Throat Chakra Healing: How to Open & Balance Vishuddha Chakra

Out of the seven chakras, the fifth chakra is the throat chakra – your vishuddha. It has the ability to activate your voice out in the world and deep within yourself. In this article, we have laid out all the possible side-effects of throat chakra imbalances as well as a comprehensive guide on how to open, balance, and heal your vishuddha chakra.
Table of Contents
What is the throat chakra? (vishuddha chakra defined)
Out of the seven main chakras we have the Vishuddha chakra, or more commonly known as the throat chakra or the neck chakra. the throat chakra is the fifth chakra in our bodies. Its neighbors are the heart chakra and the third eye chakra. If you’re wondering – what are the chakras in the body? Then visit the link to find out more.
Throat chakra meaning defined
You will find the throat chakra meaning is all about expression and inspiration. The word Vishuddha is a Sanskrit word that can be translated to “purifying the body from harmful substances”. Being the 5th chakra in your body, the throat chakra, or thyroid chakra, it rebuilds and cleanses your energy by cleansing anything impure from your thoughts and your physical bodies – keeping our health optimal for longer. Blockages in this chakra might feel pain in your neck and shoulders, find it difficult to speak up about your feelings or to communicate all.
Throat chakra location
Where is the throat chakra located you might ask? Well, luckily this one is easy. The throat chakra, as per its name, is located in the middle of our n. It is one of the three upper chakras.
What is the throat chakra responsible for?
Self-expression of your inner truth, thoughts, and feelings, mindful communication with yourself and others, bringing balance between listening and speaking, your social skills, your morality, and the desire to seek and express the truth are all aspects that the throat chakra is responsible for.
Blocked throat chakra symptoms
Throat chakra blockages can lead to an array of physical, mental, and emotional aspects which can lead to your feeling insecure and lacking the confidence to speak your truth.
Feeling Misunderstood
Often what comes with an unbalanced vishuddha is the inability to properly express yourself or to get your points across to other people. This can lead you to feel misunderstood by other people – even your loved ones.
Throat and Mouth Ailments
If your vishuddha is unbalanced you might experience a sore throat, hoarse voice, lymph problems or laryngitis are all sicknesses that might occur. Because your mouth is near to your throat it is also closely linked to that chakra. This means you might develop ulcers or problems with your teeth.
Difficulties Expressing
On one hand, when your throat chakra is blocked you might feel shy or awkward when trying to get your point across. You might even feel like you shouldn’t. On the other hand, you might come across as overpowering, taking over conversations, leaving little room for others to voice their opinion.
Negative self-talk
An unbalanced thyroid, or throat chakra, is unable to detoxify your energy and this can lead your inner voice to start a negative banter filling you with self-doubt.
Thyroid challenges
The throat chakra is located in the neck, very close to your thyroid gland. In a nutshell, the thyroid is responsible for the release of hormones, your metabolism, and how you burn energy. A blockage in this could make you feel fatigued,
How to open throat chakra
How to open your throat chakra, you might wonder? If you are venturing on the journey to heal and balance the 5th chakra you have to start with a throat chakra opening. Read further to learn everything you need to know about the methods for opening throat chakra. This will, in turn, enable you to unblock the throat chakra.
Mantras for Throat Chakra
Chanting goes back to humanity’s primal days. It is effective for inducing yourself into a state of trance. A great chant to use when opening your throat chakra simply calls you to face your fears and bring wisdom in, “Om Mane Padme Hum“. Another one is “Ham” which is pronounced huuu-uuum.
Meditation to Open Throat Chakra
Another throat chakra opening method would be meditation. If you prefer you can follow a guided meditation which is designed for opening your vishuddha. What helps is envisioning a blue light in your neck growing bigger and brighter.
Positive Affirmations
Often a throat chakra imbalance sends us down rabbit holes of negativity inside our minds. You can rewire your thought patterns with a few daily affirmations designed to maintain harmony and balance within your through chakra. Some examples of affirmations to balance the throat chakra are as follows:
- “I communicate confidently and with ease.”
