Staying Motivated: You Can Have and Do Anything You Set Your Mind To

This may not be the most esoteric topic that we have to offer today, but it is something that is extremely prevalent in today’s age.
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This may not be the most esoteric topic that we have to offer today, but it is something that is extremely prevalent in today’s age.
Some people are motivated by negative things, using that as the motivator to push you forward, and some people are driven by positive reinforcement or positive outcomes. There seems to be a general motivation caused by the fear of something negative happening that motivates most of us. Being threatened is not a fun situation to be in, and most of us will act really quick to prevent this terrible thing, or they might even run away from it entirely. Is fear-based drive healthy? Or should we want to change that perception, so that what really motivates us is the possibility of a positive outcome?
If you remember what we previously spoke about, standing in your power, would acting from a higher vibration not result in a more powerful alignment of positivity? Your higher self has all the power, which means it is within you at all times, but that power can only be accessed from a place of love or positive higher vibrations.
You Can Have and Do Anything You Set Your Mind To
In this day and age, the age of Aquarius, we are blessed because we can literally do and be anything that we want with sufficient motivation. If you are aligning yourself up with what truly works for you, the benefits will be incredible. In the past, or in the beginning of the technology boom, before social media, when the internet was still a confusing and strange phenomenon, getting a broadcast, or a T.V show to reach the number of people it needed took a considerable amount of money and motivation. These days, you can reach twice the amount of people for simply the cost of your phone, making it that much easier and accessible – provided you have the right amount of motivation.
We are so fortunate to have all these resources at our disposal, with all of this technology allowing us to create and express our thoughts into the world. Going back forty years, if you wanted to learn something about a strange topic you would have to go into the library, or network with your closest friends. Fast forward to now, there are suddenly thousands of experts who have designed short courses or dedicated their blogs to their expertise, and you can learn anything you wish, on your own time, in your pajamas if you will.
How Does Motivation Work?
The fact that all of these skills to learn and information to take in is only the root of your motivation. A big part of motivating yourself is the belief that you can get it done, whatever you have set yourself up to do. It will not work if you have any self-doubt over it, you need to believe in yourself and your abilities that you can achieve whatever you have set your mind to. Here are a few guidelines that you can work with when positively reinforcing your motivational energy.
1. It is essential for you to understand the advantage you have living in this modern age of information. You are not limited with the range that you can choose from which is such a benefit
2. Recognize that you are not alone in this, your feelings and stress triggers are not unique to you because there will be someone out there who is going through the same deliberations who can provide a support system
3. Make your passion your profession, because doing what you love and what truly resonates with you will bring you further in life than something that bores you. Loving what you do is the best kind of motivation.
Follow the Signs
The universe is constantly sending you signs and nudges to go in certain directions and do certain things that would resonate with you and make you go further in life with love and passion in your heart, mind, and soul. So many times people block out the signs because they think it is not relevant to the path that they have chosen. It is essential to be aware of these little messages and signals and to not ignore them, but at the very least acknowledge that you received them.
What’s even better, would be to accept what the universe has given you, and explore this concept, and see where it leads you. It is easy to forget that the universe has plans for us that are intricately woven in all of these twists and turns. We will be guided in certain directions purely so that we meet certain people who will teach us something that we need to learn for the bigger picture. Often what we feel sparked to do is not what we will be doing ultimately.
Let’s use the QHHT sessions, the number of people who end up completing their courses to be a QHHT practitioner to be helping others, go there because a friend suggested they read one of Delores Cannon’s books. One or two chapters and they ended up finishing it. That lead them to complete their first course until they were official QHHT practitioners, determined to help others find their path.
Final Thoughts
Motivation is something that only you can find within you. It comes from the belief that you are capable of doing what you want to do, and provided you are doing something that aligns with your passions, you will not struggle with this. Follow the signs given by the universe and your higher self who are guiding you along a circumstantial path towards your destiny.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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