Signs of Synchronicity Between Two People {& Meanings}

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung first described the concept of synchronicity as “meaningful coincidences” in 1928. At least two incidents (happening at the same time) have to occur to create synchronicity and although the coincidences may not be related, they must be meaningful to us.
Jung’s theory was born out of an incident with a patient he had not yet managed to treat successfully when an unbelievably meaningful coincidence involving a golden scarab beetle gifted to his patient in a dream, his desire to find something unexpected and irrational to break the impasse in her therapy and the arrival of a scarabeid beetle on his window, resembling the scarab in the dream. Jung managed to catch the insect and presented it to the young woman. “Here is your scarab,” he said, thus providing a link between her dream and reality. A classic case of meaningful coincidence, or the synchronicity between two people.
While the synchronicity theory was a breakthrough in the Western world, its acceptance is still in its infancy and still largely viewed with skepticism, often seen as Apophenia, the practice of seeing connections and patterns in random and/or meaningless data.
We can learn much from the many Eastern philosophies, including Hinduism and Buddhism who accept the Oneness of the universe, that everything is connected and every event affects everything else and especially the intuitive wisdom of Indigenous Nations across the world, born and intuitively connected to the Oneness of the universe.
As awareness of cause and effect grows in the Western world, more and more people are opening their minds and raising their vibration. This is enables them to be present and pay attention to see, accept, understand and respond to the synchronicity signs the universe sends them.
What is synchronicity between two people?
Synchronicity with another person can leave us with a rush of emotions and questions like why and how did this happen? Such random interactions with a stranger happen for a reason although it could leave us feeling confused or with a profound feeling of either a sense of purpose or a sense of recognition.
A unexpected meeting where you connect with someone you don’t know may be an attempt to remind you to pay attention to what’s going on around you. Perhaps you have been missing other important signs sent by the universe, or it could be a reminder of a lesson learnt in the past that could be helpful to you now. The universe have your best interest at heart and may simply want you to know that you’re on the right track with your plans for the future or other changes you are thinking about making in your life.
What does synchronicity mean spiritually?
Synchronicity can reveal that the connection between the ‘inner world’ and the ‘outer world’ are not separate, but the same realities. The bridge between these two dimensions is consciousness. What we perceive and experience as our physical reality, the external or physical world, is a mirror reflection of the internal or non-physical world. Synchronicities provide us with a glimpse into our unconscious minds and how it is connected to the universe and reality itself.
Many people who constantly notice 11:11 and other repeating number sequences appearing over and over again often consider the experience to be more than just chance or coincidence. This belief is related to the concept of synchronicity.
What is the purpose of synchronicity with another person?
Sometimes we recognize a stranger subconsciously and connect with them on a higher and deeper level than those we experience with most other people we know. Not all such meetings are necessarily pleasant either. We may have an instant and strong dislike for someone and instinctively distance ourselves from them physically without knowing why.
We return to live our current reality to learn the life lessons we didn’t learn in previous lives. The same would apply to people we knew in past lives and their souls and ours might synchronize from time to time. When our vibration levels are similar, or we previously had a close relationship and strong connection, recognition would be triggered much easier. We may have been siblings, a child, parent, perhaps lovers or have other important or meaningful connections.
However, there is always a reason for these meetings and they often coincide with important events and changes in our lives, maybe they are there to assure us we’re on the right track, to teach us some important lesson to help us on our life path to a higher self or even to learn something from us. It is also possible that we had agreed to meet again at an opportune time, thus creating the synchronicity. Alternatively, the universe itself could have had a hand in deciding the time and place is right.
What are the signs of synchronicity?
When we are not open minded to the concept of meaningful coincidences, it is often because there is no scientific evidence that it exists, and we might dismiss them outright as mere coincidences. Signs always appear for a reason and even though we may be open minded to idea, we can still miss these incredible coincidences by not paying attention to what’s going on around us. Perhaps easier said than done with the many distractions we engage in daily, social media being at the top of the list. We need to be present in the moment, pay attention and engage with the world around us to see the signs the universe is sending us. Here are a few signs of of the most seen synchronicity signs to look out for.
When the universe tries to get our attention she’ll keep repeating the signs until we take notice. Numbers and symbols seems to be a simple and effective way to do so and for us to notice, and when we pay attention, they often jump out at us.
It can be useful to keep note of repetitions you see or hear so you don’t forget and if you’re not familiar with numerology, angel numbers and symbols, as well as words, phrase and songs. Research their meanings online to get an idea of how they may relate to you and your current circumstances.
Symbols such as the infinity sign, triangle, spiral, tree of life and numbers such 11:11, 2:22 and many more, including personal numbers significance to you are often used to catch our attention.
Similarly, words, phrases and songs on radio or TV shows we suddenly keep seeing and hearing might be trying to give us important messages.
Messages are often reminders for us to pay attention to our surroundings, or a thumbs up that we’re on the right track with plans or changes we want to make. On the flip side it might be warning about something that we’ve been thinking or stressing about.
Perfect timing
Have you ever had a stroke of luck such as when you’re running late and all the traffic lights en route are green and you arrive at your destination in good time? Or you arrive at a packed parking lot just in time to find the only parking with shade on a very hot day? You get a call from a store advising that you left your wallet behind, before you even knew it was gone? Such occurrences don’t necessarily have a message, it could just be your lucky day, or the universe, or your spirit guide looking out for you. You, yourself may even have manifested the ‘good luck’ if your energy vibration is high enough attract positive experiences and that, in itself is a good sign. Remember to show gratitude for such gifts, no matter how small they may seem.
