Are Spells, Curses, and Possessions Real? How Do I Break Free From a Curse?

Spells Curses and Possessions

Are Spells, Curses, and Possessions Real? How Do I Break Free From a Curse?

10 min read

Spells Curses and Possessions

This is something that I experience a lot within the QHHT session, where people are asking about casting spells to summon what they desire, or fearing they have been cursed, or even possessed at times. The last two years have been exponentially self-interventional, and many of us are facing inner and external turmoil in order to enable our progress, but how are you coping with it? Our topic today is, bringing light to the confusion about spells, curses, and possessions, and how only you can control their effects.

Table of Contents

Person Standing in Headlights at NightSpells Explained

“Life is an echo. What you send out comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you.” – Zg Ziglan 

The kind of spells, curses, and possessions that we are speaking of is not your average abracadabra or wing-gaudium-leviohsa, but something entirely different. As by my own definition, a spell would be something that you have put out into the universe to influence the outcome of certain circumstances. Some people like to use various tools like crystals and candles to enhance the power of their spells when ultimately they are manifestations. Without realizing it, most people cast spells multiple times a day. It is saying something and putting your intention out into the universe. 

The part that you should be wary of, is when your intention is to control or undermine another being.  Whatever you put out into the universe, you will come back to you, energetically, tenfold. I am aware that this is a phrase that has become cliche now, but for a good reason. If you can understand that aspect of the law of attraction then this will make perfect sense. The idea is for you to be mindful of the intention that you are putting out there. It is okay to feel certain ways, but acting on it, or having ill wishes for someone due to those feelings is where the problem lies. IF you are putting out negative energy, you will only receive that back. We also would suggest some introspection work so that you can find the root cause of those feelings and resolve them. 

Curses Explained

“It’s not the power of the curse, it is the power you give the curse.” – Marilyn Kaye

A curse is the negative version of the manifestation spells. Again it is based on your intentions, but they are based on the intentions that wish negative things to happen to someone. An example would be a deliberate and controlling thing. One thing that is so dearly important to remember is that there are always two sides to a curse. There is the one who is casting the curse and pretending to have all of this power over you, and then there is the recipient, who may believe that person has power over you, or not. 

If you believe that someone has the power to affect you, then you have given your power to them. That is powering the curse, or ill wished manifestation because you believed it. Believing is seeing in this situation because it is only real when you believe it to be. That person can still say what they need to and put out that negative energy, but you do not have to believe it, and that is powerful. Here is a little secret, no one has the power to control you, only you can. 

Head Coming Out of the WaterPossessions Explained

Possession is where you might believe that another person has possessed them, or taken control of their body. That is the very simplified definition of what a curse is, in the general understanding of curses. But, that could not be further from the truth. Possessions run much like the “spells” or “curses” that we have mentioned. They only have power if you believe in them, so if you believe that you are a fortress, then possessions would not affect you. 

Many people want to believe that they have been possessed, and there could be various reasons, but the main one is the subconscious denial of taking responsibility for our actions. That might sting a little to read, but it is something that most of us have to learn to deal with. Often our actions might not make sense to us, or we acted in the spur of the moment. Then when the mud strikes the fan, some people claim they were possessed as a way to avoid accepting the consequences. 

Spells, Curses, Possession Are All One

It is so much easier for us to place blame on something, someplace, or someone else, when it is you who is the all-powerful creator, the manifesters, it is your decision what comes in and out of your reality. All aspects of the soul, like the messages we get from the universe, and the matters of the mind work together. If you are leaving troubles and traumas stuffed away, pushing them deeper and deeper within you, not looking at it avoiding it to the max. That energy has to do something, and so it becomes a trait or a characteristic of ourselves that we need to look at. The need to look at it comes from our higher selves, who want you to become aware of these things.

Your higher self will not allow you to suppress these thoughts and feelings for too long, they will eventually emerge as if it is being shown to us. That can make it seem as if they are coming from the outside that feels like it is attacking you when it is actually your own fear, your own shadow aspects of your personality that are being revealed so that you may start to work on them.

You Are Powerful

Most people, whether they would like to admit it or not, are afraid of their own power, or the full extent of it anyway. You need to believe in your own power because that is how you make things happen. Whether it is about manifesting your deepest desires or dealing with your repressed traumas, you are strong enough and capable enough to release that junk that you are holding onto. In order to progress, you need to lighten the load, and all of that begins with owning your own power. 

Are you Cursed?

This quiz was created especially for those of you who want to know whether they are cursed or not! Yes, this quiz is very accurate! Are you cursed? Try our quiz to find out…

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Kaya Wittenburg

“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”

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