Hypnosis, Past-Lives, and Exploring the Super Conscious

Today’s topic is something that really hits home with our QHHT practice and one that most of us find a keen interest in. This is not surprising as we are one big, happy soul family. Hypnosis, past-lives, and the super conscious is an extremely broad subject, but one that is growing in popularity every day. Past lives are only seen as something that happened before this life because we as humans see things in a linear fashion. But, did you know that these lives are all happening simultaneously?
Table of Contents
We are evolving towards a place in our consciousness where we can easily access the information you have learned in those lives and download it (so to say) to be integrated into your reality here and now. The concept of simultaneous time, though contrary to the way we humans think, shows us how we have access to those characteristics, lessons learned, skills achieved, and so much more. Delores Cannon, founder of QHHT, developed a way for us to tap into those lives so that we can evolve and adapt to our ever-changing realities.
Each Life is Intricately Connected
If your interest in this topic is strong enough, you might already be familiar with the Seth Books. If you have not yet heard of the Seth Material, that is okay because this collection of books by Jane Roberts is dense with knowledge, and a lot to digest. In a nutshell, there is an example of a multi-dimensional board game that ran on different levels. One move on the top level would affect one of the bottom layers and same for the bottom to the top. This is a perfect representation of how each of our lives are intricately connected.
So the reference “past-life” or “previous lives” might be easier for us to understand, but it’s entirely inaccurate. They are never finished, because they are still happening right now, as you are reading this. It’s almost as if these “other lives” are other parts of ourselves – an extension of our personality and characteristics. A good way for us to understand any disruptions in your life would be for you to tap into your “other lives” to see what events and lessons you are facing in those lives. It is likely that those lessons will relate to your present reality, because each life is highly connected.
Your Only Limit is Your Belief system
What’s interesting to consider is your path. How many of you think of you in the past and see an entirely different human being? That is because you are! As you grow and develop, your consciousness expands with each lesson learned through big events. Every once in a while your body will recycle its cells in such a way that it’s as if you have a new body, but made with the same cells. New energy that is recycled as you travel between different parallel realities. There are a billion parallel earths right now, in this second. The limit of these parallel earths, is the limit of your imagination and your belief system.
We are choosing to flow through everything that exists from new perspectives. That is the journey of the soul is to weave through these infinite moments with new discoveries, new perspectives, new excitements, new challenges.
Be Proud Of Each Challenge
You might be rolling your eyes right about now, but would the challenges be something we should be proud of? Well, growth comes with a bit of a struggle or a challenge, because they egg us on to try harder to achieve the goal. Through pain we grow, right? But, the challenge does not have to be painful. It could be like playing tennis against someone of the same skill as you, if not a higher skill level.
Each challenge you face within your life is put there by you, you decided you needed to learn some lessons revolving around the chosen challenge. They help you make realizations, upgrade your spiritual concepts and understanding so that you can let go of those that no longer serve you. If you feel like you are not progressing, then you might notice you have reached a plateau or maybe you might notice a dip. This is the time for you to take stock of your progress, because that shows you the growth you have achieved so far. It allows your goals to feel more attainable,
Our Goals
The theme for the day is hypnosis, past lives, and super consciousness (our challenge if you will) and through this journey of life, our goals with the QHHT practice is to strengthen that connection. The super conscious is lined with information that we can access, and it is there for all of us to connect with. It is not a place that only some are deserving to access, each of us are on equal footing.
It is not humanly possible for us to describe how much information the superconscious is waiting to share with us we are always being told by the higher dimensional beings that we are only now just scraping the tip of the iceberg, and we are only just beginning to understand the multidimensional world we live in. Imagine what else they have in store for us to learn? All it takes is a little bit of trust in the flow of life and that we are being guided towards this great source of all-knowing.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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