Remember that time you met someone new and everything just seemed to click. You might not have had a conversation filled with exclamations like; “Me too!” or “The same happens for me”. But, you simply just understand everything they say from past experiences to existential beliefs. This might very well have been a soul mate… or one of them at least. Didn’t know there was more than one type of soul mate? No matter, today’s article will discuss the different types of soulmates that you might bump into throughout your entire life.
Table of Contents
What is a soulmate connection?
A soul connection is a relationship between two people that runs much deeper on a soul level. They are not fleeting friendships (that may as well be called acquaintances). They are connections filled with unconditional love and understanding. You might feel inexplicably drawn towards these people with various soul types, and it is not the first time either. Generally, a soul connection is also a past-life soulmate. The previous lives you lived with these souls, in whatever form, allow these people to feel like home to you.
When you meet a soulmate, you might feel like they have been there your whole life, even if you just met them. Let us go through the twelve different types of soul connections to help you confirm whether or not you have met your soul mate – there might even be more than one of them.
How many types of soulmates are there?
Some people believe in the 7 soulmates theory, others the 3 soulmate theory, others still believe that we only get 4 soulmates in life, but we will be looking to cover a wider range which consists of 12 different kinds of soulmates.
What are the 12 different types of soulmates?
1. Karmic Soulmate
Karma is energy that you bring over from a past life. Before you dive straight into thinking it is a destructively negative kind of energy, it is more of the lessons that you have yet to learn. We create karma all the time with our interactions between people, whether it is good, bad, or as neutral as ever. This karma gathers is here to serve as lessons, so when a karma soulmate comes along, this karmic relationship’s purpose is to facilitate a change in the cycle with how you react to certain situations.
How to recognize “Karmic Soulmate” soulmate types
You might recognize a karmic soulmate by the intensity of how you feel for each other. There might be desire and lust (if it is romantic) or it might just feel like an intense longing to be near that person. You might find that no matter the efforts you put in, the two of you will bicker, and things more than often do not work out. The key point here is that this relationship will be the catalyst in your spiritual development and facilitator of those lessons that needed learning.
2. Friends or Companion Soulmate
Let’s just get one thing straight here, you do not have to be romantically involved with the person for them to be your soulmate. Your soulmate could be your best friend, which is no wonder why you are best friends in the first place – you just get each other in a way that others only scrape the surface of.
How to recognize “Companion” soulmate types
A companion soulmate is someone that you just trust – no questions asked. You might find that you have certain “spider senses” for when they are feeling a bit down in the dumps, or maybe they pop into your mind, and then the next thing they are phoning you to see if you want to hang out. This soulmate relationship feels like they are a part of your own family.
3. Romantic Soulmate
Everyone has heard of the terms soulmate, and for most people, they think of intensely romantic partners that just seem like they could never be apart. Regardless, even the most uplifting and positive romantic soulmate connection you are bound to feel some discomfort when past wounds are confronted.
How to recognize “Romantic” soulmate types
A romantic soulmate is someone you simply cannot get enough of. You will recognize whether or not your partner is your romantic soulmate by the way you are around each other. You will find a perfect sense of content
4. Twin Flames
Many people talk about meeting their twin flame, and often the term is used interchangeably with “soulmate”. This leads you to think they are the same thing, but a twin flame relationship is one of the different types of soul mate relationships that you might meet in your life. A twin flame might be a romantic relationship, but it will also facilitate your enlightenment
How to recognize “Twin Flame” soulmate types
When you meet your twin flame, there might come a strange yet uncanny feeling like you have just met yourself and you are looking in a mirror. You will feel like there s is an undeniable familiarity with this person, even if you have only just met for the first time. Even if you come from completely different backgrounds, you cannot help but notice a lot of similarities between you. Not only that, but the urge to improve for the betterment of yourself and the appreciation of others will be something you cannot ignore anymore.
5. Kindred Spirits
A kindred spirit is often described as being different from being a soul mate. These souls, though they do run on a soul level, they are not always soul mates. Some say that meeting a kindred spirit in the making of a soulmate in another life. They are the people who share the same beliefs and interests as you and support you in everything you share with the world.
How to recognize “Kindred Spirits” Soulmate types
You might recognize a kindred spirit relationship by assessing everything within your life and noticing the similarities that you two share. An example of a kindred spirit might be someone who grew up in a similar environment, like having musicians for parents. Your life path might then have similar events that happen at the same time (or thereabout) like losing a loved one or falling pregnant. It is through these similarities that you support each other.
6. Soul Crossings
Have you ever felt like you just met “the one”, the ultimate love of your life but circumstances made it impossible for you to be together? well, you are not alone on this one. A soul crossing could be a soulmate who passes through your life and they are unable to stick around because of the divine timing we live by. There is no denying the soul connection, no matter how fleeting the experience was.
How to recognize “Soul Crossings” soulmate types
A soul-crossing relationship can be recognized by the short amount of time you get to spend with that person. You might meet your best friend in a meeting with potential clients at work, and within six months (after all the adventures shared and lessons learned together) they have to immigrate overseas, or as we said, a lover you met on a beach holiday in the Mediterranean and had to leave behind to return to your reality.
7. Soul families and soul groups
When you are born on Earth, you are not simply blessed with a physical family, you also have a soul family. This is a group of souls that you tend to reincarnate within each life, and you exchange roles with each other to learn both sides of each lesson.
