Coming to Terms With Truth and Reality

Greeting to one and all ladies, gentlemen, starseeds, and aliens! To our frequent flyers and first-time passengers, we welcome you to another discussion of the esoteric world of QHHT. As always, there are many questions that we get asked and we would like to address a few of them. So, buckle up, and tune in, we have some amazing topics to discuss with you, thanks to the brilliant questions asked in one of our live chats on Facebook.
Table of Contents
Getting Over Yourself
So many of us go throughout our lives living as if we are someone else. That person is based on the ideals we have made up that we think are what we are supposed to be, but it is based on the opinions of others, and your own fear of being yourself. We all have fears, but when it comes to living an authentic life, filled with everything that makes you happy, you will never go wrong.
Expectation is the key to disappointment. Of course, we are all human and it is seemingly ingrained in us to expect things from life, and therefore, things are expected of us. We then build a life around those expectations, and that ultimately has an effect on our personalities. Let’s take Julia for example, she was a nurse before she was a QHHT practitioner, and Soul Speak author. During this time she was living a rigid life, trying to meet her own expectations that she had of herself and the world. Since then, she has managed to, as she says, gets over herself.
By getting over yourself, we mean getting over your expectations, the parts that prevent you from living authentically. Those expectations cause blockages in your path, as well as how you function. This might explain any anxiety you feel for not meeting up to said expectations. Julia realized that her medical life, though important and a necessary step in her path, was not the authentic version of herself. This does not mean that you must now resent yourself for trying to meet up to those expectations, we do not want you replacing a low vibrational feeling with another. That part of your life is necessary because now you know the boundary between your authentic self and those expectations.
Do Not Be Afraid To Share Information
No one should ever be afraid of expressing their opinions about something. We are all intrinsically different, but that just makes us interesting, and we can all learn something from each other by being open without thoughts. You do not need to be labeled “a teacher” to be a teacher. It does not have to be your earthly career, because it is everyone’s spiritual career – whether you realize it or not. That being said, there is a difference between expressing your thoughts as if that is the only truth because we all have our own truths.
A lot of the time, the lessons we learn from people are not learned in the traditional sense. They are learned through interaction. This brings to mind the phrase, Those who need to learn, teach. Life is like a mirror image, and the situations and interactions you are facing is a sign that you yourself need to learn that lesson. We see in others, what we have within ourselves. Think of it like this, you might feel a deep frustration with a friend of yours for doing something or the other. This frustration leads you to tell them what is bothering you, thus you are teaching them. If you are on the teaching side of the interaction, that shows you really want to learn this lesson, but it is your higher self, and your spirit guides working through you, and your soul contract agreement that this interaction teaches both you and the other person or group.
Change is Coming
As we are going through our lives, our society has been changing around us. Our consciousness has shifted, and a lot of us are starting to think in more 5D mindsets. What’s interesting is when you look at politicians, a lot of them are still stuck in outdated ways of thinking, and they are holding us back by doing so. Progress requires actions, and in or to get our world into a better place, we need to do things differently.
Imagine if the leaders of the world worked from a perspective based on heart energy, or even if they were open to change, how much further we could be right now. The same can be said for you. If we were open to the idea of change and lived our life on the vibration of heart energy, the law of attraction will work in favor of us, instead of against us. What we think is what we attract.
Anything is Possible
The message we try to convey, and the lessons we teach will be amplified when they are based on heart energy, or high vibrational behaviors and principles. Having a principle to base your life upon can help you maintain your high vibrational behavior. By principles, we mean, I am capable of whatever I set my mind to. This is not restricting at all, which is ideal. It shows that you can decide what you are capable of, and then there are no limits to your potential, and anything is possible.
One great way to realize this is to visualize the tsk having been done in your mind, showing just how possible it is. If you can think it, it is possible, and it is up to the way you perceive it, that influences its actualization. Ignore the self-destructing thoughts, and lean into the ones where you succeed. You are the creator of your world, and you can decide the outcome.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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