7 Past Life Tarot Spreads: Love, Relationships & the Soul

We have carefully selected 7 past life tarot spreads to help you learn about your past life relationships, soulmates, twin flame, soul contacts, and karma. These spreads will help you identify the valuable lessons you have learned in previous lifetimes and reveal the lessons that you are destined to learn in this life.
Table of Contents
7 great past life tarot spreads
We have selected 7 past life tarot spreads to help assist you with starting to learn past self regression. These spreads will help you learn about relationships you had in your past life and the lessons they have taught you. The Karmic Tarot spread will reveal the lessons you still need to learn in this lifetime.
You can do these tarot card readings with an oracle deck or a traditional tarot deck. We recommend you use a traditional tarot deck and look up the unique meaning of each card that you draw.
Before you start your tarot reading, create a quiet space free from distractions. Invite your spirit guides to help you receive the best cards for your reading. Shuffle your tarot deck and think about the question, then pick a card. If would also be beneficial to learn some reincarnation facts before starting your journey and delving deeper.
General past life reading tarot spread
Have you always wanted to know who you were in a past life? This tarot spread is the perfect way to unlock forgotten memories of past lives you have lived. It will reveal information about your life, the lessons you learned, and how it is as influenced you to become the person you are today.
1. Who were you?
What kind of person were you in your past life? This card tells you the major role you played in this past life and your defining characteristics.
2. What did you do?
This card tells you the job that you had or your major purpose in life.
3. What challenges did you face?
This card is closely linked to card 4 and tells you about how you learned the lessons you did in this past life.
4. How did you die?
This card can reveal the circumstances around your death.
5. What lessons did you learn?
These lessons can form positive attributes of your personality in this lifetime.
6. How have you been influenced?
This card reveals the ways in which your previous life influenced who you are now.
Past life relationship tarot spread
The people with who you are closest, have most likely shared past lives with you too. This tarot spread will reveal the details of that relationship, the challenges you had, and the challenges you will face with them in your present life.
1. Relationship with this person in this life.
Use this card to identify who this person could be in your current life. Look at the symbols on the card closely for any clues.
2. Obstacles between you and the other person in this life.
This card indicates the challenges you have with the other person.
3. Relationship with this person in this past life.
Was this a family member, a teacher, or maybe even your boss?
4. Unfinished business between you and this person.
Every relationship in our life serves a purpose to teach us something about ourselves. Any unfinished business, no matter positive or negative, is an opportunity to grow.
5. Lessons to learn in that life.
This card indicates the lessons we learned from this relationship in a past life.
6. Lessons to learn in this life.
This card indicates the lessons we will learn from this relationship in this lifetime.
7. Who you were in this past life.
What kind of person were you in your past life? This card tells you the major role you played in this past life and your defining characteristics.
8. Who they were in this past life.
This card tells us the major role and characteristics their soul had in this past life.
9. Attitude, attributes, or fears you carry from that life into this one.
The experiences we have in past loves can carry over into our next life, they are the lessons we have learned and integrated. Most lessons are beneficial, but some, like irrational fears, can be limiting.
10. How to heal your relationship in this life.
This card indicates ways you can transform the relationship you have with this person in this lifetime. Look at the lesson the card is conveying and how you can apply it in your relationship.
Past love tarot spread
Do you want to know who your past life lovers were? How does one go about meeting a lover from a past life? In every lifetime we experience deep romantic love, maybe several times in one life! Could your love be so strong that it followed you into your present life? Use this tarot spread to learn about your past life love.
1. Who you were in this past life.
This card tells us the physical form, energy, and characteristics your soul embodied in this particular incarnation.
2. Who they were in this past life.
This card tells us the physical form, energy, and characteristics your past life love’s soul embodied in this particular incarnation.
3. What were the strengths of your relationship in this past life.
Did you have brilliantly burning passion or see eye to eye on all mental matters?
