Spiritual Awakening Stages (& 26 Ascension Symptoms & Signs)

You may have been feeling like everything in your life is turning inside out. No longer do you feel safe and secure in your perception of the world, and your once-loved belief systems seem to clash with more recent revelations. A spiritual journey can be very confusing, not to mention overwhelming. there are many spiritual signs that you may be going through a spiritual awakening, but it’s hard to tell.
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Today we are going to highlight the seven different spiritual awakening stages and symptoms so that you may understand what you are going through. Bringing awareness to your spirituality can facilitate the process. So, get comfortable, and let’s dive right in.
The spiritual awakening process: 7 spiritual awakening stages
Seeing as spirituality is a personal journey that cannot be matched or compared to anyone else’s, there is no definitive amount of stages to a spiritual awakening journey. Some spiritual teachers say there are five phases, and others talk about 7 different levels of spiritual awakening. Today we are going to talk about the seven stages of awakening. They are the following:
- Awakening
- Dark Night of the Soul
- Exploration
- Authenticity
- Inner work
- Surrender to the flow
- Heightened awareness
Stage 1: Awakening
the first stage in the process of spiritual awakening is when you start to question everything. You start to see things from a different angle, and this brings many mind-blowing realizations. You will begin to see the aspects that no longer serve your best interest, or how you are holding yourself back from your full potential.
Stage 2: Night of the soul
The next stage is not so fun. This is the lowest point of your spiritual awakening. You will feel isolated as your soul rebuilds itself from the realization of the first stage. This period is often called the night of the soul. During this time, your ego is stripped which can be overwhelming at first. But remember that from that low point, it is an uphill journey from there.
Stage 3: Exploration
In this part of the journey, you will find yourself trying new things. By experiencing the unknown you will learn much more about yourself, and possibly discover a hidden talent within a new passion. This will lead you down new pathways you once never dreamed you would follow. In the end, you will re-evaluate what you enjoy doing and incorporate them into your life.
Stage 4: Authenticity
A spiritual awakening is all about becoming more authentic, following your passions, and losing the egotistical perceptions that are only holding you back. In this stage of the journey, your true self is more prominent than ever. In Japanese, the term “satori” translates to awakened. For Buddhists, it means being able to see your true essence.
Stage 5: Inner work
The fifth stage of the spiritual awakening requires a lot of inner work or soul sessions. Some people like to call this shadow work, but ultimately it is bringing previously ignored attributes, or shadows, into the limelight and examining them. This stage can last anywhere from one day to 10 years, as we all work at different paces.
Stage 6: Surrendering to the flow
The second last stage is where you finally release everything that no longer serves you. You may have discovered that you were holding onto the last few ago-based perceptions so tightly it almost went unnoticed. This stage is where you surrender to your new self-perception, and belief system. You find that now the veil has lifted, you cannot see through as you once did before so you get rid f it once and for all.
Stage 7: Enlightenment, awareness, and service to others
The final stage is where your ego holds no bounds, and your authentic self is in full control over your mind, body, and soul. You see no advantage in ego-based perceptions, and you live authentically in service of others through compassion and empathy. You are more in tune with the present moment, and aware of the influence you have in this world – the good and the bad.
Causes of spiritual awakening
What causes spiritual awakening in someone? Well, every person is completely different. Each of our lives is filled with our own experiences or emotional emphasis. One thing you thought of as meaningless can spark a chain of realizations and spiritual changes in your friend.
What causes your spiritual awakening can be a life-changing event like the death of a loved one or having to move to a new city. Contrary-wise, it can be as simple as hearing a snippet of a stranger’s conversation as they pass by which causes you to rethink everything you once thought unchangeable.
You might have noticed the angel number 221 popping into your life regularly. This is not necessarily a trigger for a spiritual awakening, but it is a sign of the awakening spirit and reassurance that you have the power to change your future. 221221, of spiritual ascension, urges you to take stock of your present moment, and accept it for what it is. Then, realize your fears, and let go of your insecurities.
