Seeing Visions: What are Visions Really & What do they Mean?

Seeing visions are not a common thing for most people, but, for some, visions are part of their daily lives! If you have been experiencing what you think are visions or visual hallucinations, hearing voices or experiencing what you think may be your guides or the spiritual realm, keep reading! Are you having visions or just dream dreams? Let us discuss exactly what visions are, the meanings of visions and how the third eye may be helping you tap into a part of yourself you did not know you could reach!
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Are visions real, and can people have visions?
Since the dawn of humankind, according to the bible or “word of the lord”, people have indeed been experiencing visions. Some doctors diagnose those with visions as a mental illness or form of psychosis or schizophrenia. Many believe prophets to be real, and of course, while if you should experience what you think may be visions you should rule out any issues with your healthcare provider, it is very possible that your visions are the real thing. Throughout history, it has been found that many people or prophets have correctly predicted the future with their visions.
What are visions?
Seeing things in your minds eye – are these visions simply a form of mental health problems? Are they a gift from the Holy Spirit or god? Are they your third eye-opening and receiving messages from the spiritual realm? Could they be a combination of all of these things? According to the dictionary, a vision is: “an experience of seeing someone or something in a dream or trance, or as a supernatural apparition”.
What are the meanings of visions?
All visions have different meanings, and there are various types of visions as well. Here is a list of some of the types of visions you or someone you know may have experienced.
Seeing visions before death
This type of vision is not often talked about. End-of-life visions, or visions seen before death, are actually quite common. People have said that this experience involves seeing loved ones or people they know right before they die. This is typically preparation for their new journey and life after death.
Seeing visions of people
These types of visions are us connecting to the other side, while seeing this side is more common while sleeping, it is possible to see visions while awake! Typically, you will see people, and they are visitors, here to tell us an important message, or just let us know they are okay. According to lowellsun, this is “Objectively is to see while your eyes are open, and subjectively while you are dreaming or seeing inside your mind through your third eye.”
These visions can be of people who are passed or still alive.
Trance state visions
These types of visions typically happen when in a meditative state. You are still connected to your physical form, yet completely connected and rooted to the spiritual realm.
Divine sight
These types of visions are when we see something in the physical world that is unexplainable, for example, when Moses saw the burning bush.
A voice or audio vision
This type of vision is hearing a voice and words spoken to you without actually seeing anything physical. These word or audio visions can be heard internally or heard externally outside the body
Should people who have visions tell others?
If you are experiencing visions or hearing voices and concerned about your mental health or well-being, we encourage you to seek professional help and advice. Ultimately, who you tell is your choice!
Key takeaways on seeing visions
True visions are a gift and not a symptom of negative mental health, visual hallucinations, psychosis or a personality disorder. Throughout time, people have written about having visions in many forms such as hearing voices, via the Holy Spirit or seeing the future in their dreams or minds eye, both sleeping and awake.
Are you Experiencing Visions? Take The Quiz
You might be dreaming… or you might actually be experiencing psychic visions… Let us find out how tuned in to your clairvoyant abilities you really are with this short quiz!
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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