4. What were the weaknesses of your relationship in this past life.
No relationship is perfect, in what ways did you have to compromise, or maybe couldn’t?
5. What did you learn from each other in this past life.
These are the lessons the relationship taught you. Are these characteristics you are proud of today?
6. Are they present in your current life?
It is common for the most powerful connections to return each lifetime, as we are destined to teach each other lessons and help our souls evolve.
7. How will/did you meet them?
This card tells you how you met the past life love in this lifetime. Look closely at the symbols in the card for clues. Also, listen to your intuition, does this remind you of a particular experience in the past?
8. What will you learn from each other in this life?
This card reveals the difficult challenges and beautiful lessons that this relationship will gift you in this lifetime.
Reincarnation tarot spreads
Reincarnation beliefs are present in many cultures across the world. It is the concept that your soul begins a new life in a different body after your death. Some people are born remembering details of their past life but most people don’t, and this is where past life regression is useful. Whether you remember your past life or not, it still has an influence on who you are today.
1. Who was I in my past life?
This card tells us the physical form, energy, and characteristics your soul embodied in this particular incarnation.
2. Was I married?
This card indicates if you were married and may even show you the archetype of the person you were married to or the overall energy of the union.
3. Was I happy in my past life?
Was this a life filled with bliss and pleasure or did your soul have much to learn through many challenges?
4. What kind of work did I do in my past life?
This card tells you the job that you had or your major purpose in life.
5. Was I an honorable person?
This card will reveal whether you lived according to high moral values or liked to break the rules a little too much. This card can also be an indication of the source of present life karma.
6. What types of problems or challenges did I deal with?
This card is closely linked to card 14 and tells you about how you learned the lessons you did in this past life.
7. Was I a famous person?
Did you ever feel a strong familiarity with a famous person from the past? It is possible you were them in a previous life. Look closely at the symbols in this card for clues as to who you could have been.
8. Was I in good health during my past life?
I recommend you do a google search for the tarot card you draw related to health. For example: “4 of pentacles health meaning.” As each card has a very specific interpretation when it comes to health.
9. How did I die?
The cause of death in a past life can be the cause of fear towards something in this life.
10. Did I have a soul mate?
This card will show the characteristics and energy of an important relationship in your past life.
11. Is my present love, someone I knew from my past life?
When you met your current love, did it feel like you had always known each other? You could have been lovers in a past life.
12. Am I linked to my parents of today from a past life?
The relationship with our parents is the closest relationship we have in our lifetime. People we have close relationships with were most likely present in previous lives. They may not have been your parents in your past life, maybe they were a grandparent or even a friend.
13. Are any other family members from a past life of mine?
Look closely at the symbols of this card for clues as to who this card may be representing. Also, listen to your intuition. Who is the first person that comes to mind when you see this card?
14. What do I need to learn during this lifetime?
Look at the positive and negative attributes of this card. Do you feel you are fully living to your highest potential, practicing these positive attributes? And, if the card highlights negative attributes, in what ways could you improve behavior?
15. Will I reincarnate after this present life?
Is this your last life on earth, or do you have much left to learn? Not all of us incarnate to learn, some incarnate to be a light to guide others, to teach and serve. What is your next life purpose?
Karma tarot spread
Karma, a Sanskrit word that roughly translates to “action,” is the concept that good deeds will lead to a future beneficial effect, while a bad deed will lead to a future harmful effect. Your past life karma can determine the life experiences you have. It is our life purpose to learn from the mistakes we have made so that we can evolve into wiser versions of ourselves.
1. Karma that still needs to be worked out.
This card indicates negative deeds from past lives that need to be experienced from another perspective to understand the lesson.
2. Most important lessons in this life.
This card shows the main lesson your soul has incarnated to learn in this lifetime.
3. Past life lessons learned.
This card shows the main lesson your soul learned in your previous life.
4. Past life lessons yet to be learned.
This card shows lessons you began to learn in your previous life but have not yet completed learning.
