QHHT Official Blog

8 min read

Numerology Soul Urge Number 4 Meaning, Compatibility & More

Your destiny and life path numbers reveal your true nature or the path you were born to walk in this life’s journey. Your soul urge number reveals your inner desires and motivations in life. Today we are focusing on the numerology soul...

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December 18th, 2023

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A baby's feet in a blanket with the title "Three Hours in the Birth Canal"
Past Life Regression

Three Hours in The Birth Canal

This session makes me wonder whether it is good to remember past lives or better to forget and have a clean slate to try again. Mom had gone through 33 hours of labor.  The last three hours, the baby stayed in the birth canal, simply refused to come out.  So finally, doctors had to use epidural and forceps to take him out…Read More»

Roots of a tree in front of a waterfall with a title over top.
Past Life Regression

Love to Fulfill

She is tall, beautiful and her long brown hair is flowing with the wind, so lovely… We laugh, and laugh. I feel like I am in the pool of happiness. I am 18 and have soldier crew-cut and am about to leave for the army. This is our last evening together. We go for a walk near a ferry, eating street foods…Read More»

Past Life Regression

The Divine Purpose Behind Everything

Embarking on a healing journey with the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique can lead to a powerful quantum shift that leads to healing transformation.During hypnosis, a participant can unite with their higher consciousness, revisit past lives, and venture anywhere…Read More»

Past Life Regression

So Many Changes, Who’s in Control?

So many changes are coming into our reality lately. Energy waves that are leveling us up, and bringing us into new frequencies. A world that doesn’t look like the one we knew two or three months ago. What do we make of all of this? Read More»


Can Grief Make You Sick?

Everyone feels depressed from time to time. Sometimes it can be for no apparent reason, while other times it can be caused by something as profound as the loss of a loved one. Occasionally those sad feelings can last for days or even weeks. Clinical…Read More»

Healing Childhood Trauma Featured Image of Kid

Healing Childhood Trauma in Adults (Symptoms & Treatment)

If you were one of the millions of people who unfortunately witnessed sexual abuse, or experienced traumatic events as a child, or if your family members or loved ones emotionally or physically neglected you, then it’s pretty common to still show signs of those traumatic events in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder…Read More»

Can the Body Heal Showing Hand and Sun Featured Image

Can the Body Heal Itself?

Did you know your physical body can heal itself on its own? Your own body’s ability to heal itself will certainly surprise you! Everyone that has ever learned about the Placebo effect, knows that the human body has the incredible capacity to heal itself. Under most circumstances…Read More»

Past Life Regression

Memorable Sessions: A Glimpse At The Life Of Light Bodies

After visiting a past life, my client (Connie) finds herself in a light body drifting and floating to a beautiful, park-like setting place, with harmonious music in the air. White shimmering buildings were all around, shaped as temples…Read More»

Past Life Regression

Timelines and Parallel Lives

Although this session was done several years ago it has never been forgotten, I can recall it like it was yesterday.  By their nature every