3 Waxing Crescent Moon Rituals & 4 Waxing Moon Spells

Calling all worshipers of the moon and La Luna Lovers. Today we are going through everything you need to know about the phases of the moon waxing moon. By the end of this article, you will be able to tell the difference between a waning and a waxing moon simply by looking at it, as well as how the waxing moon affects us, humans. Then, we shall equip you with some waxing moon rituals so that you can incorporate them into your spiritual practice.
Table of Contents
When to use a waxing moon rituals & spells
The lunar cycle goes from new moon to new moon, and during that period, the moon waxes and wanes into the full moon and out. The waxing period is when the moon is growing in size and the waning period is when the moon is shrinking back into the new moon. Remember, just like there is a difference between full moon and new moon, there is a difference between all other moon phases!
The waxing moon represents a time to take action on the intentions you set during the new moon. Let’s say you wanted to start working out more, so you set intentions for that. During the waxing moon you might plan a workout schedule, or get yourself a new yoga mat. If you want to perform a ritual during the waxing moon, you will need to do it right after the new moon phase. The moon energy will work with the ritual or spell you are performing, and facilitate the new project that you have planned for yourself into a plan in motion, but there are certain meanings behind each part of the waxing moon phase.
The waxing moon cycle starts off as the waxing crescent moon and appears as a fingernail in the night sky. It is a time when you start assessing the intention you set during the new moon and make a plan of action.
The second is the waxing first quarter where you can see half the moon, and it is the phase of the moon where you will need to make big decisions, and there might be an obstacle or two in our way that you will have to try overcome.
Finally, there is the waxing gibbous moon where the moon is just about full, but not quite. This is a time where you will re-assess, and re-plan your goals. Sometimes things are not as they seem, you will need to be open to the idea of change.
This shows us that there is a specific time to perform moon magick rituals, so if you want
3 waxing Moon rituals
A ritual is not necessarily a spell, although you can make a ritual out of casting spells. Here we are referring to the little things you practice routinely, like brushing your teeth each morning or eating lunch at a specific time. There are certain things that are great to practice as a ritual during the waxing moon period that can help you be more productive in this time of taking action. Read on for a list of waxing moon rituals
1. Waxing Crescent Moon Ritual to Make space for Opportunity
What you need before starting
- Bath
- Palo santo
- Rose petals
- Fresh Rosemary sprigs
- Lemongrass essential oil for clarity of the mind
- Journal and pen
The steps
- Run your bath and put the rose petals, rosemary, and essential oil in the warm water while it runs.
- Cleanse the room with the palo santo, and then get in the tub
- Meditate for a while on the most recent intention that you set in the new moon phase, and work out what is not needed for the new project
- Work on a plan to resolve any outstanding issues that might hold you back when you wish to move forward
2. First Quarter Waxing moon ritual for Manifestation
Waxing moon manifestation ritual should be practiced when the moon is half full. It is a time to re-assess the pal of action you are on currently, you might need to manifest certain things into your path to facilitate your efforts. This ritual is based on affirmations to speak what you desire into existence.
What you need before starting
- Palo santo
- Paper and a Pen
- Your voice
The steps
- Set up your sacred space and cleanse it with the palo santo or a sage stick
- Write down what you want to manifest into your reality
- Create an affirmation around it. If you want to manifest motivation into your life for a healthier and more active lifestyle, say: “I am energized and motivated”
- Repeat this affirmation every morning when you wake up, some people like to look at themselves in the mirror, but you can also say it silently in your head.
- Repeat this every day, especially on those days when you are feeling genuinely lazy.
3. Waxing gibbous moon ritual for Change
The waxing gibbous moon calls for you to make changes to your plan of action. Some things happen unexpectedly, and when that happens, the gibbous moon is a great time to be open to new possibilities, or banish old habits or connections that are no longer serving you. Be open to the possibility of change.
What you need before starting
- Palo santo
- Fire, or a candle
- Two pieces of paper and a pen
The steps
- Cleanse the space you are sitting in
- Take deep breaths to center yourself
- Write down all the obstacles you have faced on one paper and a new plan of action on the other
- Burn the page with the obstacles while repeating a mantra about releasing negative energy and being open to change. Say: “I release that which does not serve me, and I am open to new opportunities.”
- Keep the Page with your new plan of action near you, and revert to it in moments of confusion or doubt
4 Waxing Moon Spells
We have four life-changing waxing moon spells for you to try. These spells for waxing moon include one for love and one for luck!
1. Waxing Crescent moon spell for love
Let’s say your intention was to find love during the next lunar cycle. Here is a great love spell that you can practice during the waxing crescent moon.
What you need before starting
- Palo santo or a sage smudge stick
- Rose quartz crystal
- Garnet crystal
- Pink candle
- Roses to help you realize the potential of love (petals, rose oil, or rose water)
- Jasmine or ylang-ylang essential oil
- A mirror
The steps
- Set up your sacred space, on an alter or not. Arrange the various items listed above in front of you and light the pink candle
- Put the essential oil on your skin, particularly over your heart,
- Breathe in the scents by cupping your hands over your nose and mouth. Breathe in three times to center yourself and absorb the essential oil
- Hold both crystals, one in each hand, and repeat this mantra: “I Love, I am Love, and I am Open to Love in all its forms.”
- Meditate on the love vibration, and visualize yourself finding your person – even if that is yourself.
