Aura Quartz Crystals: Healing Properties, Meaning & Benefits

Aura Quartz

Aura Quartz Crystals: Healing Properties, Meaning & Benefits

12 min read

Aura Quartz

Have you ever picked up a crystal that just seems to ethereal to be real? It was most likely an aura quartz crystal, and believe us when we say, it is truly the real-deal. There is much confusion over this beautiful amalgamation of nature and science produces a powerful healing crystal that is even recognized by energy workers as a crystal of high vibration, capable of many things.

Table of Contents

What is aura quartz?

Aura quartz or angel aura quartz is actually a typical quartz crystal that has undergone an electrostatic bonding treatment.  This does not mean that the crystal is synthetic, it means that its natural minerals have been altered. The human influence and nature’s power combined make a truly remarkable healing crystal. It is also one of the favorite crystals for beginners.

Aura quartz is made by bonding certain precious metals, like gold, silver, and platinum, onto the surface of the clear quartz crystal with an electrostatic method. This gives it that beautifully iridescent effect that shimmers like something from the angelic realm. Because of its enhancement, it is no longer a mere quartz crystal, but something much more. It now holds the metaphysical properties of both the quartz and the precious metals.

What does aura quartz do?

the last time you were at a crystal shop, you stumbled upon a magnificent aura quartz, you don’t ave to ask the salesperson what is aura quartz good for, because you will already know the answer after reading this.

Aura quartz is used in many healing practices because it has an extremely high vibration. Each different type of aura quartz serves a different purpose, but essentially a master healer because it replaces all negative feelings like anxiety depression with a sense of inner peace and true happiness.

If you find that you chakras are a bit out of balance, a reiki healer might use aura quartz to realign them by placing them over the body’s chakras in the pattern of a rainbow.  This gives your chakras a super charge and clears away any negativity that may be causing blockages.

An aura quartz is also able to be used for expanding your consciousness, and elevating your spirituality. During meditation, they can be used to strengthen your connection to the higher dimensions for a clear line of communication between you and your higher self. Not only that, but if you pay attention, they tend to remind you of the lessons you learned in past lives, so that you do not repeat them in the future.

What are the different types of aura quartz crystal?

You might be surprised to learn that there are many different aura quartz types to choose from, other than the most commonly found angel aura quartz. Each one has a different metaphysical property which we will explain a bit further on.

  • Aqua Aura Quartz
  • Angel Aura Quartz
  • Rose Aura Quartz
  • Opal Aura Quartz
  • Tangerine Aura quartz
  • Rainbow Aura Quartz
  • Flame Aura Quartz
  • Champagne Aura Quartz
  • Apple Aura Quartz
  • Sunshine Aura quartz
  • Tanzine Aura Quartz

Aura quartz meaning & properties

There are so many different types of aura quartz, and each one has a specific healing property. In order to make sure you get the right one for your specific needs, e have made alit of the various aura quartz for you to learn from.

Aqua aura quartz crystal

Aqua Aura Quartz

Aqua aura quartz meaning

Aqua aura quartz is a blue color, but do not let it deceive you fr it is actually an amalgamation of clear quartz stone and gold.

Aqua aura quartz properties

The metaphysical properties of aqua aura quartz can leave you feeling invigorated and motivated, yet it can also bring you peace of mind in moments of chaos.

Other Aqua aura quartz benefits

Because of its light blue color, you can use the aqua aura quartz for the throat chakra. This means it is great for communication and expressing yourself.

Angel aura quartz crystal

Angel Aura Quartz

Angel aura quartz meaning and Angel aura quartz properties

Another fun name for the angel aura quartz is the unicorn quartz, and it is associated with the higher dimensions, or spiritual realm, because of the pure and clear white color it possesses. This version of aura quartz has been bonded with silver and platinum.

This crystal helps to bring a sense of inner peace to those who wear it. This means emotional and mental clarity, as well as spiritual.

Angel aura quartz can be used in meditations to strengthen your spiritual connection. It can help you find out what your life’s purpose is and how that connects with your previous lives.

Rose aura quartz crystal

Rose Aura Quartz

Rose aura quartz meaning and Rose aura quartz properties

Rose Quartz is extremely rare. it is made through bonding platinum to the surface of clear quartz. This makes a warm raspberry tone. Rose aura quartz have an uplifting energy, but not one that becomes  too much after a while.

The pineal gland is stimulated by rose aura quartz, and this prevents you from being so hard on yourself, putting yourself down with self-sabotaging thoughts. It strengthens your heart chakra, fortifying your ability to love yourself and others. It can bring harmony and balance into your body on a physical and spiritual level, as well as clearing your aura of any negative vibes.

