Dolores explained that working in the higher dimensions makes it easier to gain the knowledge that she does. The same happens for anyone when they regress to a past life. It’s as if they are actually there, living as that person in another timeline. By going under hypnosis, Dolores is able to get the “conscious mind out of the way,” as she said. For her, it was a convenient way to research history. The access Dolores had to knowledge led people to create their own ideas. “Some people may call me a psychic or a channeler. But, I’m not. I’m a hypnotherapist and I consider myself a reporter, or an investigator. The researcher of lost knowledge, “ she once said.
Table of Contents
Healing with Hypnosis
Dolores is not a medium or a channeler by profession. She is a hypnotherapist who draws information from the subconscious. But, it is not the same subconscious that psychologists talk about. Dolores calls that the childish part of the mind. She called it the subconscious for lack of a better name. It is the part of us that is our higher self, or oversoul. This is the part of us that connects us to the higher realms and all our past lives. It is filled with pure love, and this is where the healing part of hypnosis comes from.
As her work became more widely known, people came from all over the world for a session with her. At one stage, she asked the higher beings she communicated with while she worked, “Who am I talking to?” They told her she could call them “the collective”. They are a group, different from our spirit guides, who offer a lot of knowledge on how the universe works. They shared with Dolores information on the New Earth, which is a higher-dimensional way of living. We, humans, are on our way there. But, we have needed a bit of guidance to get even where we are now. This is where the concept of the Three Waves comes in. In order to understand that, Dolores said one needs to understand the origins of humanity.
The origins of humanity
The universe is not like the wild west, where anything goes due to lawlessness. There are councils that regulate the ongoings. Within each council, there are the histories of each planet. A description of how life began. Dolores found out that when a planet gets to the point where it can support life, the council then decides what kind of life they will create there. When it came down to seeding planet earth, we can thank a group called the Archaic Ones, or the Ancient ones. Each planet is seeded the same way, so the Archaic ones began the same way. The Ancient ones seeded various forms of life here on earth, from plants to animals. Then, they realized thy needed an intelligent being. One with conscious thought.
They then chose the ape, as it was the most intelligent, and they had hands that would be used to create tools. A tremendous amount of work was done on the Ape’s genetic codes to eventually come to the human form we live in today. The higher beings told Dolores that scientists will never find the “missing link” because the ape’s evolution jumped in generations – thanks to a certain influence from the ancient ones.
The Culture Bringers
Every culture on the planet has stories about culture bringer. These are the beings that stepped in as soon as humanity had developed to a certain point of intelligence. Across the different cultures, these beings either come from the sky or from across the water. The Native American tribes had a woman who brought them corn, and other tribes had someone who brought them fire. They are not Gods, as many people initially thought. They are simply beings who are overseeing the development of humankind.
Where did things go wrong?
This planet was meant to be inhabited by a species that would never get sick, or grow old. But, something went wrong somewhere along the line. Humanity can thank a meteorite hitting the earth for all the diseases we experience today. This meteorite brought in a foreign bacteria that introduced sickness to humankind. At this point, the higher beings in charge of Earth were at a loss. They went back to the council to ask for advice on their next course of action involving earth.
The council decided that their efforts to get Earth going should not all be for nothing. Too much energy had gone into humanity so they decided to continue with the project of life on planet Earth. Even though the human species would be far from its intended perfection.
As we developed in consciousness, the higher beings bestowed gifts of inventions on us. Fire, agriculture, and much more. Their objective was to improve our species, so we can return to that perfect state we were always meant to have been.
The Three Waves
The only rule the higher beings have when it comes to us humans, is they are not allowed to interfere. By doing so, they are taking away our free will. Which would ruin the whole experiment. This is where some people get confused. Dolores asked the higher beings about the inventions they share with us, “isn’t that interference?”
They adamantly said, “no, those are gifts we give to humanity when the time is right. What they do with it is up to them.” But then, there were times when humans used the inventions they were given for personal gain even if it meant putting others in harm. This started lowering the vibration of our species, and of earth. When humans created the atomic bomb, we caught their attention. They realized that they needed to step in some way or another in order to protect us from ourselves. However, they had to maintain their “no interference” policy. So, they sent down volunteer souls who would live with us and lead us by living as an example of a high vibration. These volunteers came down in three waves throughout our timeline of existence. Thus, the concept of the three waves.
Stay tuned for our up-coming article where we take a deeper look at the Three Waves volunteers. We will discuss how and why they come to planet earth, and how they might adapt to living among us.
Watch Dolores Cannon: The Three Waves of Volunteers & The Origin of Humanity (Video)
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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