Raising Your Vibration & Staying in Your Preferred State

The struggle is real on planet earth at the moment. Although, it has never been an easy ride on this aquatic rock chilling in space. Human beings were given this marvelous thing called Free-will when we were created. The late Dolores Cannon found during her regression sessions that our guides, the higher beings, were not exactly impressed with how we handled things. After years and years of low vibrational on-goings, they decided they needed to step in, without compromising our free will. In those efforts, they sent pure souls to influence those living on earth. Their mission is to raise the vibration of every human, the planet, and in turn, the entire planet. So, here we are, having a deep discussion about raising your vibration. How does one do that?
Table of Contents
You chose this life!
During our QHHT sessions, we deal with many people who feel as though they are being swallowed whole by the trials they face in their lives. Our lives can be very overwhelming at times. Things get interesting when we learn that we chose this life and everything that comes with it. So, when you find yourself asking, “ Why me?” remember that there is no such thing as curses, only preordained life lessons that you planned out before you incarnated here. That is when that lightbulb moment will happen.
How to stay in your preferred state
Emotions have a huge influence on how to perceive certain situations. They make it very hard to see the bigger picture, and can often blind us to the lesson we are learning. How does one remain in a high vibrational preferred state, as opposed to a reactional state?
You can have a line of internal fortitude, you could have great discipline, you could be a master meditator, you might be a grand yogi, or even a super highly evolved human being. But, if you don’t have your outside world set up in such a way that you allow your true self to flourish, then there will be a lot of contrast. So, to keep your vibration in a preferred state, you need to be in control of your environment. Ask yourself, what kind of company do you keep? Who are you conversing with? What information is coming into your consciousness daily? What nutrients are you putting into your bodies? What chemicals are you consuming?
How your vibration responds to music
Music is something that very few humans can say they do not enjoy. For the most part, we each have our preferred taste in the music genre. However, in every genre, some songs seem to lift you and you feel all giddy inside. But, there are also those sad songs about some sort of heartbreak. Let’s say you are fond of a sad song because you feel you can relate to the words. It might be a beautiful melody that mesmerizes your brain but think of what the underlying message is. Does the song convey the right influence in your life?
This is not to say that you should delete all the sad songs from your music library because there will be a time and place to listen to those tunes. But, if you are feeling low, it might not be the best idea to fuel the low vibration with more low vibrational messages. If you want to raise your vibration, a good method is to play a mood-boosting playlist. Get those good vibes flowing with a positively uplifting song or three.
Raising your vibration by following your passion
Another sure method for raising your vibration is to simply keep doing what you love. Let’s say you are working a certain job that you don’t hate, but don’t love. It simply pays the bills. There are many people in this world today that will relate to that statement. This job might trick you into thinking you are doing great because you are functioning in society, but does it make your heart soar?
Making a career out of your passions might be easier said than done, but it is never impossible. Once you manage to conquer your fears and you start doing something that ignites your passion, everything else will fall into place. When you are in alignment with your passions, the universe will work with you to keep you in that high vibrational place.
Get in touch with your heart through nature
Maybe you are in the process of starting your passion-based career.
Or, maybe you’ve listened to your favorite happy song one too many times. There are other methods for raising your vibration, like going out into nature. All you need to do is situate yourself around some trees, and stand on some fresh earth with your bare feet, and the elements will work their magic. It is a brilliant way to reconnect with your heart, thus raising your vibration.
Mother nature has a beautiful way of making you feel accepted, regardless of your background. It is an unconditional love that requires nothing in return. This love can make negative things seem to just fade away, and suddenly we can see through the veil and appreciate the bigger picture.
Final thoughts
Raising your vibration is a never-ending job. Once you get there, it is up to you to maintain that high vibration. If you feel like you are falling out of alignment, then take some time to do some self-reflection. If you feel like you can’t see the point of all the negativity, go on a hike through some mountains. Finally, keep your mood feeling sparkly with a good old uplifting tune with a positive meaning.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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