric strands of DNA which are lying untapped and unused, these strands can be activated with DNA activation. This is 97% of our DNA…Read More»

Health Benefits of Laughter Couple Laughing

Health Benefits of Laughter: Is it Really Good for You?

Laughter is contagious and you’ll feel happier and relaxed almost immediately after a good laugh, and the more often you laugh, the greater the positive impact on your general well-being. Not only does it connect people in fun and meaningful ways, it also creates stronger…Read More»

Symptoms of a Kundalini Awakening
Self Discovery

Kundalini Awakening Symptoms: Signs & Benefits

“Kundal” in the word “Kundalini” means “the curl of the hair of the beloved,” according to Yogi Bhajan. In other words, Kundalini is the coiled-up cosmic energy of God, Creation, or the Universe. You are also…Read More»

Signs We Have Reincarnated Blog by Lori Lines
Past Life Regression

Signs We Have Reincarnated Many Times

Reincarnation is akin to a new semester after a well-deserved vacation in the spirit world. A soul’s journey does not end with death.  Death is just a stop-over…a vacation for reflection and letting go of the dense physical body rooted in 3D reality. It is…Read More»

What is Shamanism Featured Image

What is Shamanism

When most people hear the word shamanism, they probably think of a tribal person, dancing around a fire at night, involved in some sort of a ritual, with accompanying drum beats and singing. And that summary wouldn’t…Read More»

Third Eye Open Featured Image
Self Discovery

What Happens When You Open Your Third Eye? Benefits & DANGERS

Have you heard about your third eye? It’s one of many nicknames for the Human Pineal Gland. The pineal gland is a small, pea-sized gland that is shaped slightly like a pine cone and is located toward the center of our brain. It is known as the third eye because…Read More»

Featured Image Akashic Records Reading
Self Discovery

Akashic Records Reading: What They Are (& How to Access)

Few people you meet will have heard of the Akashic records, even though everyone that has ever lived on Earth has their own record on there. The Akashic records are not exactly physical records, even though they do record the physical. That’s because they exist…Read More»

Designer of our Reality Simulations Header Image with boy in the forest opening a portal
QHHT Session

A Designer of our Reality Simulations

One of the many, many things I love about giving QHHT sessions is coming up with the best possible questions I can to help the client uncover the deepest and most profound information about them self. Truly the exploration of the human mind is the most fascinating…Read More»