A Magical Forest
What will be your idea of a magical forest? With fairies dancing around colorful plants and flowers? Mystical creatures gathering together inside a tree hole which turns out to be a huge space with elaborate decorations? These are the actual past life scenes my QHHT clients have seen when they were under hypnosis. Not long ago I had another client (M) who found herself in a magical forest with lots of intriguing details. With her kind permission, I’d like to share some parts of her session as follows: (M – client; J – Jovy)
M: The wind is blowing on my face and my hair. I can see from very, very far there are mountains after mountains, stretching to a distance, joining the sky. I can see the trees. This is a forest, a magical forest. A beautiful bird like phoenix flying through this magical forest. Clouds are floating halfway down the mountains. This place is like a paradise.
J: Tell me more about this phoenix-like bird. What’s the color of this beautiful bird?
M: It’s got blue, bright blue head and red feathers on his wings. The bird flies through the forest and disappears. It’s got magic, magic power. It sends magic power…like a rain. Magic powers like golden dust and lands on all the lives in the forest. The trees, rocks and animals.
J: So he’s spreading those magical powers like golden dust onto everything in this magical forest?
M: Yes, and everything becomes more lively, more magical, shimmering with light.
J: Wow, that sounds wonderful. Where is that bird now?
M: He’s gone. I see this from a distance. The clouds become like golden color, they are glowing, like a rainbow color now. The whole mountain becomes like a magical place. I’m watching everything from top down. The breeze on my face feels like a caress with love…very gently, smooth and soothing.
J: Do you hear any sounds in this place?
M: Birds, not that phoenix, but other birds in the forest. They’re singing like they’re happy, like they’re having fun.
J: Do you smell anything?
M: I can smell freshness of the trees and the mountain, and feel the coolness on my face.
M went on to tell me that she was wearing fairy clothes, and feeling like a fairy living in the forest. She had more female energy but also possessed male characteristics like strong and strength. She felt young, and felt very healthy because she was part of the nature.
M: I’m a fairy with strength…like I’m ready to do something. I’m looking out and I see the magical land and forest.
J: How does that make you feel when you look at this magical land & forest?
M: I feel that’s my home (started crying very emotionally)
When moved to see the place she lived in this lifetime, she told me she lived alone in a very big cave inside the forest with plants and a fire inside. There were stone table and stools. She had a bed made of natural, dried grasses and leaves and it was suspended not too high up from the ground. The bed was very natural, very comfortable with the smell of nature.
When asked to see herself eating a meal, M said she didn’t eat. She just absorbed energy from the magical forest. Whatever needed was there for her. She didn’t need to eat. This place had the magical energy that fed her. It was automatic
J: What do you spend the majority of time doing?
M: It seems that everything works and I don’t need to do anything. Everything just falls into place. All I need to do is to help when plants or animals in the forest are not well. I’ll share my energy with them, connect them with the magic power and magic energy and then they will be well. They will become part of the nature again. Sometimes things happen, they get lost to the darkness, they hurt themselves in the forest.
J: Where’s this darkness?
M: It is underneath the mountains. Only when we’re lost, the animals are lost then they are touched by the darkness, but normally the forest and the mountains are protected by magical energy.
J: Tell me more.
M: I feel like a being of light, a spirit of light. There’re lots of spirits here, appear like lights, some in the forest, some in the clouds, some in the distance.
J: Sounds like they’re everywhere.
M: Yeah, there’s no form. They are beings of light.
J: Just now you told me you’re very connected to the magic. Are you connected to these light beings as well?
M: Yes, they are the magic power. They are light. Light is magic.
J: Is there anything else about this place that you want to tell me about?
M: This place is very high up, so close to the sky and almost in the sky. It’s very ancient and has been there for a very, very long time. There’s no people, just spirits and nature.
J: How often does that phoenix-like bird come spread the golden dust?
M: All the time. There are quite a few of them and they come all the time. There are some other types too, like dragon which only come on special days with special gathering, or when something important happens. The dragons are golden in color, shiny, and give out golden light. They’re just so powerful… (in awe & amazement)
When I tried to move M to an important day in this lifetime to gather more information, she cried profusely as she didn’t want to leave home. Eventually she calmed down and we went to a day where all light beings in this magical forest and mountains, and many more from other areas, came gather in the forest, deciding to take the call to go to Earth to help. M said too many people got lost on Earth to the darkness. They forgot the nature, they forgot to laugh and they had no joy in their lives. M didn’t want to leave home, but she knew she must help. She was very sad to leave her forest and couldn’t stop crying.
In the two important days we saw how challenging it was for M to be on Earth. She got unwell physically especially over the stomach area as she couldn’t digest the low-vibrational food here. She was frustrated and sad and got lost into the darkness herself, disconnected from nature and joy. The turning point was when she finally remembered the light had always been within her, that light then was able to shine so bright that it dissolved all the pains. She remembered to return to the nature, and used this light to help people around her. At the end she saw people lighten up and smiling.
I will go as far as here in sharing M’s session. M’s journey touches my heart deeply as I feel such gratitude to all the beings who came to Earth to help. It’s not always easy. In fact, it’s the opposite extreme of it. I belief the light is within all of us no matter where we came from or how many times we’ve reincarnated here. Let’s never forget that!
May your light shine brightly, with joy and love in your heart.
With love & blessings,
Jovy Wan
Certified QHHT Level 3 Practitioner
Facebook: Jovy Wan Healing & QHHT Hong Kong
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