Overcoming Addictions and Taking Control of Your Life

Addiction is a very vast topic, one that has many elements that are included with it. We can approach this topic from many different directions, one is from the perspective of addiction for the individual, the person going through this addiction, and there’s also the perspective of the people who are close to that person, and having to put up with so many repercussions that come with that addiction, in whatever shape or form it may be.
Table of Contents
What is addiction?
This is one of those topics that is in disguise. In our QHHT sessions, we always aim to get right to the core of an issue, to find the roots of a problem, or a certain trauma in someone’s life. We do not deal with the surface stuff, we are aware of them, but we aim to find the deeper meanings behind people. And that s where addiction is similar because having an addiction is your body’s way of telling you that you have something going on inside. Addiction is like a symptom of a disease, it is telling you there is something deep within you that is not quite right. If you think about it, we take medication to treat the symptoms of sicknesses, or our doctors look at the symptoms you have to determine the underlying illness or cause.
It is safe to say that we all probably have some sort of addiction in our lives. Each and every one of us is compelled, to a certain degree, to form addictions. The difference between them is how beneficial the additions are because some of them can be. You might be addicted to reading or a healthy lifestyle. Then there is the other side of the coin, where addictions have a negative impact. It is important to understand that we are all working with the concept of addiction, and no one is bigger than addiction, we are all connected to it in some way.
Addiction is an Escape
I know I mentioned that some addictions may not necessarily be the worst thing to be addicted to, like reading, gardening, or exercise. But the important message that the universe has for you is that, no matter what your addiction is and how much good it does, an addiction is still an escape. Ou might have a troubled family life where your parents argue a lot so you like to go for a run or tend to your vegetable patch. But some people have less reason for this, and for them, it might be that your psychic abilities are activating and this subconsciously scares you, or you might be an empath with some serious abilities, and all of the emotions and feelings of the world that you feel at all times are too much, so you turn to something that numbs it. Even if it is absorbing your mind with your favorite novel.
A Little Reminder
No matter where you are on that timeline of addiction, this earth experience is one that there is no coincidence. The choices of the life we are flowing through, are all choices that we chose to jump into, gladly. Some people who may have experienced a lot of trauma and felt that bottomless pit of despair, rebounded. It is such a beautiful thing when you are able to come back. Some of the most beautiful souls have stories of overcoming adversities, and we can all take lessons from these people. The transformation of these beautiful beings has gone through, from that bottomless pit to be really grateful for this life, in terms of where you came from, where you are now, and what you are truly capable of.
It’s a Team Effort
Addiction can have, even at its deepest level of despair, it can have a positive net outcome for that person experiencing that addiction, and for those people near to them. When it comes to addiction, we must all be aware that it is not a solo journey. When the individual reaches those lower and lower points, family and friends organically step in. Those people who really care for that individual and would want that person to have a more positive lifestyle get involved organically, and it becomes a team effort. And in a team, each member evolves throughout, so it is interesting to view the concept of addiction from this perspective.
There are some amazing tools that we have to enable transformations, from our very own QHHT sessions to AA anonymous or narcotics anonymous. Each of these platforms has its own strengths, but they all require the individual, to be honest about their situation. Because honesty is generally something that can get a little murky, even with ourselves. The addiction can almost take over and become more important than anything else and regaining that trust and honesty with yourself and others are difficult, but beautiful once achieved.
Other Solutions
We all have desires, but some of us are so compelled by those desires, that there is no option but to satisfy them. It is almost and if that certain desire is so important to fulfill that everything else just falls to the side. But what we need is to find something else to fulfill that desire. The first thing to mention might seem the most obvious, and that is meditating. So many of us shrink away from the idea because meditating is hard for a lot of us. Even if you manage just 20 seconds of meditation, even just to exist and allow the space you are in to exist and to become comfortable with nothing, that is the true beauty.
Final Thoughts
Never erase your mistakes, they are pointers on your timeline that show you how far you have come. They are the deepest lessons learned, and you should never wish them away for anything. Without them, you will not grow, and growth is necessary.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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