How to recognize “Soul families and Groups” soulmate types
You might recognize a member of your soul family as someone who seems like they should be a part of your actual blood-relative family members, but they are someone you just met. They might feel like home to you, and you will be able to see them as if they are your blood-related sibling.
8. Soul Ties
Sometimes our lives are just too busy to notice what is happening around us. The next thing you know, you meet someone who makes you stop in your tracks. You realize you have been waiting for them to come along and this happenstance inspires you to make space for them in your life.
How to recognize “Soul Ties” soulmate types
This new relationship is inspiring enough to make you feel like you can say yes to plans that do not involve work. This kind of relationship is recognizable by the strong feelings that they bring out within you. Not only that, but the timing in you met this person will be significant. It may be during a time when you are mourning the loss of a loved one, or possibly a time when you have not realized how busy you were that you had forgotten all about “you” time..
9. Past-Life Soulmate
Followers of QHHT will be all too familiar with the concept of a past-life soulmate. This type of relationship will have occurred within different contexts in previous lives but between the same two souls. the previous lives that you shared in different relationship types and varying contexts will adorn your soul connection with experience, unconditional love, and understanding.
How to recognize “Past-life” soulmate types
If you find yourself in a romantic relationship with someone you are convinced is a lover from a past life, you will barely be able to resist each other. If and when you do decide to commit to each other, the energy will be cosmically divine, yet explosive at the same time. The same can be said for the sexual chemistry that you two share. You might also experience the strangest knowing that you have spent your whole life together, even though it was only a short while (in this life!)
10. Soul Teachers
A soul teacher is someone who comes into your life at the perfect time to curb your thought process towards positivity. This does not necessarily mean that they are a spiritual guru who has studied at an Ashram in India or a clinical counselor to bat. They could be someone you met randomly in the street, and through conversation, they say something that sticks with you. This might be a way to better coping method for your anxiety, or it could be the inspiration you needed to take a turn on your path that slightly intimidated you.
How to recognize “Soul Teachers” soulmate types
A soul teacher can be recognized by the life lessons they share with you. They might share their own experiences which inspire you to follow suit because that seems to click with your reality. You might identify a soul teacher as being the person who triggered a life-changing event by facilitating a change in the thought process.
11. Soul Partners
A soul partner is not a limited concept. You might have hundreds of soul partners throughout your life. they are the connections that you agreed to make before you incarnated here on Earth. A soul partner is not always romantic they could be in the form of a distant family member, your firstborn child, or your best friend. On the other hand, it could also be someone who gives you that big break that you needed to kick-start your career.
How to recognize ” Soul Partners” soulmate types
The most recognizable trait of a soul partner is how they just fit into your life as if they have always been there. the relationship will flourish with minimal effort, and it will inspire you to act in certain ways. They are the catalyst in your personal growth, whether they cause a traumatic event or an extremely positive one.
12. Soul Contracts
Before you incarnate into this life, your soul family got together and you made arrangements with each other. These arrangements are every event that happens throughout your life, and theirs – no matter how big or small, good or bad. Each of us has agreed to these soul contracts and w will have different roles to play in the life and lessons each of us has to learn.
How to recognize “Soul Contracts” soulmate types
You will know if you have agreed to a soul contract with someone when you feel strange impulses that lead you towards someone. the soul tie you feel between the two of you will come with acceptance that you “knew this was going to happen” (whatever the circumstance or context).
How many soulmates can you have?
How many soulmates do we have? Soulmates are not a limited concept. Judging by the number of soulmate variations that we have spoken about above, you might begin to understand that these soul connections are happening all the time, and occasionally without you realizing it. Everyone meets multiple soulmates that each have a different lesson for us to be inspired by.
Key takeaways about the different kinds of soulmates
The first thing to shake off is the idea that a soulmate is only meant for a romantic relationship. You might have a soul mate in the form of a sister, or you might give birth to your soul mate (or one of them at least). Once you understand that each type of soulmate is there to facilitate your growth in different ways, you might begin o notice just how many are already in your life today!
If you are still unsure whether or not you have met your soulmate, then try out this quiz!
Do soulmates always end up together?
Not all soulmates are destined to ride off into the sunset together, but all soulmates are destined to teach us the necessary lessons we need for optimal personal and spiritual growth. Some soulmates are only present for fleeting moments, and once their lesson has been shared, they are off t follow the rest of their path.
How do you recognize your soul mate?
There are many different types of soulmates that you might encounter in your life (or lives), but if you are curious how you might recognize them all you have to do is look within, and feel that vibration of your relationship. Do you feel like you understand them above all else, do you feel like you have known them forever? If you have answered yes to these questions you have most likely met some of them.
What is a platonic soulmate called?
Not all relationships with soulmates are romantic relationships. They often come in the form of a best friend or a family member with whom you share no sexual interest. These kinds of soulmates are often referred to as kindred spirits,
Can soulmates be toxic?
There is such thing as negative karma, and if you have accumulated enough of it, you might find yourself in a karmic relationship. These relationships are there to help you end a cycle of bad karma by teaching you lessons that you need to learn through toxicity.
What is the difference between soul tie and soulmate?
A soul tie is not that different from a soulmate because they both run on a soul level. The difference is that a soulmate is someone you feel like you have known for a long time, and a soul tie is someone who makes you stop and smell the roses. cause you to feel like you are intrinsically connected, and this inspires you to make changes.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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