Akashic Records Reading: What They Are (& How to Access)

Few people you meet will have heard of the Akashic records, even though everyone that has ever lived on Earth has their own record on there. The Akashic records are not exactly physical records, even though they do record the physical. That’s because they exist in a spiritual realm just outside of our usual 3D existence. They are the vibrational energy records of every event, thought, image, or desire that has ever occurred on Earth, and so much more.
What Are The Akashic Records?
The Akashic records exist in a spiritual dimension that acts as an etheric computer storage program, storing the knowledge and experience of every Soul, past & present. It records our thoughts and desires, our intentions, feelings, emotions, challenges, mistakes, life lessons, overall intention, and everything else that pertains to our existence.
We often tend to think of records as something we view from a book. These records do not just exist as words in a book, although, if you wish to, you can choose to view them that way.
Imagine the Akashic records being like an immersive computer program that you’d see in The Matrix, in the way that it can provide the viewer with an eyewitness account of everything that has ever happened within any historical time frame on Earth.
What’s more… Imagine that this enormous database not only kept track of the information from an objective perspective but also maintained the perspectives and emotions of every individual involved with your time on Earth.
As incredible as it may sound, this is an accurate depiction of the Akashic Records.
Yes, they are real. And yes, you can access them too. Everyone can.
What is an Akashic Records Reading?
The Akashic Records have been around as long as the Earth, if not longer.
One of the earliest references to the Akashic Records we have in modern times was by Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical movement in the late 19th century. Helena Blavatsky asserted that she learned of the Akashic Records from Tibetan monks, who said the records could be found in the “akasha”.
Several different religions refer to the Akashic Records, although with other names. Some that you may have already heard. As they often do, spiritual traditions occasionally refer to them, but only in half-truths, working their own unique spin on them.
As an example, The Bible refers to the Akashic Records as “The Book of Life”. It is mentioned in the Old Testament (in a roundabout way) that a collection of knowledge about our entire existence is written on the fabric of our reality. The Akashic Records have been accessed by ancient people of various cultures since before humans started recording our history. They were accessed by the Egyptians, the Persians, Chaldeans, Kathars, Greeks, Hebrews, the indigenous peoples of India and Tibet, the Bonpo and other peoples of the Himalaya, the Moors, Druids, the Mayans, and several other native tribes in the Americas. And those are just the ones we know about… Undoubtedly there are others.
It has long been said that the ancient Indian sages of the Himalayas knew that each soul, ‘jiva’, or entity has recorded every moment of its existence in an “unnamed book of knowledge”. They believe that anyone of us can access that book of knowledge; if we would only cleanse and attune ourselves properly, and dedicate the time and effort to accessing it.
There are several notable figures from history that we know accessed the Akasha. You might recall that Nostradamus gained access to the Akashic records, which is where he got many of his premonitions about the future. Aleister Crowley accessed Akasha too, using methods derived from the Kabbalah, and passages told by Greek oracles, as well as Christian and Sufi mysticism.
Thanks to the creation and evolution of the Internet, more than ever before, people from all over the world are accessing and reconnecting with the Akashic Records. By doing so, this reconnection has a pivotal role in the ReAwakening and shift of Global consciousness on our planet, as we are being gently shifted into the 5th dimensions heightened levels of consciousness.
What Can The Akashic Records Tell You?
What can the Akashic Records tell you? Quite simply, the Akashic records can tell you anything you’d ever want to know about anything. If you have questions about your health or someone else’s health, it will answer them. If you want to know something in particular about your loved ones, living or not, it will tell you. If you want to know absolutely anything about your own records, your spirit guides, past lives, or the past lives of your friends and loved ones, it will tell you. If you have questions about your soul’s journey, life purpose, or soul purpose in life, it can answer them. It can tell you whatever it is you want to know because it literally knows everything.
What’s even more fascinating, is not only can the Akashic records answer questions about your current life in this reality, it can answer questions about any other potential realities or other lives you have yet to live in the future, in addition to any parallel lives we may not even have a clue exist, and may never discover.
That means it knows everything about this life, all your future possibilities in this life, your past lives, your future lives, your parallel lives, and everything in between. Pretty wild thought, eh?
The Benefits Of Akashic Records Reading
Incredible Healing Benefits!
