What Is Astral Projection? (& How To Have An Out Of Body Experience For Beginners!)

Movies like, Behind Her Eyes and Marvel’s Doctor strange will have your head spinning with ideas of what you can do with astral projection. but what is astral projection? To set aside any misconceptions or misunderstandings of the art of astral projecting, we have dedicated this article to bring light to the journey of your astral body.
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What is astral projection?
Astral traveling, often confused for lucid dreaming or linked closely with it, for all the similar sensations and experiences that come with both. A Lucid dream happens whilst you’re in a dream state. You are conscious that you are asleep but aware of your mind and what is happening in your dream. Astral projection, on the other hand, is an intentional act. It is when you purposefully, using meditative methods, allow your mind to leave your physical body and lift into the astral realm. What you witness during your astral projection is experienced in real-time. You can see the room that your body is in, as well as your body that your consciousness usually lives within. Not many people have seen this, but there is a silver cord, or an astral cord, that connects our physical body to our astral body, it is said to be similar to elastic but energetic.
What are astral bodies?
If you have ever heard yogis and reiki practitioners speak about your subtle body, you have a headstart. An astral body is a more subtle version of our physical form subtle meaning it is neither entirely physical, not entirely spiritual, or energetic.
According to the practice of yoga, human beings have three bodies, our physical body is one of them. The other two are the astral body and the causal body. Because the astral body is both physical and spiritual it is connected to your senses and your mind, but it also contains what is known as Prana, which is the name for our life force energy.
Are out-of-body experiences real?
An out-of-body experience, or obe experience, is very hard to measure or prove, because it is a matter of the soul, or consciousness, going from the physical body and into the Astral plane. There have been some inconclusive studies done that gave inconclusive or vague results. One study had a woman linked to an FMRI machine whilst claiming to astral travel. When she moved her body in the astral plane, her brain showed evidence of movement within the machine – as if she were moving her physical body but it remained still. Another researcher on astral projection has dedicated his life to understanding the non-physical aspects of his consciousness after he was in an accident and ended up in a coma, which he came out of with new memories of another realm, or dimension. For now, it would depend on your belief system as there is no actual proof that astral projection is a real aspect of our consciousness because we, ourselves, have no clue of the reality of its full potential.
What does an out-of-body experience feel like?
As you slip into the astral plane you will feel sensations like heavy vibrations or a gentle tingle as your consciousness begins to leave your physical body. You might feel your heart rate speed up, and a humming sound might occur. Some astral projectors have said how their body felt weightless as if they were floating, and some said it felt more like they were sinking.
What causes out-of-body experiences?
It is said that if someone goes through a seriously painful or traumatic event like a vehicle crash or childbirth, dissociative tendencies take place as a defensive tactic and you rather witness the event happening from outside the body.
Others have reported experiencing an out-of-body experience when under anesthetics for surgery, or from near-death experiences.
What can you do while astral projecting?
When most people think about an out-of-body experience we imagine ourselves flying high in the skies, visiting our friends while they sleep. Astral projecting is far less of a 3D reality thing. Some say they can zap in and out of specific timelines so that they could witness ancient civilizations. Shamans for hundreds of years have used astral projecting as a way to commune with the higher beings. Others use it to explore our word and even the universe! Actress, Dina Bonnavie, had such an experience and made this statement;
“How come I am awake, yet I see myself down there? That meant I was out of my body. Then I saw myself going out of the window. I saw the houses, the streets, the buildings. I flew away from the city, away from the Earth. I was heading toward the moon, then to another planet. I don’t know what planet that was. Then I said to myself, ‘What am I doing here?’ When I looked down, I saw a silver thread connecting my body to the place where I came from—my bedroom where I was lying in bed. But every time I looked down, I couldn’t see anybody. Then I remembered the silver line, the silver thread!”
Ultimately, astral traveling is a great way for you to learn the different facets of consciousness, without the limitation of your physical body.
how to do astral projection safely: the benefits & risks
Astral projecting is something not to be taken lightly. If you are thinking about attempting this you might want to get some practice in with lucid dreaming and release all fear of the unknown.
Before you even think about starting this, make sure that you are not under any influences like alcohol or drugs – the act of astral traveling should no be taken lightly. As you begin, visualize a white light surrounding you, cleansing your energy. Make sure that you are sitting comfortably, or lying down as falling asleep is a possibility. When you begin your meditating breaths, visualize that you are inhaling peace and exhaling your negative energy and thoughts.
