DNA Upgrades: Reawakening, Unlocking & Advancing

Have you heard the term DNA Upgrades? We design our personalities to some extent to match the type of body we have. I feel like we carry our personalities from previous lives – as if it is something from the soul.
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We have a big discussion today. It is just fascinating, perplexing, and widely spoken about. It may or may not have been an obvious realization for you, but, the sensation that we are being bombarded by a high flow of energy is not coming from just anywhere! You may or may not have heard the terms information age or DNA upgrades but we shall shed some of the glorious light onto you for your expansion. We shall discuss what is meant by the term DNA upgrade and how it can affect you individually and humanity as a whole.
We Choose Our DNA
There are intersections with technology and spirituality when we think about DNA. A great layer to explore in and of itself. If we remember that our job before we came into this Earthly life was designing our body. We were manipulating our DNA to make it exactly the way we wanted it to be for our lives. This is because we knew what we wanted to look like. We had to add a certain amount of the gene makeup from our parents because we chose our parents. That among other reasons, we were choosing all those things so that we could be the way we want, in order to accomplish all the things we want to accomplish. If we think in terms of the Olympic athletes. We can all be athletic, but some bodies are built for it. it comes naturally to them – It’s organic. Their body was designed specifically for that when coming in because they knew what they wanted to do, and what experiences they will go through. So they designed the body to go with it. And while some of us may not have extremely athletic DNA, we can us DNA activation to bring out certain aspects that may be hidden from us.
Our Personalities Carry Through
We design our personalities to some extent to match the type of body we have. I feel like we carry our personalities from previous lives – as if it is something from the soul. In a previous life of mine, as a French explorer, I experienced his emotions and a fascination with uncovering discoveries, things that don’t exist yet or facing things that are usually perceived as fearful but being able to move on past the fear. These are all aspects that I know come from him. A theme that I know he felt, which I feel a lot too. I feel it as if it is presently a part of me. And now I actually seek discomfort in different ways to test my mind, my body, and my physicality. I like to be slightly uncomfortable and expand outside of what is considered “normal comfort”.
This can be reflected from the months the French explorer was at sea, battered by storms and malnutrition. It may seem funny to some people, or may just be a bit weird, but it’s a nuance or a facet of my personality that I carried over from that previous life.
It is an exciting revelation to learn that you do keep your personality, you don’t ever lose “you” and that you are always with “you”. The other flip side of it is the people that you feel most closely connected to in this world, can give you an idea about how you were connected in previous lives. You don’t really leave each other. You’re switching roles and supporting each other.
Understanding DNA Upgrades
I believe that we’ve come in and out of our lives, transcending time and space. We’re reconnecting, imagining, and supporting each other with our thoughts and we’re sort of daring to dream about a bigger life for ourselves – a bigger sense of consciousness. By accepting this human, Earthly life, you have accepted the journey you are going to undertake, no matter the perils.
To do this you’re going to have to learn how to not deal with situations in a 3D, conventional manner. Don’t worry, along the way, as you go on this experience, you’re gonna get what we call DNA upgrades. As you reach different points in your life you will accumulate techniques to deal with them, you will have the opportunity to learn how to heal your body, and to learn to be more multi-dimensional, like telepathy. You will experience more synchronicities in your life, supporting your mission, whilst unlocking different levels of DNA.
DNA upgrades can be compared to playing a character in a video or PlayStation game. This character has to go through all the levels and once they have achieved or completed it, they progress to the next one – unlock different tools which are now at their disposal.
The Age Of Aquarius and DNA Upgrades
If we look at our history, in terms of science and discoveries, around 9000, or 10,000BC they went from being almost mindless and simple slaves living only to obey and follow commands to suddenly gaining a mass amount of knowledge and capability to understand medicine, agriculture, and all these big developments in such a short space of time – in a boom! Right now, we’re in a similar situation – being the Age of Aquarius. We’re realizing our enlightenment – our sense of real power and a sense of our ability to heal ourselves. It took 1000s of years to get to this place. And we’re finally here. So isn’t it great to just stop and appreciate how far you’ve actually come? If you really look at some of the timelines you will realize you are a very advanced character in this game.
What Happens If You Feel Stagnant?