Opal aura quartz crystal

Opal Aura Quartz

Opal Aura Quartz Meaning and Opal Aura Quartz Properties

Opal aura quartz is made by bonding platinum to a clear quartz in such a way that it gives it a pearly iridescent shimmer. The meaning of this crystal is all about hop and inspiration, much like how you feel when you look at a rainbow. the energy opal aura quartz gives off runs deep, and it is often used an an aura cleansing crystal.

When you meditate with an opal aura quartz you will slip into a deeper meditative state, characterized by a heightened awareness. This means it allows you to reach hidden parts of yourself, so you can heal those traumas, and resolve any problems.

Rainbow Aura Quartz Crystal

Rainbow Aura Quartz

Rainbow Aura Quartz Meaning and Rainbow Aura Quartz Properties

Rainbow aura quartz is bonded with titanium and gold, and this  unique mixture gives it that metallic sheen, and intense iridescent color similar to mother of pearl. This crystal is often used in reiki sessions to bring balance to the chakras, it is great for each one as it carries each color of the chakras.

This is the crystal you need if you are looking for that spark that you feel you have lost somewhere down the line. It also helps you with quick thinking, so if you are faced with an intense situation, your problem-solving skills will be strengthened.

Flame Aura Quartz Crystal

Flame Aura Quartz

Flame Aura Quartz Meaning and Flame Aura Quartz Properties

Flame aura quartz has a much richer color than the other types of aura quartz. It can be a deep blue color, or it can be a vibrant gold. This is done by bonding niobium and titanium onto the surface of clear quartz crystals. It is often used in rituals of spiritual means, bringing out kundalini energy in each person, respective to their needs.

It facilitates spiritual evolution for those who wear them, by lifting the veil of the unknown and bringing awareness to what we have ignored, or repressed. This makes it a great candidate as a crystal for shadow work.

Champagne Aura quartz crystal

Champagne Aura Quartz

Champagne aura quartz meaning and Champagne aura quartz properties

Another name for this crystal is a smoky aura quartz, and this is probably because it is bonded with either gold and iron oxide or gold and indium. This gives it a metallic gold color that mimics the color of golden champagne. This stone can be used to infuse any information gained through meditation with the physical body, and secure it.

It is related to the solar plexus chakra, and it makes an ideal crystal for those who are new to the art of healing with crystals. It helps you to maintain trust in your intuition as a healer, as well as to inspire those energetic healers who have lost their enthusiasm towards energy healing.

Sunshine aura quartz crystal

Sunshine Aura Quartz

Sunshine Aura Quartz Meaning and Sunshine Aura Quartz Properties

The precious metals of gold and silver are bonded to the surface of a clear quartz crystal. This gives it s bright yellow color that reminds you of the sun when you admire it. It is a powerful crystal that energizes the wearer, and it can lift you out of any rut, or feeling of disappointment.

This is a crystal that embodies optimism, joy, and the art of being spontaneous. It can add a flare of fun to your life, inspiring you to take the necessary steps toward your goals.

How to cleanse aura quartz

Aura quartz crystals are intense crystals, they absorb a lot of negative energies throughout each day. This makes it important to learn how to cleanse crystals and when you cleanse them you must do so with a lot of love. Luckily, they are not overly sensitive crystals so water will not harm them. this does not mean you should whip out any cleaning detergents – water will do just fine. Submerge them in the water after setting an intention to cleanse them of all negativity.

You could also use incense or palo santo to cleanse the crystal. Light it and blow the smoke over your crystal whilst holding to your pure intention. Another method is a sound healing session. Use a singing bowl’s frequency to drive out the negative energies and replace them with positive ones.

How to charge aura quartz

This method is great for both cleansing your crystal, and charging it. All you need to do is submerge the crystal in a bowl of water and place it in the light of the moon, ideally a full moon for a super charge. Bring them inside in the morning, and carefully pat them dry with a towel.

Key takeaways

As you can see, there is not just one type of aura quartz crystals, but many. Each different aura quartz has a different meaning and carries unique healing abilities with them. Regardless, aura quartz is a stone of inspiration, sparking a boost in your spirituality.


Is aura quartz man-made?

Aura quartz might be man-made, but that does not mean that it is synthetic. It is not the most natural stone of all crystals, but it is made up of natural components. It is made by bonding precious metals from our earth onto the surface of clear quartz crystals.

Who Uses Aura Quartz?

Aura quartz crystals are great for those who are starting their journey in crystal healing. They are perfect energy healing stones because they carry a high vibration due to the mixture of clear quartz, the master healer, and precious metals.


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Jade Small

I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.

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