How to know if you’re having a spiritual awakening
If you are wondering what a spiritual awakening feels like, it is not all sunshine and daisies. In reality, it is feeling like you have hit rock bottom. Depression, anxiety, the absence of self-love, isolation, and so much more can make you think there is something wrong with you when in actuality it is your ego being stripped, and an awakening beginning.
So, during tumultuous times, ask yourself, “am I having a spiritual awakening?” Then, refer back to this article because we will show you how to know if you’re going through a spiritual awakening.
Spiritual awakening symptoms: 13 Common signs of spiritual awakening
The signs of enlightenment are not always obvious. A spiritual awakening can be a roller coaster of feelings and sensations that causes much confusion. We have created a comprehensive list of spiritual awakening signs and symptoms that you can learn.
Feeling alone
A spiritual awakening can be an isolating affair. Many people feel like they are alone on their journey, and that no one understands what they are going through.
Feeling disconnected from the world around you
Feeling disconnected from those around you is strongly linked to the isolating sensation that comes with a spiritual awakening. Realize that you are on a path of self-discovery, which is your journey to make. This feeling will pass when you have integrated everything you have learned along the way.
Vivid dreams
Dreams are the method of communication between your subconscious and your conscious mind, so to say. While your conscious mind becomes more perceptive during a spiritual awakening, your subconscious mind does too. It communicates this through your dreams. You will experience life-like and meaningful dreams like never before.
Doubting your belief systems
Going through a spiritual awakening can have you doubting everything you once believed in full-heartedly. It’s almost as if someone turned on the light, and you are suddenly seeing things differently.
As we have mentioned, a spiritual awakening is often a tumultuous and rocky journey that is riddled with anxiety and depression. But, when the clouds clear, and a new path is discovered, positivity will follow.
Déjà vu and synchronicities
Seeing certain angel numbers regularly, or feeling the strangeness of deja vu are both signs of synchronicity from your higher self. If you are experiencing this, you are likely experiencing a spiritual awakening and it is a reassuring sign you are on the right path, no matter how tumultuous.
Ability to see through fake people
As your ego is stripped, your authentic self takes the reins. When this happens, you can’t help but notice how inauthentic some people behave. This makes you cringe because you had not realized you were being so fake before.
Change in your relationships
Great transformation happens during a spiritual awakening, and this carries over into the dynamics of your relationships. You might have had a certain perception before, and now you have realized the errors that came with it. Thus, you change, and so do the different relationships you have with your loved ones.
Change in perspective
An awakening is a spiritual experience that leads to a new outlook on life. Throughout the journey, you are fed new information. As that integrates into your perception of life, it also changes your outlook.
More empathy and compassion
The realizations and epiphanies you experience allow a deeper understanding of life. it also enables you to place yourself in someone else’s shoes, and you feel more empathy toward their struggles. In turn, your compassion deepens because of your increased empathy.
You feel drawn to the metaphysical world
The lessons you earn during a spiritual awakening generally bring your focus inward. You become the spiritual seeker, looking for answers to questions that are not accepted by general society.
Spiritual teachers are drawn to you
While you are seeking spiritual knowledge, the universe is listening. The law of attraction brings spiritual teachers, mentors, and guides into your path as they are drawn to answer the questions within you.
The realization that everyone is on their spiritual path
One of the major aspects of a spiritual awakening is the stripping of your ego. Before, you were so wrapped up in your own life that you did not realize everyone was on their unique path, having their awakenings.
13 physical symptoms of spiritual awakening
Spiritual awakening might lead one to think it’s limited to all things on the soul level. However, there are an array of spiritual awakening physical symptoms that do manifest in many people.
Physical pain
Some people experience stomach pains, and others get headaches.
Skin Blemish Flareups
Pimples, rashes, eczema patches, and cold sores are all symptoms of stress. When you are going through a spiritual awakening, they flare up intensely because your whole being is on a roller coaster of feelings and realizations. The skin irritations could be cellular toxins that are being pushed out physically.