It’s so refreshing to just step back, look at the timeline of humanity and see how far we have come. Look at the resources you do have and you’ll realize that you’re never stuck – your “stuckness” is a myth, you always have options. Allow your character in the game to keep on moving, keep on searching, keep on exploring, doing whatever is unique to you. Feeling stuck, or stagnant, is a product of your current emotional state. You can do something to shake that up by doing some exercise, or some deep breathing. A walk in the forest also helps or calling a friend that makes you laugh. Then take that same problem you were looking at as being stuck, and your vibration with it will be slightly different – you will have new thoughts about it. That is just the way our human minds work. You’re always shifting different elevations of your vibration.
If your “stuckness” is something perpetual and you feel it lasts days, weeks, or even years, try to put yourself in a zone of focus, where you know you must focus on what is at hand. I like extreme things like skydiving because it’s a situation where you really take stock of what you’re thinking about. It’s, ultimately, up to you to choose. In this human life, there are so many things that can shift your perspective. There is an anecdote for whatever degree of “stuckness” you are. I am seeing now, that there is a greater loosening up of “restrictions” around the world. There is more acceptance of the work of shamans and those alike, people who work with plant medicine and such which were all remedies for that feeling of being stagnant are gladly being more and more accepted in the modern world.
Being Your Authentic Self
What is your passion? That might be a great indicator of what you are here to do. Imagine you go on a trip to the beach of your dreams, but there is going to be no one around. No emails, no phone – just you with your thoughts. That means no judgment or pressure. It’s in this place that we can allow our energy to flow. This is because we are sensitive human beings, we each have empathetic feelings which cause us to manipulate our passions so that it doesn’t hurt others or so that we’re accepted by them. But you are not meant to worry about their opinions because this is about you. Make sure what you are doing is for you, and be honest with yourself. Rather live a life where you are pleasing yourself more than the opinions of others – be authentic.
Re-awakening into our DNA
In each life we experience, we gain new aspects in our DNA. But if we’ve had certain abilities in other lives, does that not suggest that the DNA for that life might be in this life? It’s not something new, we are just tapping back into it. Before we came into this life our DNA was very similar and we made changes to it in order to fit this life. Therefore, aspects of our DNA or abilities from previous lives have always been there- we’re just reawakening or unlocking that part of ourselves.
The terms “reawakening” or “unlocking” are used because there is very little that you haven’t already been. You’ve already been everything but you’re doing it again from a different perspective.
Where Are We At?
We are in the river and the current is strong, and you just have to make it to the other side! That’s where we are. This is the part of the game where we can really level up. This Age-of-Aquarius period in time will last for another few years and it will be intense and following this, there will be some even bigger shifts. It’s really interesting the time we are living through and being able to see the chaos for what it is. Chaos can be an accelerator. It sends us forward, into the new world. Sometimes you need chaos – or in other words, contrast – a little bit of deprivation to realize what you really want to do, or aspects that you miss.
Final Thoughts on DNA Upgrades
So what do you think advancing a level in this human experience is? Is it getting a new car? Or going on that next mind-bending trip to Nicaragua? What did you set it out to be? I think it’s probably set up to be depending upon the game master. Take a moment to really think about what this means for you.
Will the Age of Aquarius influence our DNA upgrade?
The age of Aquarius is also known as the information age. A similar time could be compared to the ancient civilizations in Egypt during 9000BC or 10000BC where they had a sudden boom in development – they acquired knowledge of medicine and agriculture. The same thing is happening now and has been for the last 50 years or so. We are surrounded by technology which gives us information instantly and on top of that, the drive and thirst for knowledge is more powerful than ever. By learning we become aware and as a result of overcoming certain situations we are growing, and our DNA is upgrading.
What must I do if my energy feels stagnant?
This usually calls for a bit of introspection. Take a step back so you can see what it is that is making you feel “stuck”. If you are working a job that doesn’t necessarily make you happy but it pays the bills, it means you are not being authentic which is going to cause an energy block and your growth will be stunted. Change your environment and scenery in order to get a fresh perspective. Hang out with a new group of friends and allow yourself to resonate with their energy – when you return to the problematic situation you will feel renewed.
Do we choose our DNA?
Before we came into this Earthly life we chose every aspect of our DNA to fit the life we had chosen for ourselves. There are no lives that you have not lived but each one is lived from a different angle, or perspective, with different outcomes. Olympic athletes would have chosen DNA for a body that works for them and the same goes for just about any career or lifestyle.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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