What is Spiritual Depression? Symptoms, Causes & Healing Explained

What is Spiritual Depression?

What is Spiritual Depression? Symptoms, Causes & Healing Explained

12 min read

What is Spiritual Depression?

Depression has been a well-known foe in the world of mental health for quite some time. It comes and goes throughout life, and is always accompanied by negative thought patterns and feelings. However, not many people consider spiritual depression. This article we will delve into the intricacies of spirituality, and how depression is very much a phenomenon we experience at some point in our spiritual journey.

Table of Contents

What is spiritual depression? Our definition

What is the spiritual meaning of depression? Is it one of the spiritual awakening symptoms? Well, one of the easiest ways to describe it would be losing touch with your faith. In terms of Christian faith, their connection to God becomes a vague relationship that feels like it is lost forever. This triggers feelings of hopelessness as their perspective on life becomes riddled with the traumas of their past.

Person sitting depressed in SilencePeople struggling with spiritual depression have difficulty, or a downright inability, to connect with people around them. So, they tend to withdraw from society. They are overcome by despair, guilt, anxiety, self-doubt, anger, and many other negative feelings. There are also various physical symptoms that start showing up, like insomnia, or general exhaustion.

A recent study was conducted to find out how many U.S. citizens are struggling with spiritual depression. They found that 15% have been grappling with the effects. This is accompanied by an array of other mental health issues and has left the nation feeling disconnected from the rest of the population, even though they are not alone in their plight. This shows us that you can struggle with both spiritual and clinical depression simultaneously and both conditions can be just as debilitating as the other.

Spiritual depression symptoms

In order to identify someone who you suspect to be spiritually depressed, it is important to know what the symptoms are. In this next section, we will discuss the various symptoms that are brought on by spiritual depression. Remember, we all experience spiritual depression differently, so there are a lot of spiritual characteristics and symptoms as well as dark night of the soul stages. Here are a few examples:

Feeling of isolation

Spiritual depression often leads to social withdrawal, causing individuals to distance themselves from friends, family, or religious communities they were once a part of.

Emotional Numbness

Some may find themselves emotionally numb, where it becomes difficult to connect with their usual range of emotions, including joy and happiness.

The feeling of being hopeless

The sense of hopelessness and helplessness can make it difficult for people to see the bigger picture. They are stuck in the troubles of their present moment and forget the possibility of a brighter future.

Disconnected to God

Spiritual doubt or the erosion of one’s faith can intensify feelings of despair. After a while, this can lead people to feel like their connection to Christ, or god is running thin. Even when they read the bible, they might not recognize the love they once felt for his word.


The emotional and mental toll of spiritual depression can lead to persistent fatigue, making it challenging to muster energy for daily activities. People struggling with spiritual depression will feel sluggish during the day as if their life force energy has been sucked right out of them.


Another sign of spiritual depression is the inability to sleep altogether. Insomnia can affect a person’s life in dramatic ways because they cannot sleep at night which leads to utter exhaustion.

Appetite decrease

Depressed and a Loss of AppetiteIt is commonly known that clinical depression can cause appetite disruptions. Some people find they are more hungry and they struggle to feel satisfied. So, they eat and eat in order to find peace. Others lose their appetite altogether and just stop eating.

Aches and Pains

In times of spiritual depression, people often describe chronic physical pains. These might manifest differently for everyone, but generally, they are headaches, heart problems, muscle tension, and digestive issues. They are a direct result of the stress and tension associated with spiritual depression

Spiritual causes of depression

In exploring the intricacies of spiritual well-being, it becomes evident that there are often profound and deeply personal factors at play. In this section, we will get into the causes of spiritual depression. We will uncover the spiritual reasons for anxiety and depression. This section will bring light to the question: What is the spiritual root of depression?