Heightened senses
During a spiritual awakening, your attention switches to the present moment. This allows you to focus more on your senses, and become more acquainted with what is happening around you. You will notice how different tastes and smells trigger certain emotions. Or how a type of music uplifts you or brings you down.
This is one of the most common symptoms of a spiritual awakening. Because you are suddenly doubting your previous belief systems or your sense of self, it can be a confusing time. As you start this spiritual journey, anxiousness is following close behind – trust that it is temporary.
Change in your routines
You may have noticed by now, but you intuitively changed your everyday life routines into something a little more healthy. Maybe you stopped drinking or started working out. Or maybe you simply get up and make your bed in the morning.
Spontaneous crying
Emotions run high when you have a spiritual awakening. During this time you might find yourself suddenly combusting into tears. Your body is trying to purge unhealthy energy, and this is how it manifests physically for some people.
Eye color change
The energy that is flowing through not only affects your bodily functions or mental health. Your eyes will look a different color. Do not be surprised if you wake up one day and your eyes are a lighter or deeper shade than they were the day before.
Vision changes
As you are going through a spiritual awakening, your chakras are activated. I was particular, about your third eye and crown chakra. This can affect your vision. Some people struggle with occasional blurry eyesight, while others perceive everything with high definition.
The process of a spiritual awakening ultimately elevates your frequency. this causes dizzying feelings of vertigo because your head is filled with so much energy. Additionally, you have downloaded so much new energy, and the dizziness is a sign you are realigning and balancing the new with the old.
Heart palpitations
This can be a nerve-wracking symptom. Especially for those who do not struggle with regular anxiety where heart flutters are a common symptom. Remember that anxiousness goes hand-in-hand with a spiritual awakening. As you gain more self-awareness, the palpitations will cease to be.
Bursts of energy
During a spiritual awakening, you are receiving so much information in the form of energy. This courses through your body, charging each of your chakras.
Fatigue is not far behind those bursts of energy. You will shift from seriously energized, to absolutely exhausted. It might be that one day you could not sit down, and the next day getting out of bed is a daunting task.
Some nights you will feel restless as if your legs need to run off some energy. At the beginning of your awakening journey, you might struggle with insomnia. However, as you learn and integrate those lessons into your sense of self, you will find yourself sleeping longer hours than you usually do. This is good, as sleep is the best time for healing – on a spiritual and cellular level.
Spiritual awakenings can feel like nothing is going right, and words like failure might cross through your thoughts during the night of the soul phase. Just remember that this is only a temporary feeling, and as you become more aware, your perception of life will become even stronger than it was before. Trust the flow of the process, surrender to your new perceptions, let go of what no longer serves you and your loved ones and love yourself unconditionally.
Need spiritual awakening help?
Some people like to go through their awakenings by themselves, but others seek guidance from spiritual teachers or a mentor of some sort. If you want help with spiritual awakening, you can look for one online, or find one through a friend’s recommendation. There are also many articles online that will show you how to accomplish your spiritual journey.
Why did I have a spiritual awakening?
You had a spiritual awakening because you realized that your perceptions of life were holding you back from spiritual development. A spiritual awakening can feel tumultuous and overwhelming, but it is only for the greater good.
How long does a spiritual awakening last?
Every person is different, so there is no set time for a spiritual awakening. Each of us perceives things and resolves problems at different paces, which is the same principle for a spiritual journey.
How many spiritual awakenings can you have?
A person can have multiple spiritual awakenings in their life. According to the Buddhist belief, the path to enlightenment is never a straight line, and you might regress even after your progress. Additionally, you may have had your first awakening when you were young, and as you grew your perceptions changed. Thus, a second awakening occurs.
Does everyone have a spiritual awakening?
Everyone can have a spiritual awakening. But, that does not mean that everyone is open to accepting it, or even able to realize what is going on. some choose to live blinded by their ego their whole life. While others strive toward a life of spiritual development.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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