Out of body experience dangers
the have been no recorded dangers to our physical or mental health that might be caused by astral projecting or an out-of-body experience. Some have reported a slight dizzying feeling or disorientation, but that subsides after a while. The only risk you could face is if you have ignored the top suggestion to be free of alcohol or drugs and make sure that you fall asleep while astral projecting that you do not fall and hit your head. Make sure you are in a safe environment.
Benefits of astral projection
Even though there are not many bad side-effects of astral traveling, there are some amazing benefits you can enjoy once you become skilled at astral traveling.
- A sense of empowerment. You will feel more strength and your self-efficacy will improve.
- More tuned-in. Your concentration will improve, you’ll have the ability to focus better on what you are currently busy with.
- Improved relationships at work, with friends, and at home. Because of your improved sense of focus, you can focus more on the needs of your loved ones, friends, and colleagues – in general, you will better empathize with others.
How to have an out of body experience for beginners: 3 techniques
There are some naturally occurring OBEs, but there are out-of-body techniques for you to do it purposefully. Read on to learn how to intentionally astral project.
Out of body meditation
If you are looking to learn how to induce an out-of-body experience, the internet is a plethora of guided meditation podcasts. whether you are a beginner or a seasonal astral traveler you will find the right recording for you. Make sure that you are sitting in a quiet room, with dimmed lights, and your favorite energy and chakra cleansing incense stick burning nearby.
Binaural Beats
Some people prefer to use the soothing frequencies of binaural beats to get into a deeper meditative state or induce an out-of-body experience. Your brain waves can be rewired with the soundwaves that are binaural beats. One thing to remember, you cannot simply rely on the binaural soundwaves to instantly get you into the astral plane, it is a matter of your intention and your focus as well.
This is a similar method to meditating but slightly more intense. there are several self-hypnosis techniques you can use to strengthen your connection to your subtle body. the more you practice these techniques, the more skilled you will become.
Going Back to Sleep
This method has more than often used when attempting to lucid dream, the beginner’s step to astral traveling. The idea is that you wake up very early, like five or six in the morning, and you try to return to sleep after 10 or 15 minutes. This is particularly effective if you are a skilled meditator.
Crystals for Astral Projecting
The spiritual or metaphysical world is not complete without the right crystal to help you with whatever endeavor you may persist with. There are, of course, certain crystals that can assist you with astral traveling. Amethysts assist your crown chakra and are often used in lucid dreaming. Moldavite is well renowned for its ability to lift your consciousness into astral the astral world and Black Obsidian can act as your compass.
Well known astral projection experiences
If you are looking for knowledge on this topic from an experienced astral traveler, Susan Blackmore, a well-known astral projection researcher, writes of her experiences with out-of-body experiences and astral traveling in her book, Beyond the Body: An Investigation of Out-of-the-Body Experiences.
Unsurprisingly, Helen Keller speaks of her experiences with Out-of-body experiences and astral projecting in her own book, My Religion,
“I have been far away all this time, and I haven’t left the room…It was clear to me that it was because I was a spirit that I had so vividly ‘seen’ and felt a place a thousand miles away. Space was nothing to spirit!”
Our conclusion/Final points/Key takeaways on astral projecting
OBEs or astral traveling are more common than you might think. Even though it hasn’t been proven yet does not make it less real. There is so much more to our world than just the physical world, if we get the chance to explore it, we should not be so fearful of it. Your consciousness will always come back to your body when you are ready.
Is there any proof of astral projection?
If out-of-body researchers could find a way to prove that astral projection is a valid aspect of our consciousness, they would deserve eternal peace, for the act of astral projection would do wonders for the development of humankind. Unfortunately, there is little to no astral projection proof to prove that it is not a figment of our hallucinations or dream state. Science has no way of measuring or recording whether our consciousness can leave our bodies. for now, astral projecting has been dubbed, fake, but we know the truth and that’s enough.
Can others see you when you astral project?
If you are a skilled astral traveler you might be able to travel with your friends. There is also the possibility of having sexual intercourse within the astral plane.
Is astral projection a sin?
In this case, it would depend on your belief system, but a lot of religions including Hinduism and Christianity have astral projection aspects.
What is Astro projection?
Though Astral projection is the most commonly used word for the act, it is often called Astro protection but they are the same thing, spelled differently.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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