Moving Into the 5D Earth – What is 5D?

5D Earth comes with a lot of confusion over whether or not it is the “new” earth. This is not the case. Some people view it as this great thing that will suddenly be thrust upon us. Like the opposite of doomsday. The higher dimensions have been trying to tell us all that the 5D world is already upon us, and you no longer have to wait for it. But, how does one tap into this world? Let’s find out!
Table of Contents
You Are a Product Of Your Desires
Anything that you want, you can have. The same goes for your imagination. Anything that you can think of exists! Are you aware of the law of attraction? You most likely are, but let’s go through it again – for good measure.
Sometimes the humdrum of life takes its toll and you might find yourself feeling down in the dumps from time to time. These moments can lead to a negative thought pattern, and these thoughts always manifest into reality in some way or another. Being aware of this can help you reign in those thoughts so that you can focus on more positive ones. Having 5D consciousness means you know this all too well.
There is a lot going on in the world right now, more conflict than people would like to admit. Those who have faced the news head-on might know the reference being made. Always remember this; only you can allow what impacts your world. It is a choice that you, and only you, make. You can still hear the bad news, and be aware of it, but you can choose for it not to affect your reality. That way, you maintain your high vibration without matching the vibration of the negative news on T.V.
It’s kind of like during the live sessions where we talk about all kinds of fun topics, like this one, and it has been known for us to stray off topic from time to time… But, is that really the case? Or is it maybe that that was a particular message someone listening needed to hear, so it is ultimately a bit of divine guidance. Your desires to have certain questions answered led you to that particular live session where you found the information you needed to help you progress.
5D Consciousness Explained
As human beings we have been evolving in consciousness for over a millennia. We have gone from blindly following leaders and religion to asserting our free will, we are fortunate to be able to experience the latter in our lifetimes.
Presently, the evolution of our consciousness is shifting away from our physicality towards energetic perceptions and inner knowing. It is an upgrade for sure. The idea is that if you are maintaining a high vibration by living within gratitude and love, then you will sync with the vibration of the 5D realm and your experiences will match what you are giving out – love!
5D Will Not Eliminate Negativity
People who have managed to tap into this consciousness have asked why they are still seeing negativity around the world like food and housing shortages, disease, war, and all things similar. These thoughts are clear signs that these people think that what they see in the world can impact them, and affect their vibrational frequency.
The short answer to this is, it does not affect you. Any external negativity does not have to affect your reality, or your vibrational frequency. You do not need to allow these aspects to come into your reality and rock your world till you fall into a lower vibration with them.
Think of it like this. Just because we are living within the physical third dimension, does not mean that the first and second dimensions are no longer around us. We can still perceive the 2nd dimension, as well as the first, and our perception of the 4th dimension of time is always present. We can always see each dimension, which means it would seem obvious to say that we will always perceive the negativity in our world. But, we are allowed to observe it, and not let it affect you.
You do not have to take on another’s belief system if it opposes yours, nor do you have to fear it. It is important for you to figure out what is relevant in your life. To understand a prism of relevancy for everything like your thought patterns and aspirations. Having a 5D consciousness means you know how to observe the negative vibrations and allow them to pass by, because they are not relevant to you.
Simply double down on what is relevant to you. You just have to focus on what makes you happy and ultimately raises your vibration. How do you do that?
Use your Guiding system
It can be overwhelming in this physical world, our emotions so easily get the better of us. You may have heard of some people possessing things like psychic powers. The reality is that each of us has something within us that is our guiding light. A clear sign that you are beginning to tap into the 5th dimensional consciousness is acknowledging your intuition. Your inner voice is your higher self, beckoning.
There has been research and studies done over the power of your heart, and more and more of it is being proven each day. Your heart is an actual internal guidance system and has a direct connection to your higher self and that which is truly good for you. This is why connecting deeper into our hearts and allowing these natural feelings we have about certain things. Some call this “gut instincts,” some call it “instinct,” or “intuition.” Some even like to call them psychic powers, regardless, it’s within us all.
We live in this world where we are experiencing jarring energy constantly. It’s no wonder when our smartphones are constantly notifying us of pretty much everything like the news, work emails, a friend’s birthday, the weather – everything! We never get a moment’s peace, and this can be intensely stressful!
Your natural flow of your heart’s energy is being disrupted by all of these constant notifications, so it is a good idea to find the time to focus on your higher vibration.
The Many Dimensions of Earth
We are here today to look at things from a vantage point that makes sense with our spiritual views, in terms of how we can live a holistic life that is kinder, more loving, and better integrated. When you are confronted with bad news on the T.V, yes you have the decision to include it into your reality, and many people feel obligated to.
That is all fine and well, so long as you remember that there are many different parallel dimensions of earth. The 5D world is where we let go and forget the hardships. It is a place that resonates with heart energy like collaboration and unification.
This is not to say that the 5D world is all sunshine and daisies, without any visible signs of the negativity we speak of. You will still be able to see the negative situations that you experienced in the 3D world. This goes to show that even though you have managed to progress, that you are now unable to see from the previous dimensions like 4D, the 3D, the 2D, and the first dimension.
If you can see the negative things, it does not mean that you have not progressed. You will be able to see them, but you have the choice to allow it to impact you or not. Your ultimate point of consciousness is a point of neutrality where you always have a choice to define what is happening around you. You are the one putting the pieces of the puzzle together in a way that is according to your world, your reality, and your universe.
What Will Help You Tap Into the 5D?
We are all beings with our own universes inside. We have our own belief systems which have a completely different world to everyone else. No two beings have the same universes because we each have our own way of perceiving things. If you have ever put a strong opinion out there, keep this in mind.
Your world is not the same as anyone out there. It is unique to what you are seeing. This means that if you make someone else out to be wrong, you are not acting in alignment with your greatest good. You do not know where they are coming from, or how they have built their world. What you need to advance and accelerate into this 5D world is empathy, compassion, understanding, and listening.
There is an art to listening, where going into a conversation with a presupposition that the person talking might know something that you don’t know, and you can learn from them and expand your perception.
The words we use for love, empathy, compassion, kindness and other positive aspects are like symbols in our mind that we can speak to activate. The moment you say the words, you will be able to feel their vibration. These are the vibrations of the 5D world, and living with them in your heart is a sure way to progress towards the 5D world.
The 5D world is free of polarity and biases. It is not based on who is wrong, and who is right. You need to reason with your ego to let go of any need to prove that the 5D world exists to anyone who has chosen not to include it into their own reality. You know how to do this, it is already ingrained into your heart – just let go!
Final Thoughts
If you find people opposing your idea of the 5D world, there is no point in trying to prove your point.
Whether you like to think of yourself as a galactic light warrior, or simply a humble lightworker, living within your authenticity will help maintain your high vibration. Acknowledge the signs you are receiving from your inner knowing, or intuition, and the more you do, the stronger the guidance will become.
Have you managed to tap into the 5D consciousness we are speaking of? Find out by trying this short quiz!
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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