2. Waxing Crescent Moon Spell For Luck
The Waxing crescent moon is about putting your ideas into action. For this, you might want to ward off any bad luck so that your efforts are not in vain. Here is a spell to make all bad luck disappear from your life.
What you need before starting
- Palo santo or a sage smudge stick
- 1 green candle
- Cinnamon powder
- Salt
The steps
- Set up a sacred space, whether you have an altar or not makes no difference.
- Place your green candle in front of you
- Cast a circle with salt, it should surround you.
- Cleanse the air with your palo santo or sage smudge stick, make sure to cleanse the candle as well
- Chant three times: “I repel bad luck – only good lucks flows through me”
- Imagine a series of good luck coming towards you, and focus on your feeling of gratitude
3. Waxing crescent magic for your dream job
Your dream job awaits you, and this spell can help to bring it into your reality.
What you need before starting
- Palo santo or a sage smudge stick
- Your resume
- One green candle
- Lavender incense stick
The steps
- Set up your sacred space by placing the candle in front of you, and smudge the negative energy away with the palo santo or sage
- Light both the green candle and the incense
- Place your resume between the incense and the candle, make sure it will not burn
- Stare at the candle’s flame to help you empty your mind of chatter
- Focus on a visualization of you working your dream job, whatever it may be, and imagine how you might feel as you are doing it – Feelings of excitement, contentment, or whatever.
4. Waxing First Quarter Moon Spell for Clarity
As we have mentioned, the waxing moon, the first quarter phase is where you can see half of the moon illuminated. It is a time when you might realize something has not been working, and now you need to make a decision on how to clear away the little hiccup. This is a spell that will help clear the mind so you can see the bigger picture, and make better decisions.
What you need before starting
- Palo santo or a sage smudge stick
- Crystals that help with mental clarity (hematite, selenite, clear quartz, sodalite, howlite, fluorite, and smokey quartz)
The Steps
- Set up your sacred space, and either make a circle with the crystals surrounding you, or you can hold them in your hand. Some people also like to lie down and place the crystal on their forehead.
- Cleanse the space around you and take three deep breaths to center yourself.
- Visualize yourself surrounded by white energy that is pure
- Call upon the elemental power of the air, to clear the mind by blowing out the clutter.
- Imagine your third eye chakra spinning freely, and all blockages leaving your mind with each breath out.
5. Waxing gibbous moon magic for Banishing
This is a simple banishing spell that uses fire energy. It is a great spell to do during the waxing gibbous moon because it helps you get rid of obstacles, or stagnant energy that is holding you back.
What you need before starting
- Palo santo or a sage smudge stick
- Pen and paper
- Fireproof bowl
- matches
- Black candle
The steps
- Set up your sacred space, light the black candle and cleanse the energy around you
- Center yourself with three deep breaths
- Write down what is not serving you, and what you want to disappear from your life (with love and gratitude, of course)
- Fold the page, set it alight with the black candle and place it into the fireproof bowl to burn away safely
- Visualize that person, thing, or feeling leaving your reality, and disappearing for good.
- Make sure you send them (or it) off with love and appreciation because whatever you do, comes back three times over.
Wrap up guidance
The waxing moon is an auspicious time for any idea that you have been brewing in your mind. Once you decide that it is time, and your intention is set to make it happen, the waxing moon’s energy is the perfect time to set those plans in motion, and what better way than to use one of the spells we have mentioned above.
Key takeaways on waxing crescent rituals & spells
Which of the rituals and spells mentioned above do you think would work best for you right now, at this point in your life? If you are unsure, try our waxing moon ritual quiz!
Is a half-moon waxing or waning?
This depends on whether or not the half-moon occurs before or after the full moon. If it is before the full moon, it will be a waxing half-moon, and if it is after the full moon, it will be a waning half-moon. the half-moon is actually called the waxing or waning First quarter moon phase, and it is named thus because you can only see half of the moon illuminated. Try out some waning moon rituals when the phase is right!
What is a waxing moon?
The waxing moon is the phase of the moon that is growing more and more full. In the waxing moon phase you get the waxing crescent moon that looks like a fingernail in the night sky, the first quarter moon where you can see half of the moon, and then the waxing gibbous moon, which is the time where the moon appears to be full, but not quite yet.
What does a waxing moon symbolize?
The new moon phase is where you set intentions, the waxing moon is about taking action. The waxing crescent moon is based on making a plan of action, so it is great for coming up with ideas for the new project. The First quarter moon is a time where you might need to make a big decision for those plans to prosper, and then the waxing gibbous moon is a time to make changes in the plan if something is not working or holding you back.
What is a waxing gibbous moon?
This is the time when a lot of people assume the moon is full, but it still has a day or two until it is a full moon. It looks like a round moon, but if you look closely, you will see the circle is not perfect.
How does waxing crescent affect us?
A waxing crescent moon is a time when we must make a plan of action for the intention we set during the new moon phase. It is a time when we feel inspired and motivated. There is an excitement brewing, and if you manage to channel that, your endeavors will be successful.
- https://www.kelleemaize.com/post/a-guide-to-waxing-moon-rituals
- https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/moon-ritual-guide
- https://whimsysoul.com/what-to-do-during-moon-phases-how-to-use-moon-rituals-for-self-care/
- https://whimsysoul.com/what-to-do-during-moon-phases-how-to-use-moon-rituals-for-self-care/
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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