Best Protection Crystals: 12 Strongest Protective Gemstones

Crystals are as ancient as the first civilizations, they have been used and will most likely be used for a long time. Each stone has a general function, some with healing properties and others with protection properties, but each with their own cause. Today we will mention protective stones, whether for spiritual uses or to shield you from negative vibes. In this article you will probably find what you have been seeking – whether you were aware of it before, or not.
Table of Contents
What are protective crystals?
Crystals are not a new trend. They have been utilized across civilizations and surely be used for many moons to come. Each crystal has their own specific function like healing and protecting.
Generally, you could say all crystals are protection stones even though originally they may seem to be emotional healing stones, in the end they are protecting you from your own negative emotions.
Crystals work in a way where they assist tuning you to specific metaphysical elements and vibrate to a certain frequency that has healing potential. When your body’s vibration matches that of the crystal, it opens a connection towards its abilities.
How to use crystal stones for protection
If you have been searching for ways to use crystals for protection, then look no further. Generally, you can keep the stone nearby eg; next to your bed or around your neck worn as a necklace but each stone has its unique application. At the end of the day, it is your intention and attention that keeps them active.
Before you put them to use, be sure you have cleansed the crystals. Let’s say the obsidian stone is being used to absorb the negative energy in a room, it is pointless if the stone is already filled with bad vibes. Cleansing crystals is very important before you begin!
What are the best protection crystals? Here’s our top 12 list:
Below, you will find a list of the top 12 protective stones and descriptions of the best crystals/gemstones that will help protect you against negative influences. If you need some help with crystals for beginners, you can read more about that by clicking the link.
Stones For Protection At Work
If you are sensing negative vibes in the workplace, it will negatively effect your success. Keep in mind that protecting your workspace is also important. Below, we mention some crystals that will assist your growth and protect you from a future experience.
Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline is the best cure to get you out of recurring negative thoughts. Black tourmaline qualities are about tapping into your energy field and recharging your spirit therefore it will assist getting you out of the emotional draining feelings.
Black tourmaline is not only for the negative thought patterns, it also helps block off any toxic energy that may be coming from someone else as well a certain event that happened.
When you are stressed and surrounded by fast-paced, intense energy in the work place, Hematite is a great protection stone. Hematite provides emotional strength to get through any stressful situations or a massive dead-line on its way.
Crystals For Protection From Spirits
Spirits may not have an evil intent but they are still draining to us as they attract to our light energy and tend to latch onto some of us. Below we go through the crystals that keep away spirits that drain your positivity.
Smoky Quartz
Amongst light workers, Smoky quartz is famous for being able to shun away the dark spirits. This stone works by transmuting the negative energy of a space into positive energy. It is said to keep a smoky quarts alongside a selenite near the front door of the house so you will be safe from anything that is energetically unwanted.
The O.G of protection against negative vibes or unwanted energies is the Obsidian stone. It works by absorbing negative energies and transforming them into positive energies. This crystal is also used to protect psychic attacks due to the way it strengthens and purifies your aura and protects you from negative vibes in the spiritual and physical plane.
Crystals for Protection of Negative Energies
Below, we mention a few crystals that will make sure that no negative energies make their way on your path and block your positive journey.
Fluorite is a stone that removes negative thoughts and makes way for positive vibrations. Sometimes we may not even be aware that our minds are our worst enemies, the way we think about ourselves etc.
The blood stone, better known as carnelian is perfect if you need some grounding. This stone assists with boosting internal motivation, self confidence and enhance your self-esteem.
Carnelian and its grounding properties keeps away psychic attacks from affecting you due to the stone giving you more warm and positive energies to focus on.
Tigers Eye
If you need courage and strength, Tigers eye will assist you. This stone also helps you with determination and imagination so you can achieve more on a daily basis.
Self-assertiveness will be common with the tigers eye in your life as its properties reduce any self-doubt that arrive with negative thought patterns. The grounding properties of this stone also assist control the wild thoughts, therefore it is a brilliant option to use when blocking any psychic attacks.
Crystals For Sleep Protection
The crystals we mention below will help if you suffer from getting a good night’s rest.
Rose Quartz for a peaceful Sleep
Rose quartz embody love so if you sleep with one nearby, you will sleep peacefully and rest easy with all the love in the world. It also helps keeps bad dreams away.
Amethyst For Anxiety Protection
When you are surrounded by people that unknowingly project their anxiety to you or if you are filled with anxiety that you struggle to control, Amethyst is a wonderful crystal to fend off the anxious energy. Amethyst assists with mood swings, reduces stress and therefore prevents you any the self-sabotaging behavior.
Best Crystals For Protection In Relationships
When it comes to relationships, the crystals we mention below will assist your relationships from invasive negative vibes.
The emerald stone keeps your relationship more stable due to its properties balancing the mind and smoothening the emotional ups and downs. This helps keep not deserving reactions to your loved ones.
Rose Quarts
Rose quartz is the stone of love and self-love. This stone facilitates a strong sense of love for oneself which then assists the bond of relationships. It is not possible to love another if you do not love yourself and this is very true when it comes to rose quarts crystals.
To protect your self-worth and confidence, the Kyanite or blue kyanite is a great stone. This stone facilitates you in not being manipulated or pressured to do something you normally would not.
Crystals for EMF Protection
Society uses technology regularly and EMF is the energy that is released by all the electronics that we use. It cannot be seen with the third-dimensional mind but we are affected by it. We can land up drained, moody, suffer from constant headaches or be left without much libido if we are exposed too much to EMF.
To protect your electromagnetic field (EMF), Hematite is one of the most powerful stones to use. It works by clearing out this energy frequently so that we have the capacity to soak in more beneficial energies that will invigorate our mind, body and soul.
The vibrancy of a Citrine crystal makes it hard for the EMF affects to penetrate. This stone is powerful and well known for its protection against harmful EMF frequencies.
Crystals to Protect Your Home
Home is a sacred space of rest and preservation. It is unsettling to have negative energies within the home space so below we mention some crystals that are fantastic for protecting your home and secure the positive energies within.
Selenite emits a white light and act similar to obsidian and tourmaline due to them absorbing negative energy and transforming into positive. If you place selenite in every room around your home, its properties will ensure you walk into a light and positive energy.
As this crystal keeps away negative energies, it also relaxes your mind to make sure you have a positive mindset which then creates a calming energy in the house. Your space will become that peaceful oasis that makes everyone want to visit and appreciate.
What are the best protection stones for me? Key takeaways
Now that you have read everything, we hope that you feel more informed and aware over what crystals you can use to protect the various parts of your life. Whether it be smoky quartz, amethyst, onyx, fluorite, or carnelian. There is a protective element in every stone that each of us.
Try out our QUIZ to find out which crystal is most suited for your needs.
Is clear quartz a protection stone?
The clear quartz stone intensifies the power of all crystals so which ever stone you put alongside a clear quarts, it will have a wider radius to work with thanks to the clear quartz.
What is the most powerful protection crystal?
There is no all mighty, powerful crystal because they each carry strength and are suited for a specific reason.
What crystal will keep bad spirits away?
A smoky quartz creates a barricade so we suggest using this stone in your home to protect you from bad spirits.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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