- “I set clear boundaries.”
- “I am balanced in speaking and listening.”
Certain Aromatherapy scents
Aromatherapy is quite a versatile healing method. It can come in the form of incense, a candle, or oil. Whatever method you prefer, to heal your throat chakra you can use scents like eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint
Surround Yourself In Blue
Because the throat chakra is associate with the color blue, if you were to keep a whole bunch of blue things around you it will help open your vishuddha. Visualizing blue during your meditations is also a great trick.
How to balance throat chakra
Now that you have learned how to open your vishuddha, you can tend to the throat chakra imbalances. In order to balance your throat chakra and bring your self-confidence back, you can try the following remedies or you could visit your local energy healer.
Yogis have used yoga for many generations as a method for tuning in to our body’s needs. If you are looking to balance that chakra you can practice yoga. There are specific asanas, yoga poses, which help bring harmony into your chakra system. Poses like a shoulder stand, cat-cow with lion’s breath, or the plow are great options.
Meditation to Balance Throat Chakra
As much as the throat chakra, when blocked, inhibits our ability to speak our inner truths, it also clouds our ability to hear our inner voice. By practicing meditations for mindfulness we can go within ourselves in order to hear our voice and understand what it is saying.
Crystals for throat chakra
Crystals and gemstones will never cease to amaze us. They have a never-ending ability to treat and heal certain physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of ourselves. Lapis lazuli, aquamarine, celestite, blue lace agate, and turquoise are, amongst others, great blue crystals used for healing your vishuddha. Throat chakra stones can be used during meditation or reiki sessions to help channel the energy.
If none of the above methods are working for you, you might want to seek out a reiki healer. Their healing energy can help remove blockages from your vishuddha and promote good energy flow. Reiki could also help you with heart chakra healing.
Other throat chakra healing methods
How to heal throat chakra using slightly more alternative methods is covered in this next section. These fifth chakra healing methods are more accessible and something you can incorporate into your daily lives. Read further for everyday methods for balancing throat chakra.
Do Not Speak Badly about People
Gossip is a heinous topic. The way we speak, and the words we choose have a massive impact on our energy. Speaking badly about people is only going to lower your vibration but it is inviting negativity. Your throat chakra will be overwhelmed and a blockage will occur. Well, prevention is better than a cure so you better think of this next time you are tempted by some juicy news.
Write It Out
If you struggle with speaking your thoughts and feelings out loud you might want to start with getting them out onto a piece of paper. Journaling can be mightily healing because it allows you to get your thoughts out so you can read them later and learn to understand your emotions.
Key takeaways
Your throat chakra is responsible for how we portray ourselves amongst other people. If unbalanced it may lead us to feel and act insecure and afraid. An imbalanced throat chakra also has physical ailments that tag along. Inclusive of ulcers of the mouth, teeth and gum issues, sore throat, even laryngitis. If you wish to bring back your ability to communicate in social settings as well as with yourself we strongly advise getting your throat chakra cleansed and realigned. If you are unsure if our throat chakra is blocked, or perhaps you need some third eye chakra healing instead, you can always try our chakra test to find out.
What does the throat chakra control?
It controls how we speak to ourselves and others. It controls our sense of confidence and trust in our inner voice. It also controls our social skills.
What does it mean when your throat chakra is weak?
A week throat chakra is also known as a disturbed or underactive throat chakra. This happens when I have been left unattended whilst bombarded with an immense amount of negative and harmful energy. This includes the way we speak about others and ourselves.
What happens when your throat chakra opens?
You might feel more confident in expressing your thoughts and feelings. You will feel a sense of happiness and peace. You will be able to listen to other people without taking over the conversation. You will feel more confident in social situations.
How do you know if your throat chakra is blocked?
You might feel fear when faced with situations where you have to express how you feel or your personal opinion. Physically, you might experience a sore throat too frequently for it to be normal flu.
What is the mantra for the throat chakra?
There are a few mantras that work for opening and balancing your throat chakra. One of them goes as follows; “Om Mani Padme Hum”. It helps you to face your fears and summon wisdom.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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