What Is the Dark Night of the Soul? Our Meaning, Stages & More!

Have you ever experienced some soul crushing sadness after you went through an intense situation in life? And then, after a while of suffering, you emerged, triumphant, like a phoenix from its ashes? It is likely that you went through a period in your life known as, the dark night of the soul.
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What is the dark night of the soul?
The dark night of the soul is a process all of us go through when we are going through a spiritual awakening. Most often, it is triggered by a series of bad luck, usually based on materialistic things. This sends you down a spiral of feeling depressed, overwhelmed, and without meaning. It is a part of your spiritual journey, and personal development. In a spiritual sense, many people feel that there is no hope, and are unable to see god. It is a kind of existential crisis that leaves you with a sense of powerlessness.
Why does the dark night of the soul happen?
The dark night of the soul happens so that we may integrate a new understanding of ourselves into this world. We tend to live according to our egos, and not our souls, so the dark night of the soul would represent a time where our conceptual framework of ourselves and the world around us clashes. During this purgation, one experiences an ego-death,
Dark Night of the soul meaning
If we look into the name, “the dark night of the soul,” the words, “dark night” are used to symbolize something that is vague or obscure. The soul is a person’s true spiritual or energetic being – one’s true self. This means that the term is referring to one’s understanding of oneself being obscured, or seemingly vague. The term was first coined by a Spanish mystic, monk, and poet, known as St. John of the Cross in the 16th century.
The darkness of the soul would represent the parts of you that have triggered negative events so that you might learn from those experiences.
What does it mean to have a dark soul?
Having a “dark soul” does not mean that you are an evil person, filled with dark thoughts and intentions. Having a dark soul means that your true essence is being hidden from yourself. You might be living too egocentrically and you need to open yourself up to your heart energy, and the path of the divine. Have some faith in the higher powers and their ability to guide you in the right direction.
Dark night of the soul stages
There are seven different dark night of the soul stages which all lead you to a better sense of empowerment. Regardless of your soul age, you can experience it. Read further to find out more.
Waking Up to the Truth
The first stage of the night of the dark soul is when you become aware of the deeper sense of your spirituality. It is a realization that there is more to life than the mundane routine you were living with before. This spiritual awakening leads you into a world of curiosity over where the journey of the soul will lead you. You will realize how little you know about who you are destined to become.
The Triggering Events
every dark night of the soul is cause by certain events, not necessarily negative. These events can be a once-off occasion, or it might a series of events. For example, you might lose a loved one, or you might get a bond approved for a house, and then get retrenched from your job out of the blue.
Sometimes the triggering event, or events, can seem like they have nothing to do with the spiritual crisis, but they allow certain emotions and memories to resurface so that you may have the opportunity to resolve them.
The Deepest and Darkest Stage
During this third phase, all the negative emotions are felt. This can feel like a spiritual depression, because it is a time where our shadow self is brought into the forefront, and all your deepest fears are laid out for you to deal with.
The Roller coaster
This is the stage of the dark night of the soul where the phrase, there is light at the end of the tunnel, gets a whole new meaning. During this time, you will fluctuate between feeling powerful and powerless. You are at the beginning of conquering your demons, the aspects that have been holding you back, but the road to healing is not a linear fashion. Be compassionate towards yourself during this stage, there are no failures, only lessons.
Finding Your Purpose
This is where you have managed to get a slight grip on the person you are becoming. you will have realized by now, that if that “event had not happened in the first place, you would not be where you are right now. it is with your stronger mindset, that you will have a better chance at finding what you are destined for – your life’s purpose.
Regaining Balance
This is where you regain that balance in life that was thrown out the window at the start of your spiritual awakening. In the beginning, phase one, your spiritual teachers and guides were with you each step of the way, steering you towards the lessons you needed to learn. In this phase, you are better equipped to guide yourself, which means your guides will seem rather quiet. Just believe full-heatedly that you are on your way to greatness, walking the correct path to spiritual development.
Becoming an Evolved You
This is the final stage of the dark night of the soul. It is the time when every experience has been integrated into your sense of self, and a better version of you has emerged from the turmoil. You will be able to see any habits you had formed in your behavior and let go of the ones that are holding you back.
Coming out of the dark night of the soul
When one is coming out of the dark night of the soul, the best thing to do i to trust the process. Have faith in the universe, or god, or whoever your belief system pertains, that you are on the right path. Everything you have endured, and are still to experience, is part of a divine plan. The higher powers are working with you, not against you.
Resistance and fear are only going to hold you back, you you must be open to opportunity, change, and growth. When a triggering event occurs, try to work out what the lesson is behind it.
Make sure you dedicate enough time to sit quietly and reflect on what you have learned. meditation will be our greatest tool in this phase of your life, but it should be something you incorporate regularly into your spiritual practice.
How long is the dark night of the soul?
there is no specific time frame for the dark night of the soul. It is a time where you go through a transition, shedding old views and habits and developing new and improved understandings and approaches to the world. This time can be different for everyone, it simply depends on how you process the deep emotions that come with the spiritual awakening.
How do you get through the dark night of the soul?
Let’s say you are currently at the second stage of your dark night of the soul. This is where those triggering events keep occurring, and all those unpleasant emotions are running amuck. The best thing to do is to keep your mind on the positive. Trust that you are on the right path, regardless of everything seemingly going wrong.
Another thing that will help you get through this time of turmoil is to keep meditating, and practicing positive mindfulness. Replace any negative thoughts with positive memories, or affirmations.
Does everyone have a dark night of the soul?
In the times of old, it was thought that one could only experience a dark night of the soul if a big event happened in your life, like losing a loved one. Now it is understood to happen to anyone at any point in their life. Anyone can go through a spiritual breakthrough and awakening, you do not have to be a shaman or a monk. Remember, there are many soul types, and each one will experience different things.
Long dark night of the soul: Key takeaways
The dark night of the soul is not something worth dreading. It is a time when you are faced with an opportunity to better yourself. It is a kind of death of the “old you” and your rebirth.
If you are not entirely sure whether or not you are experiencing a dark night of the soul phase in your life, you can try this quiz!
- https://subconsciousservant.com/dark-night-of-the-soul-stages/
- https://theapeiron.co.uk/the-dark-night-of-the-soul-understanding-amidst-the-absence-of-meaning-3494cb193bc2
- https://www.bevjanisch.com/the-dark-night-of-the-soul-becoming-your-authentic-self/
- https://www.theyoungcatholicwoman.com/archivescollection/understanding-the-dark-night-of-the-senses-amp-the-soul
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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