Dolores Cannon – Alien Abductions

Alien Abductions

Dolores Cannon – Alien Abductions

12 min read

Alien Abductions

Dolores Cannon, a renowned author, and hypnotherapist was a pioneer in the field of metaphysics and past-life regression. She dedicated her life to exploring the mysteries of the universe. One of her most intriguing areas of research was her work with people who said they were abducted by extraterrestrial beings. Cannon’s unique approach to hypnotherapy allowed her to access the subconscious minds of her clients and bring to light their suppressed memories of these encounters.

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In this article, we will discuss in detail what Dolores has learned during the sessions with such alien abductee clients. We will examine the intentions of extraterrestrials and the nature of their interaction with humans.

Experiencing Lost Time

Imagine waking up at some point in the day with no recollection of how you got there. The day had started out like any other, maybe you are someone who lives by their schedule or someone who likes to take things as they come. No matter, because for some reason you are missing time. At some point in the day, or night, you have no memory. It’s as if you “blipped” from one moment to the next. Not even your friends or family can account for your mental absence. 

Aliens in the LightIf you were lucky enough to have a session with Dolores Cannon before she passed, she would have told you that the lost time you experienced was likely because of extraterrestrial abduction. Yes, she means you may or may not have been taken into an alien spacecraft for the purpose of research. However, the point is not to scare us, so they take away our memories of the abduction. That is where those moments of lost time come in. 

However, being the all-powerful beings that we are, those memories are not wiped out completely. Dolores developed such a keen ability to hypnotize people, that she was able to uncover those suppressed memories and gain a deeper understanding of their experiences. Through her work, she sought to uncover the truth about the nature of these beings and their interactions with humans, shedding light on one of the most fascinating and misunderstood aspects of what happens in our universe. 

Fear is our strongest emotion

Dolores Cannon was adamant about the fact that extraterrestrials were not here to do any harm. They are clearly examining our development and maybe occasionally experimenting with our DNA. However, because our human minds are generally quite limited, we have little understanding of the cosmos and our inter-planetary E.T neighbors. If they do not wish to scare us, then, why do the few people who do remember their abduction encounters remember them being terrifying?

Well, Dolores went and asked them that. To which they answered, “fear is one of the strongest emotions that humans have.” They take away our memories of the encounter so that it doesn’t disrupt our daily lives. But, sometimes fragments of those memories leak through the gaps. This can be terrifying, because we do not understand the E.T.’s intentions, and their technology is out of this world. So, it incites fear because that is our strongest emotion. It is, unfortunately, the one that drives so many of us through life. 

Condensed Time

Losing time is one thing, but Dolores Cannon found something else a little more intriguing. Some people came to see her reporting their experiences of condensed time. This is when an event happens in a much shorter period of time than it was meant to. Dolores described an incident on an episode of Extreme Mysteries on YouTube. She had a woman come to see her who described a strange incident she wanted answers for. According to her story, she was driving down a six-lane freeway at midnight on her way home. There was not a sign of life anywhere to be seen. No other cars on the roads passed by, and no lights came from the houses. Moreover, it was as if she had entered the Twilight zone because everything was completely silent. The woman continued down the road until she reached the road that led to her house. 

AbductionShe noticed an impressive light shining over some trees and she couldn’t help but study it. Suddenly, she saw the “first sign of life.” A cat sitting in the middle of the road on its hind legs, holding its front paws up in the air. The cat was also staring at the light, but it wasn’t moving at all. It was as if the cat was frozen in time. Dolores enquired with the E.Ts, and they informed her the cat was not frozen, the woman was just moving at a much quicker pace than the world around her.

Sightings are Not Always Abductions

Extraterrestrials are very interested in our development. They often come down to gather data, as well as to share information with us. This happens whether we realize it or not. One thing Dolores stressed, was that just because you see a UFO, does not mean you were abducted. People have told her they saw a huge UFO hanging over the freeway on their way home from work. They stop their car and get out to have a look. But, no one else is doing the same. It’s as if they can’t see the giant thing in the sky. 

This is probably the case. Not everyone sees UFOs as it is entirely an individual’s experience. You will only see what they want you to see, as it will facilitate your development in some way. If they did not want you to remember, you wouldn’t. 

That being said, if you are curious to know whether or not you have been abducted, try this quiz. It might explain some strange phenomena no one else has been able to explain, or even remotely understand. 


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Jade Small

I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.

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