How to Make a Sigil: What is a Sigil and How to Create One

We have all seen the movies, and read the books. Where magicians, warlocks, witches, and sorceresses would carve or draw these strange symbols during their rituals or ceremonies, casting spells to ward off evil or even create their own evil. Sigils have been a big part of spirituality, but they have been largely misunderstood, which is probably why the general public is convinced that they are meant for magick or spell work.
Table of Contents
There is a lot more to do with the art of sigil work which we are going to explain throughout this article. We will cover everything from how to make sigils, your own sigil, what sigils mean to the Wicca practice, as well as what they mean for the unconscious mind or conscious mind.
What is a sigil? Our definition
The sigil meaning has its origins in Latin, coming from the word sigillum, which means “seal”. There are a few words from the English Language that this Latin word, sigillum, is the root of. The others also having a similar meaning to the word sigil itself, being seal, sign, signature.
But, what are sigils? Our definition of a sigil is that they are the symbols that are drawn as manifestations of what we wish to happen. Ultimately, sigils are magical symbols that facilitate the law of attraction to bring into manifest, your desired outcomes, and dishes.
There are various different types of sigils like magic squares that involve numbers, or pictorial sigils which are more like pictures than a symbol.
Sigil symbols and meanings
Luck Follows Me
If you are keen to start making things happen, it can be a burden to have the idea that you are unlucky. Maybe one of your friends has mastered this manifestation art and everything just seems to fall into their lap, or maybe they have worked hard to get where they need to be ad the benefits they have earned are so dazzling it can be hard to see your own path.
This is a sigil that will help you to attract luck and abundance. Leave it somewhere where your eyes will fall over it accidentally, remember you can’t go looking for luck and good fortune, that will find you once you start to believe you can attract what you wish. It is all about mindset, but this sigil will help to integrate that belief.
My Wishes Come True
This sigil is much like the one above, in that it will attract love and abundance, but it is not about the general luck that you are attracting, it is about the manifestations based on intentions that you are putting out that you are addressing with this sigil. The difference is that you are making a with deliberately and the sigil will help you to believe they are working.
I am Full of Confidence
You are about to go in for that job interview that you have been waiting for so long and now the pressure built up is too much too bare because you are actually quite introverted and shy. Or, maybe you are just generally lacking in confidence so you are thinking about making a sigil to help bring you out of your shell a little bit and add a little assertiveness into your characteristics.
Remember that confidence comes from within, and like the law of attraction states, you will either face situations that are going to force out your confidence, or they will not be helpful to your personal growth. You will need to believe in yourself and all of your capabilities, and this sigil is what will help you get there, or one that you have made yourself.
Love Finds My Way
Of course, the age-old question and demand is one that we cannot ignore because it is something on everyone’s minds, whether they want to admit it or not. This is something that a lot of spiritual healers are asked about, and receive many requests for chakra healing and opening, and people would even go so far as to undergo hypnosis to train their thought patterns so that they can be open, ready, and accepting of love hen it comes their way, instead of rejecting it subconsciously.
As it goes with each of these sigils, you have to believe that you are love, which means that if you are someone who struggles with insecurities because of a lack of self-love and acceptance, you might want to address that first, because those thoughts will block your path to your love relationships with others.
How to make a sigil in 5 steps
In this section, we will provide step-by-step instructions on the art of sigil making. We will give you a comprehensive description of creating your very own, and personalized DIY sigil. Keep reading if you would like to learn how to create a sigil.
Sigil making: Step 1
Making and creating sigils is a magickal affair and should not be taken lightly. This means that it is essential for you to set your intention before you start your endeavor. Sit back and make sure that what you are manifesting is of pure intentions because the age-old saying of, what you give you will get back three times, was not written in vain.
Sigil creation: Step 2
The first step is where you identify what you want to manifest. The first thing to note is that manifesting something is not about willing something to happen, it is about believing you are already that which you wish to manifest. So, once you have identified what you want to manifest, you must write them down on a piece of paper in the present tense. As an example, you would not write, “I want more motivation”, you write, “I am motivated”. Or, maybe you wish to remind yourself of self-love, so you manifest, “I am Love”.
Making your manifestation has to come with a little bit of realism, if you are not willing to do the self-healing, you can’t expect to have more self-love, and if you aren’t willing to get up and do the work, you will not find the motivation you seek.
Making sigils: Step 3
The second step in creating sigils is where you cross out some of the letters. These letters will ball of the vowels in your written manifestation as well as any of the repeated letters so that the remaining letters are just the consonants. This could be linked to the kabala because Hebrews tended to leave out the vowels in scripts, or could be for pragmatic reasons.