The Akashic Records have been used for healing purposes since time immemorial. The most famous person who used the Akashic Records as a healing tool was without a doubt, Edgar Cayce. Nicknamed “The Sleeping Prophet”, Edgar Cayce would put himself into a self-imposed hypnotic trance where he could access whatever information he wanted. He could tell you literally everything you’d ever want to know about a person, place, or event. If someone was sick, all he had to be told was their full name and current location. Knowing only that much, he could give a flawless diagnosis of any medical issues they had and would prescribe the perfect holistic medical treatment, specifically for that particular patient. He did it over 14,000 times and each session was well documented. He sadly passed away in 1945, at the age of 67 after suffering a stroke.
Before his passing, when he was asked about the source of his information, Edgar Cayce replied that there were essentially two sources. The first was the subconscious mind of the individual for whom he was giving the reading and the second was the Akashic Records.
Edgar Cayce referred to the records this way:
“Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed – or judgment drawn by or according to what the entity’s ideal is. Hence, as it has been often called, the record is God’s book of remembrance; and each entity, each soul – as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world – either makes same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity’s application of self …”
— Edgar Cayce Reading 1650-1
Knowledge of History!
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Studying history is necessary to avoid repeating past mistakes.” – George Santayana
We, humans, have lost so much more knowledge than we could ever fathom. Imagine all the collective knowledge that has been lost due to fire, war, or natural disasters, all over the world… Now imagine how wonderful it would be if we could get all of it back!
Think about The Library at Alexandria burning, or the sacking of Baghdad during its peak golden age. Think about what knowledge has been lost since Rome fell, since before Egypt turned to desert, or since the continent of Atlantis was destroyed. Think about all the collective knowledge held by indigenous tribes all over the world that have been completely wiped out. That ‘lost’ knowledge is believed by many to be completely gone forever, but it’s not! With enough study and practice, we can still access any of that knowledge, any time we want.
Some lucky people even access it all the time!
QHHT and the Akashic Records
The late founder of Quantum Healing Hypnosis aka QHHT, Dolores Cannon was one of those few, lucky people. She spent decades studying the Akashic Records via QHHT, a regressive hypnosis technique that she pioneered and authored 19 books about everything you could imagine. Using this form of hypnosis she gained a vast amount of information about the entire fabric of our reality. Dolores was able to do so via countless past life regressions, conversations with the Higher Selves of individuals, and by accessing the Akashic Records directly. She was even able to ‘spontaneously heal’ individuals of their life long illnesses this way!
Just think of the infinite possibilities of such a profound tool. It’s truly mind-blowing to know that all it takes to access this information is education, practice, and determination. Don’t you think?
How To Access The Akashic Records
1. Define Your Intention
Before you even bother trying to access the records, you first need to decide what you want to know. Are you just “browsing out of boredom?” If so, then you might strike a wall. That’s because the more you define your intention, the more likely you are to be in the frame of mind required to access the records. That intention might be something simple such as, “I want to confirm the existence of the Akashic Records,” or “I want to experience the realm of the Akashic Records.” Or you might want an Akashic Records reading so you can ask questions that are much deeper on a soul-level. Questions that you can’t simply just ask Google, for obvious reasons.
2. Set A Clear Purpose
If you’re going to access the Akashic Records for any particular reason, then you have to make sure you know exactly what that purpose is. Do you have a specific question? If so, try spending a little time clarifying your true intention about that question. Often the best way to set a clear purpose is by writing your thoughts down and meditating over them. Holding the understanding that there are no “wrong” questions or intentions in existence — know that you can ask whatever questions you like, but you may not always get an answer.1
3. Request Help From Your Spirit Guides
When you think you’re ready, after you have defined your intention and set a clear purpose, it’s a great idea to request that any spirit guides, or soul family you may have on the other side, (whether you know them or not) assist you on your quest for knowledge. Remember: your Spirit Guides are ever-present, and you can talk to them at any time.
The first and most important thing to do when asking them for help is the same as above, defining your intention. You must decide what you need help with. Need to make a hard decision and want some advice? Just ask them. Super nervous about a new path in life? Ask them. Performing a simple task you need help with? Ask them! (Seriously! They are eager to help! Ask them when meditating, when connecting with your Higher Self, when accessing the Akashic Records — whatever you need, just ask them. They are here with the specific intention to help!)
Next, get a specific request ready and verbalize it. Directly ask them what you’d like them to help you with. Ask them OUT LOUD. Vocalizing it always helps. Then, listen to that inner voice and trust your intuition as much as possible. Always be on the lookout for signs and synchronicities, as that’s their main way of replying to you. You’ll know them when you see them.
