QHHT Official Blog

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Numerology Soul Urge Number 4 Meaning, Compatibility & More

Your destiny and life path numbers reveal your true nature or the path you were born to walk in this life’s journey. Your soul urge number reveals your inner desires and motivations in life. Today we are focusing on the numerology soul...

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December 18th, 2023

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What is My Shadow Self
Self Discovery

What is My Shadow Self Quiz: Shadow Self Type Test & Meaning

The shadow self is a concept that has grown in interest. With mental health and mental illness being at the forefront of many people’s realities, doing the necessary inner self-work, and soul work is direly important and extremely beneficial. Our “what is my shadow self quiz” will help identify your shadow…Read More»

Optimizing Mental Health
Self Discovery

Optimizing Mental Health

The question of mental health has never been so spoken about than it is in this present day. We are so fortunate to be living in this information era, where we can learn so much about ourselves with the click of a button. We are creatures of habit, and this tends to get us stuck in routines that may or may not be…Read More»

Bad Luck Symbols
Self Discovery

Bad Luck Symbols, Unlucky Signs, Omens & Superstitions List

Bad luck omens have been a part of many cultures for centuries. These omens are believed to bring misfortune or danger to those who encounter them and are often seen as a warning to take caution or to prepare for the worst. Many people believe that by avoiding these omens or taking certain precautions, they can…Read More»

Calling Upon Courage
Self Discovery

Calling Upon Courage

It is not uncommon for life to throw curveballs at you, forcing you to divert from your chosen path. However, this is not a bad thing. It’s the best move forward, even if you feel like you are going backward. When change is approaching, fear is not far behind. Understand that you are never alone in this, but that does not…Read More»

20 Best Crystals for Meditation
Self Discovery

20 Best Crystals for Meditation & Stones for Meditation

Meditation is a practice that involves mindfulness. One common way to enhance meditation is to use crystals. Crystals are natural minerals that are known for their physical and spiritual properties that can help to declutter, recharge, balance, and align the mind, body, and spirit. Meditation stones and crystals can…Read More»

Irish Druid Connection
Self Discovery

Jesus – The Irish Druidic Connection

The basis of Christianity is the Hebrew Bible yet the bulk of Jesus’s life from the age of ten to thirty, is missing from the Bible. In her book ‘Jesus and the Essenes’ Dolores Cannon accounts for much of this missing section of his life. We learn that the Essenes were possibly descendants…Read More»

Who is My Life Partner
Self Discovery

Who is My Life Partner by Date of Birth Quiz

“Who is my life partner?” This is a question that crosses each of our minds at some point in our lives. Whether we are young and naïve, or old and wise, love finds us at different points in our journeys, depending on our experiences. Today we are going to find out who would make the ideal partner to spend a…Read More»

Psychic Abilities and 11:11
Self Discovery

11:11 and Psychic Abilities

Recently we celebrated the annual 11th day of the 11th month. 11/11 is an auspicious time for those who have tapped into their spirituality. It is the time where synchronicity amazes us all, even those who do not realize it. We felt it a prudent time to talk about psychic abilities. We all have one of those friends who…Read More»

What are past lives?
Self Discovery

What are “Past Lives” and What Can We Learn From Them?

As you know, the concept of past lives is highly correlated to Dolores Cannon, QHHT, and simply realizing that there is more to life than this singular ego construct we are living with. Even after her death, we continue to learn from Dolores’s teachings, and we continue to learn about the deeper facets of…Read More»

Smudging Sage
Self Discovery

Smudging Sage: 10 Benefits of Burning Sage for Cleansing

Smudging is one of the most commonly practiced activities in many indigenous cultures across the globe. There are many different spiritual and physical benefits one can appreciate from this miracle plant, but how exactly does one use it? This is precisely what we are going to…Read More»