Melchizedek – A Modern Day Teacher

Dolores Cannon’s books “Jesus and the Essenes” and “They Walked with Jesus” provide a glimpse into the culture, religion, and community of his time and place. They are wonderful historical perspectives; elevating Dolores to her pinnacle as an investigative researcher. By tapping into one client’s past life experience as one of the rabbis that taught Jesus, and his cousin John, in preparation for their bar mitzvah, she was able to put together reports of cleansing rituals of the Essenes and archeological bathing artifacts found at Qumran. Through her use of hypnosis as a tool for historical research, she was able to validate reports of an earthquake with modern photographic evidence. Through Dolores’ research, we know so much more about the Essene tradition in Qumran and the historical Jesus.
As with many of Dolores’ research topics, physical artifacts were later found to substantiate the information gained through hypnosis. In the 1940’s, the, now famous, Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered near Qumran. However, the open sharing of content with the public, outside of scholars, was not available until 1991, long after Dolores started her research on Jesus, the Essenes and Qumran. One important character from the scrolls found at Qumran is Melchizedek. According to these scrolls Melchizedek was used as a name for the Archangel Michael, interpreted as a heavenly priest – a king of righteousness. We can imagine that in Jesus’ time, Melchizedek was an important helper in spirit form.
Important helpers, like archangels, can speak through clients during Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, or QHHT®, sessions. QHHT® is Dolores’ method of healing through hypnosis. During a QHHT® session, the practitioner has a conversation with the subconscious, the Higher Self. This is the eternal part of the client – with access to ALL information on the spiritual side of the veil. Profound personal and universal wisdom is often revealed.
In a recent QHHT® session, the client was a young, professional athlete with typical questions about physical health, business growth, and life decisions. In this session, Melchizedek popped in spontaneously to provide a powerful message. It was a precious moment to see Dolores’ gifts come full circle, from research, to healing, to universal wisdom.
Melchizedek, as a heavenly priest to the Essenes and a modern day teacher for us, offers the following advice, and we quote (with permission from the client):
“It’s to Be. Be in this moment. Just Be. And from where you Be, everything will come. Your vibration is what brings forth your reality. It’s in the being that you will do, not in the doing. So, trust in Being. Cultivate the Being. Surrender and let life come to you. Whatever you need will show up. And just trust in that. Always stay conscious in those moments aligning and surrendering and Being in your highest potential your highest self and relish in the unknown. Give up the idea of life. Give up an idea of what life is going to be. Or what life should be, what life has been. Give up all ideas and concepts and judgments. And step in to a new world that’s brand new. Awaken to that reality which is truth. From there life is wondrous in each moment. “
Holly Duckworth QHHT Level 3 Practitioner
Durango, Colorado
What an amazing teaching. I’ve bought all of
Dolores’ books, published so far, and am making my way through reading them. I’ve read both the Essene(Jesshua) books and love them. My father was a Presbyterian graduate theologian (M.Div) and, with 2 others, went to the Holy Land in 1953, to read what little was allowed, under glass, for scholars to see at that time.
I have always been excited to read about any new discoveries in this regard.
Do you think that “Melchizedek” HAD to be a non-physical being, in Jesshua’s time in the Essene group? Could he have been the teacher that came through in the SC of the clients minds, whose sessions gave Dolores the material for the 2 “Jesus” books? If so, it would be natural for him to have a different name
as a human…
Just wondering.
Thank you for the gift of sending this quote for all of us. ❤️✨
I am happy to hear what Melchizedek said: Be, let go of old concepts, prepare for the new reality. We have to hear this many times to get into the trusting mode.
Thank you for this, always so useful and enlightening.
Hello DC children! I finally practiced as a guide so I logged on to search for a session summary format for submission. But since I saw this area, I wish to invite you as a lightworker with purpose, to a 10 Jan event on FB. Hosted by an angel named Nusra, who identifies as Guan Yin incarnated. Receiving AA Michael guidance thru writing. Its a wonderful concept, to bring our vision and being to this space in meditation. I understand more each day. The official Dolores Cannon page has recent information. If you self-identify as a master or in the angelic realm of consciousness. We can super heal. Super define. We have so much more to learn. Awakening souls need a place and a path. The collective, in compassion, has blessings. my email is if info needed. 0110 << 2021 we gather in this way. love/ Billy