How Do We Upgrade Our DNA?

Some of the biggest questions we are faced with in QHHT all surround the concept of upgrading one’s DNA. Some wild thoughts have been concocted of us becoming these non-physical beings that many of us strive so hard to become. Bear in mind that are human beings here on earth, and it’s our consciousness and our spirituality that upgrade. Eventually, our bodies will follow, but it might not be in the way you some have imagined.
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To understand what upgrading your DNA means, we ask you one very simple question. Do you believe in aliens? This might seem like the most arbitrary question to start a discussion like this. How can this be related? Well, one of the key factors in upgrading your DNA is realizing that you’re not above anything. Human beings tend to think that we are the best beings out there in the universe and that there are no other civilizations out there. We represent that in how we have treated the animals on our planet or anything in our natural world. It is losing those feelings of arrogance, and humbling yourself to understand that we are not the “all-mighty” beings we once thought we were.
Connect with the Earth
In the grand scheme of things, we are but one part in an incredibly diverse and grand puzzle of which not all the pieces are visible but we can feel them when we open ourselves up and tap into our heart energy. Checking in with your heart energy and being aware of the fact that you’re greater than you think, and there are bigger pieces of you, is how your DNA gets upgraded. Imagine your life as if it is a theatrical performance that you are doing with your guides, they are constantly working with you (whether you realize it or not) as well as the other versions of you. You are working on the matrix of the universe.
You are here right now because you have started the journey of awareness. As the law of attraction works, your interests start pulling in towards you, so great job on that one! Having a natural attraction to this topic of DNA upgrades means that you are on the right path, so we ask you to take it a step forward. Understand that this earth is meant to be unified. We are meant to be in harmony with nature and the animals and work with them rather than controlling them. Go outside, and feel the earth beneath your feet, connect with mother nature (yes, no shoes are preferable). Just letting your feet touch the earth, has been scientifically proven to have a positive effect on you. Some people like to call this “earthing,” or, “grounding.”
You can seriously access these realizations whenever you want. As an example, I was in a forest a while back and connected with the trees around me. I could feel their power beneath the ground and saw how they are the guardians of the earth. This was an awe-inspiring realization for me, but it does not have to stop there. You have the power to tap into other forms of consciousness. If a bee is buzzing around you, you can sort of melt yourself into that bee’s vibration and its movements, and it will not bother you. That connection you have with all beings in the universe is a very important part of your DNA upload.
Set time for Quality Reflection
How many of you designate time for yourself to chill out and truly reflect on everything you have experienced? This is one of the most important things we need to do for ourselves because it helps us integrate experiences into perception. Without integrating the new things, even if they are a little scary, we are not able to progress. This is especially important if you have gone through something traumatic because those fears generally get pushed down into our shadow selves because they are too much to deal with. If you manage to bring them towards the light, you will be able to conquer your fears, ad raise your vibration. You will be amazed at the downloads you will receive, and the upgrades that will follow.
Fear is one of the most debilitating things known to us humans. The higher beings want us to learn that we are above that, and we must strive to live in high-vibrational heart energy. That’s when we can upgrade, through positivity, and love.
This might seem cliché to most of you, but now, more than ever, it is important to our progress. Look deep within yourself and ask yourself if you have forgiven all the people you have hurt? Are you making yourself a victim In any way? There are some exceptions to this, but usually, when we argue or feel hurt by someone’s actions, it is a miscommunication or a misunderstanding.
Being hurt by someone means that they have crossed a line with your ego, and it is that which holds the grudge. You do not need them to apologize, but regardless you can forgive them. By moving forward with heart energy, as opposed to fear or hatred, your word will expand, and all for the better. We are all built with many nuances, and these cause a lot of confusion. Most of us intend to do good, but our actions get misconstrued along the way. This of course also does not mean that you need to stay in daily contact with this person, it just means that you can move on, without thinking negatively of that person whenever their name comes up.
Final Thoughts
The world is filled with possibilities, and our imagination is our only limit. If you can work towards living life within a high vibration, more and more of life’s mysteries and knowledge will be shared with you.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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