Let’s say your written manifestation is, “I am motivated” after you cancel out the vowels Randall of the repeating letters, you will be left with, “MTVD”. Or, if your manifestation is, “I love”, you will be left with, “MLV”.
Creating a sigil: Step 4
In this step, you are invited to bring in a little bit of creativity. The beautiful thing in that is that manifesting is all about creating your reality the way in which you wish it to be, so there is a link to that in the art of sigil magick.
In this step, you must take those remaining letters after you canceled out the vowels and the repeating letters, and you must make a symbol out of them. there are various examples that you can find over the internet, but nothing goes here really. The letters can be backward, forwards, upside down, in any which way you please, so long as they are all connected.
you can intensify its power by adding some color magic to it. There are certain colors that possess characteristics of magickal origin that influence the way of thing. If you are working with the sigil you made that is for self-love, you could make the sigil in pink, the color of love and healing, or if it’s for the sigil for motivation, you might make the sigil color yellow, which is the color of inspiration.
Making a sigil: Step 5
The last and final step in the creation of your very own sigil, is the activation of it. Most witches of the Wiccan faith will have their own book of shadows or grimoire. In there will be a record of all the sigils they have created over time. they will activate each sigil when the time comes, and you can do the same, even if you are not Wiccan.
Activating your sigil can be as simple as redrawing it on a piece of paper, or you can carve it onto soap, and you can wah yourself with the soap whilst focusing intently on your manifestation. You could also carve it into a candle, that is of the specific color that represents your intentions or desires. You can paint the sigil into your artwork, or you could simply trace the sigil in the sand whilst at the beach or sitting in the forest.
How to use sigils
Now that you have your sigil, or maybe just the knowledge on how to make them. You can use them practically to make manifest what you truly wish. Here are a few of the ways you can use the sigils that you make.
During Meditation
Maybe you have been struggling with anxiety for fra while, and you have finally had enough. itis time for a bit of self-work so you make yourself a sigil to rid yourself of the anxious plague. To use the sigil in meditation, you would start off as usual, by finding a quiet place to settle down, and take n your deep breaths. Set your intention with those breaths and then gaze intently at the sigil in your hand. If you chose to carve the sigil into a candle, make sure it is lit.
You can look at the sigil while visualizing yourself having already achieved what you are manifesting, so if you are trying to get rid of anxiety, imagine yourself without any of those thoughts.
During Rituals
Wiccans celebrate and follow the lunar calendar, which means they have full moon rituals once a month, every month. These witches would carve their sigils for the intention of every moon, and they would ceremoniously manifest them.
When Feeling Emotional
If you are going through a tough time, sigils can be that guiding light that you are looking for. If your friend has betrayed or let you down, or you have gone through a breakup, or simply pining for love and finding your partner, you can create personalized sigils that you can keep pinned on your mirror to use as a daily affirmation, or simply to draw energy from when you are feeling down and out.
Before a Job interview
If you have a job interview lined up, you can also use sigils to manifest that abundance into your life. Personalize the symbol for a more specific intent, like maybe for the job title, or specifically for the company, you are interviewing for. Focus on the symbol, and let it engrave on your memory. Make sure it is fresh on your mind before the interview, so focus on it before you walk in.
Key takeaways
Chaos magic is something that is based on a few spiritual traditions mixed with modern ideas and perspectives. With this in mind, sigils can be made to help you with pretty much every aspect of your life, from physical ailments, emotional traumas. All you needed was to learn how to make them for yourself and you can have an unlimited supply of sigils to facilitate your progress.
How do sigils work?
Sigils work by you writing out your manifestations, cutting out the vowels and repeated letters, and making an artistic symbol out of the remaining letters. They work as facilitators to bring into life what you are manifesting.
What is sigil magic?
Sigil magic is ultimately the art of creating your own personalizedsigils from your own desires, or manifestations, and focusing on that symbol, or sigil, to bring those manifestations to life.
Can you make a sigil for someone else?
Of course, you can make a sigil for someone else, there are various sigils that are already made all over the internet that you could use, as long as they set the intention before they activate it. If your friend is going through a rough time, you can make them a sigil for self-love or self-healing.
Can you design your own sigil?
You can make your own sigil by writing down your manifestations on a piece of paper. Next, you must cross out any of the bowl letters, and the repeating letters, which means you will only be left with consonants. Once you have done this, you can use those remaining letters to make a symbol and do not be afraid to get creative in this part. Once it has been created, you can store it in your bok of shadows, or just a notebook ok sigils. When you want to use the sigil you must activate it by drawing it out in the way you prefer.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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