QHHT Official Blog

8 min read

Numerology Soul Urge Number 4 Meaning, Compatibility & More

Your destiny and life path numbers reveal your true nature or the path you were born to walk in this life’s journey. Your soul urge number reveals your inner desires and motivations in life. Today we are focusing on the numerology soul...

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December 18th, 2023

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What is a Soul Family
Self Discovery

What is a Soul Family?

As human beings, much of our lives revolve around being connected with other people. We strive to form relationships with the people we know, like our family and friends. But, at the same time, meeting new people can be one of the most inspiring things. We can learn so much from our connections, and so much…Read More»

Breaking Soul Contracts and Getting Off the Karmic Wheel
Self Discovery

Dolores Cannon: Breaking Soul Contracts and Getting Off The Karmic Wheel

The New Earth has been made into a phenomenon by our minimal understanding of it. The idea of switching into a new world appears so tantalizing to so many of us but seems nearly impossible. So much of what we teach with QHHT is based on the 5D reality, and how we are already there. It just takes a matter of…Read More»

What is Karma
Self Discovery

What is Karma and How to Release Karma

Karma has been a topic of discussion for quite some time now. Even though it is not a new concept, it is something that new-agers have lapped up in the quest for furthering their spirituality and raising their vibration. But, what exactly is karma? And how do we create it? There are many misconceptions that…Read More»

How Animal Spirits Become Humans
Self Discovery

How Animal Spirits Become Humans

When it comes to QHHT, most of us are aware that this involves hypnosis and getting in touch with our past lives. But, Dolores Cannon is not simply a past life regression therapist. She is so much more than that! By visiting a QHHT practitioner, you are entering into the teaching of Dolores, even though she has passed…Read More»

Stop Letting Fear Control You
Self Discovery

Stop Letting Fear Control You

Dolores Cannon was a woman of much wisdom. During her life, she was blessed to have discovered the art of QHHT, or Quantum Healing and Hypnosis. Through this discovery, she learned so much about the nature of our universe. She made contact with E.Ts, as well as the higher beings that have been guiding…Read More»

Discovering Our Past Lives
Self Discovery

Dolores Cannon: Discovering Our Past Lives With QHHT

Picture this: You’re sitting in a field of grass and the sunlight is shining beautifully. There is a slight breeze tickling your face as it goes by and the birds are singing in their nests nearby. You look around, and you notice some sunflowers growing in…Read More»

Dealing with Narcissism
Self Discovery

Dealing With Narcissism

One of the major topics of the modern day is how to deal with narcissists. It might be one of the most searched questions on Google’s search engine. Isn’t it curious how we all of a sudden have this issue? When the past didn’t seem to. Literature did not speak of…Read More»

Where Do We Go When We Die
Self Discovery

Dolores Cannon: Where Do We Go When We Die?

You might be familiar with QHHT, or you might have stumbled across this page by accident. If the latter is the case, then trust us when we say that there are no accidents and you are meant to have found this page because there are lessons waiting for you at the end…Read More»

List of Spiritual Disciplines

List of Spiritual Disciplines: 15 Spiritual Practice Examples

Your spiritual practice is not all crystals and moonlight. There are so many facets to our spirituality than what many people realize. Spiritual disciplines are can help us develop greater awareness of our inner selves and our place in the world. They can help us overcome negative patterns and habits, and…Read More»