Mysterious Crop Circles: What Are Crop Circles And How Are They Made?

Mysterious Crop Circles

Mysterious Crop Circles: What Are Crop Circles And How Are They Made?

9 min read

Mysterious Crop Circles

Crop circles are phenomena that have been reported for an age. They make a rise in the literature of many forms and cultures across the globe have some sort of story to tell on them. But, what are Crop Circles? Are they really messages from beings of higher realms? Or are they pranks executed with suspicious precision just for the silly sake – no real intention but to stir up the community?  We do not think it is so trivial of an origin, there are some astounding findings within the symbolism of the Crop Circles which suggests otherwise. 

Table of Contents

Crop Circles and Critics

Crop circles are undoubtedly a controversial topic within pop culture. There are the sceptics who believe they are made by groups of people in the middle of the night just as a means to gain attention or to be seen. It is worth noting that it is no simple task to create such patterns with such mathematical precision, making use of pi and ratios, and having them mirror each other in such a way it could be compared easily to the exactness of the pyramids. It is hard to orchestrate that kind of accuracy – they would have to be professionals.

There have been measurements taken and examinations performed on crop circles known to be man-made and those crop circles which are said to be of alien or higher dimensional origin. The blades of man-made tools are different and it can be seen by the way the crops were cut. When people cut the crops, it hurts the plant. But in the real crop circles, it is truly a phenomenon the way the crops are bent and woven together to create these intricate patterns.

Mysterious Golden Field Crop CircleAre Crop Circles Man-Made?

Another thing to counter the skeptic’s belief that all crop circles are man-made is the short amount of time they took to be made. It is so fast and so accurate  – it’s almost as if someone took a stamp and printed the pattern onto the crops. There are no marks of vehicles driving the machines in and out of the pattern on the field which just seems impossible – unless it was done from above. The farmers own the land – therefore, it is private property and those groups of people making the crop circles would need permission to be on their land. Yet the ones believed to be real are made quickly, in the dead of night.

I know two crop circle investigators, Lucy Frankel, and Barbara Lamb. The two of them would go around looking for them. One time they were in a plane searching for crop circles in England. They started flying over one area and within the same trip returned over the same area within a couple of hours and suddenly there was a crop circle that wasn’t there when they first flew over that space of land.  

Skeptics will always have something to say about this phenomenon, and I do agree that skepticism in moderation can be healthy so that we do not follow things blindly. But there is still that aspect that makes this truly phenomenal. Our human consciousness tries to explain and rationalize everything but there are some things that we just can’t deny. We just need to put our guard down and say, maybe there is something to this even though I do not know what it is.

Interpreting Crop Circles

The patterns that come out of these crop circles are unbelievable geometry which you could even put up in your house as art. There is something about them that is connective and almost calming when you look at them. There was an experiment done where a certain frequency was sent out into the universe as a message. That particular message came back as a crop circle – almost as if mirrored in response. There are messages within the crop circles in terms of the fractal pattern references and all kinds of the different symbology of nature of humanity, so it is almost as if these beings are communicating with us through these crop circle imprints. They’re saying they understand the core tenets of what humanity is but also adding on to that knowledge so we can learn and grow as a species.

Crop Circle in a Grassy FieldYou do not need to be one of the lucky ones who was right there, nestled in the midst of a crop circle. The benefit is all you need to do is look at them. They are like a language so by simply looking at them you are receiving the information. You could simply go on to the internet and look at all the different patterns to receive information downloads. You don’t have to fully understand them. It can be really fascinating for some of us to try and interpret a language we do not understand but merely looking at them is powerful enough.

The image is a download of information and you will remember that information at the moment when you need it. You might not even remember how or why you remember this stuff. But that’s the beauty of it – everything happens at the right time for each of us.

What are Crop Circles Trying to Tell Us?

Over a full moon period you experience emotional releases, the same thing can happen when you look at crop circles. The messaging from the crop circles is meant to be in a relatable way for us humans to make more people believe. This means for them to believe in and want an open-source of information with these beings of a higher vibration or intelligence. Before they bring on a deeper dialogue which will be more intense in a face-to-face situation – they first need to develop a system of trust. Most of the time humans believe in science. This is why they communicate with us using geometric and mathematical patterns in the hopes to convince more people of their message and legitimacy.

These crop circles are reminders that you have lived all these different lives, and they’re not all necessarily human lives. We may be living here on earth and have had many lives here on earth but you’ve also had lives on different and distant plants. When we look at crop circles it’s helping us to remember that there is more to us.

Crop Circle DesignHow are Crop Circles Made?

I once watched this science experiment where someone took a bowl of sand and played a sound frequency beneath it. The vibrations of the frequency jostled the sand about until it made a pattern. Each frequency created a different pattern in the same. I had a revelation where I thought to myself, “That’s how crop circles are made!”. It turns out this is one of the actual theories of how crop circles are made. The researchers believe that they used sound vibrations.

Orbs and Crop Circles

Some people have reported seeing orbs of light near the crop circles – not just the crop circle itself. This is another level of their physicality which they send down as a way to sample the environment – to sample the emotions projected around the crop circles. These orbs take in information and digest it.  I met someone who reported seeing strange orbs of light moving over a field behind his house. He didn’t pay much mind over it but sure enough, the next day when he was out on his walk, there were crop circles in that field he had seen the orbs hovering over!

Final thoughts

Higher beings of higher dimensions use imagery as a form of communication. This is another weight on the scale weighing out the truth over the skeptics. I receive these flashes within my mind and that’s them communicating with me. The crop circles are just a larger, more physical version of that. There will always be skepticism because that is what makes us human. We can evaluate what the truth is for ourselves – It’s up to you to decide on your truth.

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Kaya Wittenburg

“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”

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