Soul Types Test: Which Of These 7 Different Soul Groups Are You From?

Soul types area topic that is relatively unspoken about, but that will be changed today. It can be a helpful thing to understand that we have different destinies entwined with one of seven different soul types, and learning about them can help us understand our purpose.
Table of Contents
How many types of souls are there?
When we choose to come back into this human life, we choose our own destiny, along with every decision and sudden change of events that happen along the way, no matter how traumatic. To make this life possible, we also choose the personality type, body type, the type of soul to fit the destiny you have set for yourself. There are even different types of soulmates! There are seven different kinds of souls, each with specific personality traits, kind of like a spiritual archetype so to say.
Each soul, according to the Michael teachings, has a role to play in the grand scheme of things, and each is just as important as the other. Your spiritual teacher will explain to you that each soul type will have a positive and a negative pole. The positive pole is the attributes like compassion and helpfulness, but the negative poles are the lowest form of your ego.
These seven different soul-types can be categorized between four main soul-types, the old soul, the native earth soul, the advanced soul, and the walk-in soul. Each of these categories helps to signify the spiritual paths that each of the soul types will walk.
What are the different types of soul archetypes?
If you are familiar with the Michael teachings, you might be aware of the seven different souls
1. Servers or Caregivers
This soul type is someone who compassionately puts others’ well-being before their own. These souls are accommodating, charitable and generous.
What is a Server or Caregiver soul?
These soul types usually come into this life and take on careers like social workers, nurses, or caregivers in old-age homes or orphanages. Their positive attributes are wonderous, but the weaknesses of this soul type include overextending their helping hand, offering everything you have, and leaving little for themselves. This means their challenge is to learn when to ask for help.
2. Artisans
This soul type is the lover of all things creative. They have imaginative and playful mindsets that are always thinking out the box when creating and inventing.
What is an Artisan soul Type?
People who are of the Artisan soul-type tend to navigate careers as writers, musicians, fine-arts artists, photographers, filmmakers, architects, and pretty much anything that requires a creative brain. Their ambition is to liven up the world and to improve all aspects of humankind. Their weaknesses include self-judgment or an artist’s perfectionism. Their challenges in this life are to overcome to want to be original, and let the creativity flow naturally.
3. Warriors
The warrior soul-type is the type that sticks out the hard times with great strength and resilience. Their characteristics are determined, if not a bit forceful. They are extremely loyal souls, which might lead to a protective nature.
What is a warrior Soul Type?
The warrior soul type is naturally quite street smart, having vigilant qualities that help them protect their loved ones and possessions. The human body of the warrior soul has great physical, emotional, and mental endurance, which helps them achieve success Earth-side.
4. Kings and Queens
The kings and queen souls among us will not be hard to miss, being the natural-born leaders within society. They have strong characters that are assertive, if not commanding. They are quick thinkers and great problem solvers.
What is a King or Queen Soul Type?
The King and Queen soul Types are usually found in governing or political positions. They make great landlords, and business owners, or even managers at any form of business. Kings and Queens have a tendency to take over everything because they are productive and determined to get things done. Their challenge in this life is to surrender control, even over the smallest things in life.
5. Scholars
Scholars are the knowledge seekers of our society. They are the learners, the students, and the finder of truths.
What is a Scholar Soul Type?
Life for the scholar is a never-ending class, where the topics that they are learning are limitless. they strive to learn about every aspect of humankind, earth, and the universe, and they also love to seek out the reasons for life, or existence. They are philosophers and professors, mathematicians, scientists, writers, and researchers. Ekhart Tolle, Beethoven, and Sandra Bullock are all examples of this soul type.
6. Priests or Magicians
The soul-type of priests and magicians are what make up the motivators within our world. They are uplifting and inspirational types of people who love to empower others.
What is a Priest Soul Type?
Is good at identifying and nurturing people’s potential by bringing out others’ hidden virtues. They are leaders within society, but through motivating and empowering others to do good. They often feel compelled to help others become more aware. They often end up as leaders within the sacred places of various religions
7. Sages
Sages are similar to the scholar soul-type, n that they are the seekers of knowledge, but they are in it to share the information they gather with the world. They do not struggle with striking conversation and they are articulate yet charming with every encounter.
What is a Sage Soul type?
Oprah is a sage soul-type because she loves to empower others by sharing her truth. Sages are the storytellers of our world, and unafraid of new challenges, preferring to be curious of the unknown as opposed to fearful. Career choices for sages are teachers, performers, motivational speakers, and anything that allows them to speak up.
What soul-group am I from?
Now that are aware of all of the various soul-types, you might be wondering, what type of soul do I have? This is a natural curiosity and one that your spirit guides are nudging you to learn about. Here is a quiz that you can try out that will show you which soul type you chose before arriving earth-side.
What type of soul am I? Take the 7 Soul-type quiz to find out
This quiz is to help identify what is your soul type out of the 7 soul types that exist. Each one has a different role to play in this life we are living, each being as equal in value as its counterpart.
How to interpret the seven soul-types quiz
The soul type personality test is based on what you find interesting or motivating in your life. to find out which of the 7 types of souls you belong to, you must answer the questions honestly and without personal judgment. Take your time to think each question through before you answer and make sure you choose the option that you relate with the most.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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