Jane Ishii QHHT Level 3 Practitioner
Japan & Australia
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique by Dolores Cannon
For my curiosity on dimensions, the Higher Self (HS) of one client lovingly and patiently answered my questions. These are the conversations that took place on that day.
Soo: What is dimension?
HS: Space and time are too constricted on the Earth dimension. There is a limit. Where there is no space, there is no time and no limit. What is happening now here is layered in different places and different times.
Soo: Please explain.
HS: So, mirrors are the best visual we can give you. Imagine these mirrors lined up one after the other like a domino. You are standing in front of one mirror, you can see through into all of the other mirrors. That is the dimension we see. There are layers of fabric created by the Source, so that it is less overwhelming.
HS: Everything is created in sacred geometry. They are created as triangles and circles. This is how we understand language, mathematics, and dimensions. Everything is created as simple as triangles and circles. That is the way dimension works. It is no coincidence that circles are continually moving. For example, marbles are round circles which are continually moving. That is dimension continually moving in circles. Each are created in circles and triangles.
Soo: Please give me some concrete example so that this human brain can grasp the concept.
HS: Our good friend Einstein, who is now a guide had once tried to teach this way. If you take a piece of paper, fold it many times, and poke a hole through it. That is the time in how many layers in it.
HS: When you unfold it, there are already holes in every layer of it. Both sides felt the effects of being poked, although holes seem to be in at different places, they happened together at the same time, and you see it in different points. That is what dimensions are.
Soo: So all dimensions are created all at once, but we see it all separate.
HS: That’s right.
Soo: So then what do they contain in dimensions?
HS: All different dimension has particular sounds and colors. Each dimension has each beauty, vibration, language, and tone. That is what reality is if you want to call it that way. If vibration changes, so the color changes.
HS: If you have a glass of water, you see it as one color, and you squeeze lemon in it, color changes. Vibration of lemon changes the color of the water. As dimension changes, so the color changes. Wave of vibration is constantly changing.
HS: Humans for example, they are in the third dimension where they know they exist and know what to do with that existence.
Soo: So what are the colors of the Earth you see?
HS: Grey. When the Source is sending wave of colors of white and gold, the Source tries to lift that grey out and replace it with gold and white. That is cleansing. What color changes into is what the Source decides.
Soo: Please give me some more examples of dimension.
HS: For example, rocks or stones. They are in the second dimension where they feel to be dense, a state of being to just experience and observe. So many molecules are vibrating against, so they are dense. That is not suffocation. It is just the state of being. They know they exist. They have consciousness.
HS: There are countless dimensions, unlimited.
Soo: How to access other dimensions?
HS: Fastest to access all dimensions is having no vessel, only in spirit. You can access via astral travel, or in dreamtime. Accessible only when spirit shed any shape of vessel. Everything is like water that you can go through, and it is breaking the mind, breaking the matrix that has been created by the darkness. Understand that you can jump from one to another dimension, and able to access all dimensions.
Soo: When people want to access other dimensions spiritually or astrally, what is the prerequisite condition of the vessel?
HS: The vessel’s chakras must be aligned. The Source created chakras, so it can open up to the other dimensions. Like mirrors explained before, all chakras must be aligned. For mathematical reason to the universe to create harmony in the physical body. When not aligned, you cannot walk through. If one mirror is this way, the other that way, you cannot walk through.
Soo: Chakra colors, are they related with dimensional colors?
HS: No, they are not related with the dimensions.
Soo: There are so many dimensions, you said. Could you give me one concrete example of effect of one dimension to another to solidify my understanding?
HS: For example of purple dimension. Everything is purple, sky is purple, dark purple cloud, breath the air and it is so light. Nobody is there. Looking down, the ground is purple. There are gate keepers sitting in a circle almost like a camp fire and they are of each dimension in globe of energy. I see them in energy of purple, blue, white, gold, silver, and yellow. Council of dimension meets in purple energy. It is like when crown chakra opens completely, that is the base of dimensional chakras where dimensional keepers are on this dimension and they have keys of each dimension to open up each dimension.
HS: Imagine surgeon opens up your friend’s brain and her brain is giving off this purple energy. Inside that purple light is being reflected into those marbles, all these gate keepers sitting in a circle, those marbles are feeding off of that energy.
HS: They take that energy of that light and they project that light into each dimension, their own light is like a mirror, so that their light goes through them and reflects them into their dimension.
HS: When that light is reflected into each dimension, that light is also sent back to the Source through the cosmos into the universe and to other universes. The Source is being fed with that purple dimension with these energies. The Source gets report. It gets fed by the energy we send and reporting. That is why it is so important this dimensional council sends energy to galactic council, to all universes, and all send to the Source.
HS: So, the Source gets information, the Source sends us all out so that we can get information so when the Source feeds, the Source gets expanded and light expands. And more light is giving off, more energy.
HS: That is why the shift is happening. Because the Source is giving off more energy, all councils are all getting together and witnessing the shift. It is almost like a door is being opened, allow the light to come through, when the light comes through, there is no more darkness. The energy is so much, that is why the shift is happening. The Earth has no choice, but to expand into shift.
Soo: Thank you, it is very neat system. Then, is that the purpose of having dimensions?
HS: Going back to the Source is being part of everything, no more learning, no more questioning, no more doubting, no more of anything. And no more reporting back. You know that you exist and all existing, everything is one. It is vibration that you know all, it is an experience. When you look at something, you don’t feel any difference than you. You know that it is you.
