Full Moon Rituals for Manifestation, Cleansing, Release & More

When last did you bask in the power that a full moon bestows upon us all? There is something truly magical about the big and bright disk that shines above us each month, all you need are the rituals in order to celebrate in la Luna!
For an extensive description of full moon rituals, keep reading!
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What is a full moon ritual?
We can make use of the power of the full moon during the lunar phase where the moon is bright and round. This is a time of reflection, working through everything that has happened since you made you commitments at the new moon. The full moon is a lunar phase that allows you the time to reconnect and recommit to the projects you started, possibly after a new moon ritual.
A full moon ritual can look like many things. You might be fond of making moon water every full moon so you can bless various items with the moon magic until the next full moon. You might get out some essential oils and do an aroma therapy meditation in your bed, or you might go outside to soak up the light of the moon.
Either way, a full moon ritual is gathering with your moon circle of fellow moon gazers, or you might prefer to praise la Luna solo. Either way, it is a time to carry gratitude with you, for everything that is in your life right now, even if it is not exactly the most desirable situation, there will always be something to feel grateful for. Remember, when it comes to new moon vs full moon, not to use the same rituals. Each moon phase has a different meaning. Check out these new moon rituals if that’s what you’re looking for.
Is a full moon ceremony the same thing?
A full moon ceremony is not that different from a full moon ritual. In fact, we practice our full moon rituals during the full moon ceremonies. A ritual, according to many dictionaries, is a set of actions or activities that you practice regularly and frequently. they are usually done in to spiritually represent a factor of religion or spirituality. A ceremony is where a special occasion happens like a wedding or a funeral.
The power of the moon is high during a full moon phase, this makes it a perfect time to absorb it. So, we have full moon ceremonies, during which, we practice full moon rituals.
How to do a full moon ritual: the basics
A full moon ritual is something that can be defined by you, yourself, and no one else. All you need is to set your full moon intentions, set up a sacred space, smudge the area to cleanse out negative energy, and you are set to begin your ritual of a meditation, affirmation, moon bath, or whatever method you have chosen.
Setting an intention needs to be done from a high vibration, not a low one. This means, you need to clear your auric field with a salt bath (which is ideal during a full moon anyway) or use some palo santo. Do some breath work, and try to move out of thinking with your ego.
3 simple full moon rituals for prosperity, manifestation & release
The full moon is magic for everyone, we all can benefit form a ritual during this lunar phase from me to time, if not regularly. If you are not sure what to do for the upcoming full moon, then maybe these full moon ritual ideas will spark some interest.
Full Moon Ritual for Manifestation
full moon manifestation ritual works similarly to a new moon ritual.
What you will need
- Journal or a piece of paper
- Pen
- Palo santo, or any other energy cleanser
How to do a full moon manifestation ritual
- First things first, you need to clear the space of negative energy. You can use palo santo, incense, sage, or whatever works best for you.
- Next, you must clear your mind of distractions. Take three deep breaths and center yourself.
- Set your intention for the things you would like to manifest, maintaining a high vibration of love and gratitude
- Write down the things you want to manifest as if they have already happened, or they are currently happening. Instead of saying, “I want”, rather say “I am”, or “I have”.
- Keep the manifestations nearby, and read through them. Some people like to bury them in the garden and watch their manifestations grow with their plants.
Full Moon Release Ritual
The full moon can be one of the most overwhelming phases of the moon for many people. This might mean that you need to release some built-up energy before you even think of starting a new project. One of the best ways to do this is via fire magic, over a full moon. Some full moon affirmations can harness the energy of this moon phase even more!
What you will need
- Fire
- Or, a candle and a fire proof bowl or container
- Paper and pen
- Palo santo, or any other energy cleanser
How to Do a Full Moon Release Ritual
- First, you need to set up a sacred space. Cast a moon circle, or simply get comfortable in a quiet area where you won’t be disturbed.
- Cleanse the space, and the fire. Light some incense or a stick of palo santo, and wave the smoke around the area. If you are using a candle, wave it over the smoke to clear it of any bad vibes, or simply place the palo santo directly into the fire.
- Write down everything you want to release onto piece of paper as if they have already been released. They are a thing of the past from now on.
- Visualize yourself detaching from those energies, and focus on a memory where you felt the most joy and allow that positive energy to fill your whole being.
- While you are visualizing, place he paper into the fire and watch it burn, or hold it over the flame of a candle and place it into the fireproof bowl until it has burnt up.
Full Moon Cleansing Ritual
A moon bath is a great way to recharge and cleanse your energy of all the overwhelming negative energies that you are feeling. This one is great for those intense full moon effects on empaths.
What you will need
- A cushion or a blanket to sit on
- Palo santo, or any other energy cleanser
How to do a Full Moon Cleansing Ritual
- Go outside and find a quiet place to sit. Place a blanket down or a cushion and get comfortable.
- Set an intention so the moon’s energy is directed to where it is needed
- Cleanse the space around you with the palo santo
- Sit quietly and soak in all of the moon’s radiant power
Other things to do during full moon for abundance, prosperity, and self love, and more
Spirituality is defined by the individual. This means that you are not limited with the different rituals that you can practice during a full moon. As long as you have a pure intention, you can do pretty much anything, even simply sitting own quietly for a time of contemplation. Here is a list of other things to do during a full moon.
Salt Bath
We have mentioned moon baths, but this is a little more like your traditional baths you take daily. Salt is a great way to cleanse your aura, and even more so on the night of a full moon. Fill up a bath tub with water of your preferred temperature, add some salt (ideally Himalayan salt, or natural sea salt) and a herb of your choosing. When you get in, you can do a little meditation, or simply just lie back, and absorb the salty goodness.
Sometimes all you can muster is a meditation. This is perfectly adequate, sometimes life gets chaotic (it is the full moon we are speaking of!) Breathe in deeply and try to calm our mind’s chatter. Do not push any thoughts away, rather let your mind be aware of them, without any emotional reactions. Focus on what you want to let go, and visualize the power of the moon shining upon you like a beam of white light.
Make Moon Water
This method allows you to keep little bit of the full moon magic with you throughout the month. You can use the water to cleans your crystals, and pretty much anything that might need cleansing. All you need to do is fill a jar with water, sit quietly somewhere outside under the light of the moon, and set an intention. Visualize your intention over the jar, and leave it outside over night. The water will absorb the energy of the moon, and you can use that for blessings.
Key takeaways on full moon energy & full moon practices
The moon is a wondrous thing, enchanting us with its powerful energy. As you have read, there are many different rituals that you can try out from the comfort of your home, or garden. Which one sounds like it resonates with you?
Which full moon ritual should you try this full moon?
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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