Signs We Have Reincarnated Many Times

Reincarnation is akin to a new semester after a well-deserved vacation in the spirit world. A soul’s journey does not end with death. Death is just a stop-over…a vacation for reflection and letting go of the dense physical body rooted in 3D reality. It is a respite for the soul after a life-long struggle against the storms of life which have a drastic effect upon the physical, mental, and emotional health of a person. When the body is no longer needed, the soul discards the physical vessel, and moves on to the astral planes of existence where it refreshes itself and prepares for the next “semester” in a new form, with renewed innocence and vigor.
In order to gain mastery over life and to live at oneness with all creation with unconditional love, the soul usually chooses to go through the challenges of the endless cycle of birth and death for the purpose of growth and creation.
The karmic lessons of hardships are the repercussions of our choices which we need to balance and progress spiritually. Every experience, good or bad, pleasant or traumatic, contributes toward the empowerment of the soul.
Below are some (but not all) of the signs which highlight the experiential truths of reincarnation:
These wonder children come into this lifetime with special gifts rendering them natural mathematicians, artists, musicians, scientists, debaters, etc. They have had training and have been learning for several centuries, on the Earth plane, on other planets, in other dimensions, as well as in between lifetimes, before they reached a certain level of perfection in their field of learning. At the time of reincarnation, these beings are born with an intact cellular memory of their skills, which enables them to exhibit their talent at a very early age. While the world looks upon their talent as an extraordinary feat, in reality the soul has gone through several lifetimes of drudgery, pain, failures, disappointments, intense hard work, struggles, and practice before reaching this state of perfection.
Recurring dreams of a person
Sometimes a loved one, from a past or parallel life, may try to impress upon you of his/her loving presence through our dreams. We may feel a strong connection with the person even though we have never met them in this lifetime. The feeling of love and peace remains vibrant when we wake up, and remains with us throughout the day.
Instinctive likes and dislikes towards others
This is a very common phenomenon. On meeting a stranger for the first time in this lifetime, we may instinctively feel a sort of repulsion towards him or her without any logical reason. Similarly, with certain people we feel an instant connection of love and friendship. This is also true between family members when we share a special bond with a sibling or a parent, or we may have a strong aversion toward a particular member of our family.
Mental and moral tendencies
Another striking example of proof is the stark contrast of personality and character from the rest of the family. A child with wild, criminal tendencies is born in a loving family of respectable, law-abiding citizens; likewise one could have a beautiful, noble soul born in an uncouth, sordid familial environment.
The traumatic past experiences which are not resolved, remain in the consciousness of the person and continue to trigger the trauma, as panic attacks in the subsequent lifetimes until they are resolved in this lifetime (where appropriate). Some of these are: fear of enclosed spaces like elevators or closets, fear of water, fear of the dark, fear of crowded places, fear of heights, and so on. These fears are usually unreasonable since they have no connection to the present lifetime.
Chronic aches and pains
These discomforts have their roots in the subconscious. Chronic ailments can be the residue of the past-life traumas which were not released before one leaves the earth plane. These are often healed through the holistic healing modalities which deal with the subtle bodies of a person.
Reincarnation is a thoroughfare to reaching great spiritual heights. When one participates in a QHHT session, we explore many of these signs and symptoms of reincarnation and their karmic effects on the current lifetime. If and when the Higher-self deems it in the participant’s highest good to clear negative symptoms it is completely within the realm of possibility for one to do so and to move forward living a happier and more productive life, with new understanding.
If you’re interested in finding out more about your connection with reincarnation, or whether you’ve reincarnated before, check out our post on past life regression hypnosis. It may give you some answers that you’re seeking!
In love and truth,
Lori Lines