5. Helpful influences.
Helpful influences are things that can aid you in removing Past life karma. These could be actions, people, or even places. What does this card remind you of? Is this something you could do more of In your life?
6. Things to avoid.
These are things that will disrupt your quest to remove karma. These are things that could be linked to past bad habits that resulted in producing bad karma.
Soul contract tarot spread
A soul contract is an agreement we make before we are born. It defines the lessons we are intended to learn in this life and the relationships we will have in order to learn them. Each of those relationships represents an individual contract that is part of your overall sacred contract. This tarot spread will help you to learn about an important soul contract you have with another person in this lifetime.
1. Who they are in this lifetime.
This person could be a friend, family member, or even your lover.
2. Past life relationship we had.
This card tells you what your relationship was like in a previous life you shared.
3. Why this person is in my current lifetime.
This card reveals information about why you share a soul contract in this lifetime.
4. Describe our soul contract.
This card gives more details about the soul contract you share. How does this card make you feel? Is this a supportive relationship or a challenging one?
5. Important lessons they are teaching me.
Look at the positive and negative attributes of this card. Be honest with yourself, do you process these positive attributes? If not, maybe they depict a future version of you, after you have learned these lessons.
6. How I can help them grow.
Soul contracts are a two-way agreement. As much as they help you grow, you will equally help the other person to grow. This card could reveal the role you are meant to play or the way in which you will help the other person.
Twin soul tarot spread
Your twin flame is the other half of your soul. Each twin is a complete soul, not half a soul. It is their task to become more whole, balancing their female and male sides, and ideally become enlightened, before reuniting with their twin. This reunion is of two complete and whole beings. All other relationships through all our lives could be said to be “practice” for the twin, the ultimate relationship.” (via soulevolution.org)
1. Card to represent our energy.
This card reveals the energy of the relationship between you and your twin flame. It can reveal your strengths and the effect you have on each other. Look at the element of the card, a fire suit indicates a passionate relationship, whilst cups indicate you have a deep emotional connection.
2. What our purpose together is in this lifetime.
Your life purpose together could be to help humanity, invent new technology or be a catalyst for each other’s personal growth.
3. An important lesson we must learn together is in this lifetime.
Your twin flame is a perfect mirror of yourself and can help you have deep realizations about who you are, it is impossible not to learn in this relationship.
4. How we can grow from this lesson.
This card depicts who you will become after you have learned these lessons, it may even reveal what you will do once you have learned them.
5. A way that we can heighten our vibration.
This card suggests the mentality you should have or the actions you should take to raise the vibration of the energy of the relationship between you and your twin flame.
6. Something my twin is mirroring for me.
Your twin flame relationship will not always be sunshine and roses. These are some of the most challenging relationships of all because we see our own shadow in our twin flame. The thing that annoys us most about them, could be something we subconsciously dislike about ourselves.
Enjoy our tarot past life spread ideas?
Share this article with someone you think will enjoy learning about their past lives too.
Do you need specialized past life tarot cards for these spreads?
You can use any traditional tarot deck to do these past life spreads. Each card has a standard meaning that you can apply to the context of the question.
Can you do your own tarot spreads for past lives?
Yes, definitely! Although some may feel more comfortable going to a trained tarot reader, I believe that your intuition is an invaluable resource that will allow you to unlock deep truths within the tarot spread.
How do I know if pulled the right card?
There is no wrong card! Before I choose a card I say the affirmation, “whichever card I pull will be the right card for me now.” Use each card as a mirror to reveal your inner truth.
Resources & where to get a past life tarot reading
- https://tarotavenue.com/past-life/
- https://angieyingst.com/blog/2017/9/14/past-life-relationship-spread
- https://www.emeraldlotusdivination.com/blog/2018/04/18/tarot-spread-twin-flame
- https://www.soul-experts.com/
- https://www.kasamba.com/best-tarot-readers/
- https://www.keen.com/psychic-readings/tarot-readers/588
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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