Spiritual awakening depression

Depression and spiritual awakening often go hand in hand. At least for part of everyone’s spiritual journey, they can feel like they’re depressed, or overwhelmed by their spiritual revelations. Spiritual awakening depression is a temporary phase in a spiritual journey. It starts when you realize that you have changed, and so have your ideals of the world. This can be depressing because you might mourn the loss of your old self while you shed the old beliefs and attachments. Ultimately, this can lead to personal and spiritual growth. But the process is certainly not fun for a period of time. Read more here about the meaning of spiritual awakening.

 Being Overly Introspective

Going within is often spoken about as a great way to find out more about yourself. However, the Puritans remind us that too much introspection can actually be damaging to your faith and cause spiritual depression. If you are consumed by self-examination, then you are not tuning in to god’s guidance, and wisdom which he shares every day. Some people find comfort in introspective thought. So, they might benefit from seeking a professional Christian counselor on the matter.


Sin is one of the leading causes of spiritual depression. Everyone seeks out coping strategies for depression, but those who seek to sin are only making their matters worse. It can only bring on more emotional pain as the guilt of those sins pulls you further from your God.

The Woes of the World

Let’s face it, the world is not a ball of love and light 100% of the time. There is turmoil and troubles coming from every direction. People are suffering from illness,  dying of hunger, outraged by rising prices of fuel and food, and overcome with war. Sometimes, simply picking up your phone is a deep reminder of everyone’s struggles and this can lead to a feeling of helplessness which leads to hopelessness. This causes people to think of why their world is so riddled with despair when their god should be there to put a stop to all of it. This thought disconnects you from your faith.


Being lukewarm in a religious sense is a lack of fervor and commitment. It can lead to spiritual depression by eroding your sense of purpose in your faith. Moreover, it can make you feel disconnected from a supportive community, which causes feelings of guilt, shame, doubt, stagnation, and spiritual confusion. To be spiritual, especially in the Christian sense, is to ensure you partake in your religious praise on a regular basis. So, whatever this means for you, make sure you are practicing regularly.

How to heal depression spiritually

A depressed person with a CandleIn this next section, we will tap into the spiritual healing for depression. Of course, the first thing we want you to understand is that there is nothing wrong with seeking professional help. This can be in the form of a psychologist, or even a counselor at your local church. They will be there to listen openly and without judgment. Here are some things you can try by yourself in the meantime.


A little bit of encouragement goes a long way. A lot of the time, people lose faith in god and they forget how to trust his guidance. So, to rebuild your relationship with the almighty, you need to encourage that faith every day. This means you need to continue to seek out his advice, even if you feel you can’t trust it. To complete this task, make sure you keep an open mind and heart.

Encouragement also means you need to remind yourself of all the light you have to offer to this world. By this, we mean the positive attributes that you can use to uplift those around you. By helping others, you can raise both their frequency and your own.

Reaffirming your Connection to god

This step might seem redundant to those who are deeply in their spiritual depression phase. However, every little effort helps. All you have to do is remind yourself that you are always divinely connected to god. Incorporate daily affirmations into your lifestyle that set a positive light on your relationship with god. With each day, you will begin to see a difference.

Our conclusion on spiritual sadness

In conclusion, spiritual depression is a complex phenomenon. Now that you have read the article, hopefully, you understand that you, or someone you love, are not feeling sad for no reason. Everyone goes through a period of spiritual depression at some point in their life. Try our What stage of spiritual awakening am I in quiz for more information.


Is depression spiritual?

Not all depression is spiritual, but a lot of it is. The same can be said in terms of religion. Not all spiritual depression is based on religious detachment or a waning relationship with god. Some people are spiritual but do not practice a religion and struggle with similar feelings of disconnectedness.

Where can I find spiritual help for depression?

If you are religious, you will not struggle to find someone to help you through this period of spiritual depression. There are always Christian counselors ready and available at your Church, or you can find one online. Additionally, you can seek the help of a professional psychologist who will adhere to your belief system.

Is depression a spirit?

Depression is not a spirit. When people talk about “the spirit of depression,” they’re using words to explain how depression can feel like an overwhelming force. But it’s not an actual spirit or ghost; it’s a complex mental health condition with various causes, like biology, life events, and feelings, but it’s not a supernatural thing.


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Jade Small

I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.

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