Spirit Animals
When an animal keeps showing up in various and unusual places or appear in your dreams, it may be your spirit or totem animal with an important message for you. All animals have their own unique symbolism and meaning. Do some research if you’re not familiar with their symbolism, it may provide the answer you need to move forward with plans.
How to understand the signs of synchronicity
While we may know some of the most common synchronicity signs we could receive, such experiences and their interpretation are unique to every one of us. We alone can understand the meaning of the messages we receive and to do so we need an open and relaxed mind, develop our intuition, practice mindfulness and work towards raising our vibration to higher levels.
Synchronicity between friends
Children, from a very young age, will recognize a friend the very first time they lay eyes on them. Even before they are able to talk, their natural bond will be obvious. They’ll hug each other, laugh, chatter and play, and put up a fuss when it’s time to part. Such a strong bond will pass the test of time, regardless of whether move away or see each other often.
As we mature, such an instant recognition and familiarity to a stranger can be confusing but considering the instant connection, chances are the signs of synchronicity will be also there to confirm the possibility of a strong, positive relationship. Signs such as having the exact same interests regardless of how abstract the may be, reading the same book at the same time and loving the same characters or chapters and even finishing each other’s sentences and so on. As we go through life, many more such deep friendships may form and the reason the universe brought us together is so that we can teach and learn life lessons from each other to grow and increase our vibration levels.
Synchronicity between a man and a woman (romantic synchronicity)
Could be that the person you’re meant to be with is already in your life, a friend, neighbor or a college classmate. Out of the blue, you look in their eyes like so many times before but this time, your whole body and soul reacts. Your face might flush, your heart starts pounding and your mouth feels dry and you want hide. You just experienced romantic synchronicity, a deep and soulful connection with another person, perhaps for the the first time ever.
When the universe sends love our way, we may as well thank her for her gift and embrace it. If we have doubts, she’ll arrange synchronistic events to show up we until get the message. During those first days of recognition, expect to frequently hear tender love songs on the radio, hear or see adverts for all things romantic such as restaurants or resorts offering romantic dinners or getaways for couples. Repeating numbers will probably also make an appearance, all part of setting the scene acceptance and a deep connection to our love.
Synchronicity and soulmates
It is said, that when our souls are created, we instantly long for our soulmate, and at the same time, the universe starts sending us subtle hints using synchronicity of where to find our true love.
We set off and start our lives with a plan, also known as a ‘soul contract’ the content of which contains the details of our soul’s mission in life: our awakening, enlightenment and ascension.
When they finally meet, the connection between soulmates is instant because of their strong affinity and similarities. Soulmates usually bring out the best in us and join us on our journey to personal growth and help us see and acknowledge our strengths and our potential to aid in the greater good.
We have several soulmates during our lifetimes and they could be anyone in our life, from family, friends and neighbors, to colleagues or lovers. They’ve come to teach us important lessons, and they’ll leave when their mission is done, although we may meet again at different stages of our lives.
How do you use synchronicity in your life?
While the universe always have our best interests in mind, it is up to us to accept those precious gifts of synchronicity she’ll offer from time to time to help us negotiate through life to ultimately reach our goal: our awakening, enlightenment and ascension.
Here’s how to use synchronicity in your life:
Meditation and yoga are excellent ways to relax and open your mind and body to receive messages of synchronicity. Done regularly, both principles will enhance your physical and soul vibration and your synchronistic experiences.
Be mindful
Practice mindfulness and to be present in the moment. Distractions isolate us from our surroundings and could make us miss anything from a message we need to see or experiencing the joy an amazing sunset.
Be trusting
Trust that the universe and your spirit guides are there to guide you and will send you synchronicity signs when you need them. Learn to trust your intuition to follow the leading to your higher self.
Key takeaways
It is important to remember that the universe and our soul spirits is on our side. The majority of their synchronicity signs are positive with perhaps an occasional nudge to encourage a change in direction.Their goal is to guide us successfully through our life path and ultimately to or own goal of achieving awakening, enlightenment and ascension.
We do have the option of choice, we can heed the signs and learn the lessons to our higher self or try to ignore the signs and choose any of the paths ahead of us but we can only walk one of them at a time. The signs are not likely to stop and you could accept them again at any time, the universe will accept you back with open arms.
Synchronicity FAQs
What causes synchronicity?
At least two incidents of meaningful coincidence have to happen at the same time to create synchronicity. It is believed by many that such instances are are signs from the universe, angels, spirit angels or God.
What are twin flame synchronicities?
Twin flames are the flames of the same soul, split into two different bodies. They are mirror images of each other and when they meet, their recognition and connection will be instant and stronger than any they’ve ever experienced. So strong, their vibration will shift the universal energy.
Once their souls are reunited as One, they’ll be relaxed, feeling positive and in tune with the universal energy.
What is an example of synchronicity?
Meeting a total stranger and having a unexpected, strong sense of recognition and connection with them and not understanding why. This could be a sign of synchronicity to remind you pay attention, perhaps you have missed other important signs sent by the universe.
Another example would be when you’re thinking about a friend or loved one you’ve not communicated with for a long time and suddenly the phone ring and it’s your friend calling to say they miss you.
How do I stop synchronicity?
If you’ve been receiving signs of synchronicity which you don’t want to acknowledge or don’t understand you could just ignore them, but they may just continue anyway. Signs of synchronicity are usually positive such as to acknowledge that you’re on the right path, or perhaps to remind you of a life lesson which may be helpful to in your current circumstances.
Since it’s the general belief that God, the universe or angels are responsible for synchronicity, praying or meditating and asking for help in understanding the reason and meaning of the signs may give you the answer.
Written by:
Jade Small