Between Lives & Realities – Reframing Your Thoughts & Words

Let’s start with a reminder. It is a common phenomenon for those who are on a certain spiritual journey to be confronted with doubt. It may not be coming from within you, but rather from those around you! As we are all on a journey of our own, each of us will have separate experiences. There will always be those who will try to bring you back down from the clouds (as they see it) but it is your choice whether or not you want to remain within your physical construct, or if you want to expand your consciousness toward the more spiritual side of life. This is why it is so important to find a connection with those who relate to your belief or viewpoint. We like to call this your soul family.
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The moment you state something as a fact, then that is what will manifest into your reality because you are creating it. When you are surfing the web, or even just speaking your truth, there will be those who disagree, but whether or not you lean into their perspective is up to you. Many times we see the same question being asked: “How can you not be ‘real’ in this ‘real’ world, and have this fairy-tale lifestyle when people are dying all around us?”.
There will always be people around you trying to jump in and impose their ideas, realities, or fears onto you. They will state them as if they are so real for them, that they must be real for you. But, they couldn’t be more wrong.
The way the Universe Works
The question of the century, or the millennia, is how does the universe work? The mirror image that is life is always active. Whatever you are thinking or feeling, but particularly speaking about will 100% be reverberated onto you. If you choose to sit and watch the news about the wars that are being fought all around the world and throughout history, then that is the reality that will make manifest- for you. This is what we call the law of attraction, and we have spoken about this many times before. Your thoughts will become reality.
Now, don’t panic, we are all human beings with a built-in ego that is initially the dominant thought process in all of us. Do not judge yourself for the weird, gross, or possibly even sadistic thoughts that come through. This is why we have this thing called “time,” which acts as a sort of buffer. This is so that we do not borderline destroy our lives by manifesting in what we do not want, and we have time to set our thoughts on the path that works best for our growth.
Avoiding realities that are not your own
Only you have the power to allow energy into your field, and no one else. This is where caution is advised. Be very careful of what you allow into your energy field. This means to be conscious of the people, places, and events that are flowing in and out of your space. What you are focusing on, you are attracting. We have all had one of those friends who just love to vent and utilize your friendship to allow them to unload everything onto you. You might think that you are helping them because they are your friend.
Reading this now, you might realize that you are one of those friends doing all the venting. By doing so, you are allowing the law of attraction to bring that which you do not want into your world, as well as your friend.
Let’s say you have a friend who phones you at the end of each day, starting with the first negative aspect and falling into the next, then the next. We assure you that you are not helping anyone by allowing them to get into this flow of all these bad things that are happening. They are sending out this signal and broadcasting it out loud. By you listening, you are absorbing it, and bouncing that signal back even stronger. Thus, attracting even more negativity. It may not be hitting them right at that moment, but it will come back at some point.
When someone comes to you to talk about something bad, we urge you to find a way to excuse yourself from that conversation. Many people reading this might initially disagree with that sentiment. How can you just walk away from the friend who needs you at that moment? We shall answer that with another question. How can you help someone if you are being dragged down by them? Help your friends reframe their experiences. This means you are still there for them, but you are helping them realize the benefit of whatever they are going through. Every bad experience has a good lesson.
Final Thoughts…
You have the divine right to decide what you want to talk about or listen to. Reframing your words and thoughts is one of the most important things you could do for yourself, as well as for your friends. Lead by example and allow the flow of energy to bring you forwards, and not dragged under. This gives another meaning to, “taking the path of least resistance.” You are not abandoning anyone, and neither are you allowing the weights of your friend’s experience to affect you.
By leading by example, there is a sense of curiosity that is within all of us. People will see the beacon of light that you are emitting, and as it goes, they will try to match with yours. On the other side of the spectrum of venting, we all know someone that simply radiates light. Surely you feel those urges to fall into a similar path? Lean into the light, and let that swallow you whole. This is your baseline reality, and it should not be anything but.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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