Pro tip: Eventually get so used to communicating with your Spirit Guides that you can do this at the drop of a hat without even thinking, even while you are juggling other major stuff. Do your best to rid yourself of distractions and focus on your intention while you ask them for help. It does make a difference!
4. Meditate
Meditation is super important, but it doesn’t have to be any particular kind of meditation. You can use whatever meditation practice you prefer, as long as you can enter a relaxed, open-minded state — and are able to give yourself plenty of time to let your mind and energy settle. Meditate on your questions, and ask to be allowed access to the records regarding your questions. Be sure to stay in an open, receptive, mindful state, allowing whatever information comes forward to enter your awareness. The information could come through visually or via auditory or it could even come in the form of a loved one, a spirit guide, or a spirit animal.
5. Determination
If you manage to connect with another entity during mediation, it’s best to ask their name and clarify that you’re looking for access to the Akashic records regarding a question. If they tell you their name and offer assistance, then you’re well on your way to where you want to be! Ask them everything you can think of!
When you’re ready, end your meditation session with an expression of gratitude and take the time to record the experience. Did you gain access this time? If not, it’s totally ok! For many people, it takes more than one attempt to tune in. Sometimes multiple attempts are required before getting it just right. If you’re determined, you will eventually get there.
It’s important to note that even if you believe nothing happened, you should write down any impressions or thoughts you might have had. Hindsight in this situation may reveal much more than you might have expected.
6. Seek Extra Assistance
As we mentioned above, before her passing in 2014, Dolores Cannon was able to access the Akashic Records countless times via Quantum Hypnosis. Thankfully, her regression technique has been taught to QHHT practitioners all over the world. If you have done the 5 previous steps and still can’t access the Akashic records on your own, there’s hope! You can contact any one of our official QHHT Practitioners and they can assist you with accessing the Akashic Records to answer your questions. Here’s a link to find a QHHT Practitioner nearest to you.
Using Quantum Hypnosis to Access the Akashic Records
By Level 3 Practitioner, John Mcluckie
I just love it when a clients higher self shows the client their own unique Akashic Records.
This unlimited energy of knowledge manifests however the Higher Self wants it to.
The records are totally unique to your individual soul coding. There is no specific “library” or “storage room”. There is no right or wrong way they will appear. They appear how it is meant to be for you.
Here is one particular session as an example…
A client came in and confessed to me, with sadness in her eyes, that she felt so tired, so tired that she has lost the strength to go on (this is not unusual).
She knew she was an old soul, although she didn’t know how but felt she has been here many times before and her soul was tired and no amount of sleep or rest could ever be enough…
In her QHHT session her higher self showed her the most magnificent light purple crystal. Glowing and pulsating suspended in time and space. Both the client and the crystal were floating in the most exquisite void of pure nothingness.
This crystal was her own souls Akashic Record. The records that hold every life and experience her soul has ever experienced or ever will experience, since the beginning of time itself.
As she touched the crystal it revealed many lives to her and instantly she knew everything about those lives. Her soul was remembering them all. Remembering them from times past.
She remembered her soul family, she remembered her guides, her starseed family, what she has experienced before, the many adventures, the highs, the lows, all those thousands of lessons. There were tears of joy and love rolling down her face as the client lay still in my office. Laying there, in pure awe of what she was experiencing at that moment.
She was 100% connected to herself, her real eternal self. She was indeed a very old soul, willing to help as much as she could through the ions of time. Her soul has served others for so long.
She was able to gain an understanding as to why she was exhausted. In the very last energy pulse that came to her the Akaschic records showed her that this current life will indeed be her last for a very very long time. It revealed why she chose this one last mission, one last time.
When I called in her higher self they confirmed that after this life experience has come to an end, that she will sleep in the resting place, quiet at peace surrounded by warmth and the love that only source can provide. She deserves a well earned break and that her guidance team are so proud of her.
When I counted the client back to full consciousness she had a tear in her eye. She now has the strength and will to carry on and make the very best of the rest of her life in the body she has. She knows she has nothing to lose so can enjoy it all with an open heart.
She knows in her heart of hearts that after this one that she can look forward to a very well deserved rest for as long as she decides.” – John Mcluckie
Post Written by: Lara Starr
Laura’s Facebook
I am so gratefull to QHHT and those dedicated to it’s growth (past, present and future). This has made it so easy for me to acess the Akashic records. It’s a beautiful thing!
Thank you so much for the wonderful explanation and the sharing of the client’s experience.