Soo: So at the moment of shifting on the Earth, what is the short-term goal? I know you explained the long-term goal which is to go back to the Source.
HS: People have doubt, they don’t believe. But this expansion is opening up their hearts, minds, souls and third eyes. We are always walking in heaven. It helps people being in love. Then we no longer get angry, unhappy, since they understand .
HS: Our lungs are being expanded in love. The shift causes people to live in heaven here and now, instead of them believing they can go to heaven only after they die. We breathe love, and this pushes any darkness that we create, and it gets completely evaporated and gone.
HS: By realizing who you are and why you are here, in regular day, being a regular worker as secretary, doctor, mother, or sitting at home trying to figure out what to do, by them giving off positive energy, they realize they live in happiness.
HS: By opening crown chakra, they realize their life purpose, which is love.
Thank you, the Higher Self!
(The Dimensions painting credit to artist Nebulardee)
Soonja (Soo) Kim
QHHT Level 2 Practitioner
Toronto, Canada
I had a young client come see me recently. She was 19 yrs old, and struggling with how she fits into this world. Moving into a new stage of life and wondering what her future looks like, she wanted a QHHT session to find her answers. So the journey began.
I took the client into the regression, and when she entered her lifetime, she started right in before I could even ask her any questions.
Client- I see my feet, but they are not human feet. They have 6 toes, and my legs are very skinny and long. Hummm this isn’t human.
Tracie- Isn’t human? What else do you notice about who you are?
C- I have a body, long arms and the fingers are the same, like the feet, 6 fingers on each hand. My head is shaped kind of like an egg shape, with almond eyes, no lips on the mouth and I am not sure if I have a nose. My skin is a greenish blue/grey color and I have lots of hair on my head. I am a female. I have Purple hair, and the males have blue hair.
T- So you have a body, purple hair and an Egg shaped head, but no lips on your mouth?
C- Yes, no lips on the mouth. I don’t need them, I don’t eat. I only drink water. In fact I am thirsty and I am by the water so I am going to get a drink from the river.
T- You are taking a drink now?
C- Yes, I drink lots of water. The water doesn’t look the same as it does on Earth. It is more of a frosty white color. Or like icy looking.
T- Wow, the water sounds beautiful, but you don’t eat?
C- No, I don’t eat. There are no animals here. Just plants. The plants are different here, this is not Earth. The plants are illuminating or like glowing. Bright, kind of like neon. They are everywhere, and they are beautiful.
T- This is not Earth? Do you know where you are?
C- I am not even in the same Galaxy as Earth.
T- Not even in the same Galaxy as Earth, so where are you?
C- I don’t know the name of my planet right now, but it is beautiful.
T- That is ok if you don’t remember, this place sounds amazing. So you said you don’t eat, if you don’t eat what do you do?
C- I get what I need from the light.
T- From the light?
C- Yes, like the sun. I get my energy from the light. So do the plants, and when the light goes away the plants quit glowing and I go to sleep.
T- So when the light goes away you go to sleep? Tell me more about that.
C- Yes, when the light goes away I don’t have energy anymore, it forces me to rest or sleep. The plants also don’t look as bright. They lose their glow. Not as pretty as before.
T- So when you sleep, where do you do that?
C- We have huts, we built huts and sleep in them. They are our homes.
T- So the huts are your home, who do you mean when you say “we”?
C- I live in a village. There are several of us. I have my own hut. I built it myself.
T- So you built your own hut, tell me about that?
C- When I was about 17 I lost my people and my village to a disaster, I came here and this village welcomed me in. They were very welcoming and kind. I felt safe again. They let me build a hut and this is where I live now.
T- So you were 17 when you came to this village, has that been a while?
C- I am 27 now.
T- What else can you tell me about the village?
C- Everyone works together to keep up the village. Some have families. I do not have a family yet. …We are happy. The language is beautiful. It makes me feel calm.
T- Can you tell me more about the language?
C- The language is not something I can mimic in this body. It is beautiful though.
T- Do you understand the language when you hear it?
C- Yes. I can understand it. It is very loving. Everyone here is kind. I am happy here.
T- Is there anything else about the village?
C- No, not at this time.
At this point we closed that scene and moved forward. She saw extreme weather moving in that destroyed her village, and the whole village had to move to a new place to live. The client continued on her journey through the events of that lifetime. She lived to be old and had children and grandchildren. There did seem to be technology on that planet, and they had vehicles much like little spaceships to get around in. She had moved into a city type area and ended up enjoying that lifestyle, and stayed there the remainder of her days.
When I asked the Superconscious why she saw this lifetime, she was told it was to show her why she feels she doesn’t fit in here, that she has had many lives in many different worlds. This was her first life on Earth and in this Earth reality. This is why she was having trouble feeling like she fit in. Also this life she viewed was to remind her to be more adventurous.
When I brought her out of the regression, the first thing she said was, “Wow, I feel so much more clarity now”. Even the look on her face was softer and more at peace. To move a wonderful young soul, trying to find her place in the world, into more clarity, well that is a great day.
I asked her after her session if she could draw what she was seeing in the lifetime she viewed. This is what she drew for me. She kept saying, the face isn’t very accurate, but it gives us an idea. She also drew her village and how it was surrounded by the beautiful plants and the river.
We are such interesting beings. Thank you for reading. Blessings, love and light.
Tracie Mahan, Level 2 QHHT Practitioner
Oregon (Portland Metro Area) USA
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy
815 N. Gaskill St.
Huntsville, AR 72740
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