The Dynamics of Soul-level Consciousness

If you are a frequent listener to our live chats on Facebook, you might remember that we commune regularly with the higher beings from the higher dimensions, and so do you! But, we will get into that a bit later on. These higher beings have told us that our transition to the 5th dimension has already happened, but we have only touched base with it, or scraped the tip of the iceberg you might say. There is so much more for you to learn and discover – so much room for your consciousness to expand.
Table of Contents
With the current happenings in the world, it is no wonder that so many of you have questions as to why we are still experiencing such heavy energies. We are only just healing from the previous big event, the pandemic, and now there is far too much aggression going on in other parts of the world.
“When will these heavy energies stop?”; “When will we feel that 5D shift?”
To answer these questions, things stop when you decide that you want to maintain your focus in such a way that it does stop. There is a particular way to do this, which keeps you in that higher vibrational state. In this state you will be more productive, powerful, happier, balanced, and aligned. You might raise an eyebrow when we say that that is actually your natural state of being. We have come to condition ourselves with this human experience, thanks to outside sources like the news, social media, even your friends and family have an impact on the neutral state that we primarily live on.
This is a state between the negative vibrations and the positive. Even though this natural state leans more toward the positive outcomes, those external forces influence us quite heavily and so often we allow them to lower our vibration. Just remember that it is always your choice what you fill your thoughts and feelings with. This highlights the reason this was the chosen topic for the day.
Take Out the Junk
Let’s go back a little bit to the heavy energies that we spoke of earlier. The information that was shared to us by higher dimensional beings is that this is the time where we must really take a step inward and look at all of our junk, instead of focusing on what is going on globally. Of course being aware of what is going on, and sharing compassion with those in need is important, but that does not mean that it must take over your life. Imagine you have a treasure chest with all of your adversities locked away inside, now is the time that you must take each one out and examine it.
We have made such progress in our lifetimes as a collective consciousness. There has been a mass evolution, a consciousness shift towards the 5th dimension. At a soul level, we planned out this growth, and along with it, we agreed to everything that is happening right now – before we came into this life. We cannot progress further into higher consciousness until we let go of all this heavy junk that we have been carrying around with us, pushing away to be dealt with later (but later never comes).
Resolve it to Dissolve it
Some people like to call this shadow work, which is basically the act of dissecting the parts of yourself that have been curbed by bad experiences. Addressing the problem is the best way to resolve it, and once we do that, our problem will seem to dissolve because it Is no longer an issue in your life.
We are basically being forced to examine our junk. These negative events that are happening around us are the trigger to a bunch of thoughts and feelings that we need to address in order to let go.
Imagine that you are immigrating to some foreign country, and you are now having to pack up, sell, or get rid of all the stuff that you cannot take with you. Some things will have to be left behind, because you cannot fit everything in your suitcase. So, you take a trip down memory lane, opening up all the boxes in your attic, and making a decision as to whether or not those items serve a purpose in your life anymore. If it does not, let it go. This causes a lot of confusion for many people, so how exactly do you let things go?
Think Soul, Not Ego
Letting things go requires you to consider your soul. Instead of diving into the pit of your ego, getting swallowed whole by the influences of external forces, take a step back and ask yourself, how does a soul think? How do our souls process information? What are the dynamics of soul consciousness?
Remember that our souls come from an extremely high vibration, and we are actually beings of pure light. If you want to let go of something that no longer serves you, and is weighing you down, you need to raise your vibration. Heavy thoughts and emotions hold you down and prevent you from seeing the bigger picture. In order to let this go, you need to find the best method for releasing that energy. It will not be the same method for everyone. Some people might turn to physical exercise like yoga or jogging. Other people like to meditate on the issue.
That is all easier said than done, but when you are caught up in the moment of some undesirable event, it can be so easy to get stuck in thoughts like “why me?” Changing your environment can be the baseline of raising your vibration in those moments. Go outside and get some fresh air, visit different friends, eat something healthy. Anything that might seem mundane to you can often be the key that unlocks the treasure chest where the problem was stashed away so you can take it out, examine it, and let it go.
Final Thoughts
Try not to get overwhelmed by the amount of junk that a lot of us have to let go of, it can be a dizzying thought when we are still wrapped up in the current global events. Try to hone down your thoughts to focus on your internal feelings. One by one, raise those vibrations. It is not about a sudden transformation, but a slow incremental shift each day. Then, one day you will take a look back and see the progress you have made.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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