What Happens When You Open Your Third Eye? Benefits & DANGERS

Have you heard about your third eye? It’s one of many nicknames for the Human Pineal Gland. The pineal gland is a small, pea-sized gland that is shaped slightly like a pine cone and is located toward the center of our brain. It is known as the third eye because it is a highly revered tool for tapping into the things around us that we cannot physically feel, see, hear, smell, or taste.
Its likeness is believed to be celebrated by every known culture throughout the ancient world. As an example, in Ancient Egypt, the Eye of Horus represents the placement of the pineal gland in the profile of the human head. In Ayurvedic teachings, the third eye is depicted by the Ajna chakra. Chakra is an ancient Sanksrit word that means “wheel” or “circle”. It refers to the individual spinning wheels or ‘energy centers’ located throughout our body. Your Third Eye Chakra is linked to the Third Eye aka Pineal Gland.
The third eye chakra is what brings us clarity of purpose, our ability to concentrate, our powerful imagination and our intuition. Do you know what happens when you open your third eye? We shall explain!
What happens when you open your third eye?
The Pineal Gland aka ‘third eye’ is believed since the beginning of recorded human history to be the main source of our human insight and even psychic abilities. Have you ever sensed something was about to happen, right before it happened? If so, then you know that these instances can be a little shocking sometimes. Still, it’s nothing that you should ever be worried about. It’s completely natural to access this ‘sixth sense’. You should embrace it! The third eye helps us gain the knowledge we need to enrich our spiritual journey towards understanding and clarity.
Can your third eye open by itself?
Can your third eye open by itself? Yes, indeed it can! Third eye opening symptoms are quite profound. For most people, the 3rd eye is already open, albeit only a little. That’s because it opens itself automatically. If you want it to open more, you must eat healthily, exercise regularly, be mindul of harmful chemical additives such as sodium fluoride, and embrace activities such as meditation. Then it’s possible that you don’t have to do much else to ensure your pineal gland stays healthy and active.
When our third eye is unhealthy, (which is often from having unhealthy habits) it can manifest physical imbalances in your life, such as a lack of foresight. It may even affect our ability to smell and hear. It can also affect us emotionally when our third eye gets blocked. It can confuse us with illusions or misconceptions about our lives. It causes ignorance, blocks our intuition, and can even cause us to have more volatility or hostility towards those around us.
It’s so important to keep your third eye healthy!
How to tell if your third eye is open: 6 signs
You can try our third eye quiz to help you get started. Here are 6 insightful signs that will help you to know if your third eye is opening:
1. A heightened sense of Self
Having a healthy, open third eye can increase and expand your awareness of your inner self. This is a quality that few people possess in this day and age. It’s the ability to see yourself as part of the fabric of the universe. Instead of limiting yourself by assuming your soul purpose in existence is just to live, love and die, you understand that there is something much greater behind it all, and you know that you’re a part of it.
Embracing this newly found sense of Self will help enable you to rely more on you, rather than depending on anyone else. It helps you live the successful, happy life you want while manifesting the goals you’ve always dreams of achieving.
Experiencing the signs of an active third eye can be confusing and even downright scary if you do not know how to deal with them. Meditation and calming activities that let you have a deeper connection with your spiritual self will be your greatest asset. Regardless of the path, you will choose, always know that all of these manifestations are a blessing you should embrace, not hide.
2. Manifestation of powers
We realize this next part sounds like it comes straight out of a science fiction movie, but it’s absolutely the truth. Having a healthy third eye can lead to the manifestation of extra-human abilities that most other people do not know they have the ability to access.
Telepathy is a great example of this. Telepathy is the ability to share your thoughts with others, or the ability to pick up on the thoughts of others. ‘ESP’ is the most common term people know it as. Thought waves are transmittable frequencies that living beings send out from their brain. Most people believe only special computers can sense them, but so can people with super healthy pineal glands!
3. Sensitivity to bright lights and loud sounds
As your third eye gets cleaner, healthier, and more put into use, you will begin to notice that you are getting more sensitive to light and sound. Especially the more bright and loud they are. This is due to the fact that you are, quite literally, viewing the world in a new light. You will also notice that you are better able to notice things more vividly and see the world in a more creative fashion. Everything in your day to day life that pertains to vision and hearing will sharpen and intensify. You may even notice a slight ringing in the ears. This is quite common and is a sign of your brain’s frequency changing. It means your more open to receiving cosmic energies!
4. The feeling of increased pressure on the brain.
This is one of the most common symptoms of an open 3rd eye. You will begin to feel a growing pressure between your eyebrows or behind your eyelids. This can seem like a pulsing sensation or an intense feeling of something behind your eyes that’s expanding in the middle of your forehead. It may seem alarming but it’s perfectly natural to experience this feeling with an opening third eye. The intense sensation can come out of nowhere, and leave you feeling quite strange. If you experience some strange warmth on your forehead, as if someone were touching your physical body with their warm hand, then don’t freak out. It may seem bizarre but it’s fairly normal.
5. The gift of foresight
As mentioned above, there are certain extra-human abilities that can come with the blessing of a healthy pineal gland. Clairvoyance, aka the gift of foresight into the future, is another of them. It might just feel like a tiny twitch in your stomach that alarms you that something is going to happen before it does. It might even be that voice in your head that gives you the advice you hadn’t thought of yet. Whatever the source, do not overlook this feeling or intuition. It’s crucial to let your gut instincts guide you when making your day to day decisions. It can be bit scary for some people at first, but as soon as you realize that this special ability is a gift that’s meant to help you, you will have a much easier time letting it guide you along your life path.
6. The gradual shift of perception
When your pineal gland starts to get healthier, and you get more in sync with your spiritual self, you will notice that you are a calmer, more forgiving, and loving individual. These important changes to your perception can change your entire perception of reality. They can also impact your diet, as you will lose interest in consuming processed foods, alcohol, or anything else that decreases the health of your body and your third eye. You may not notice a reason for these huge lifestyle changes. One day you might just wake up and feel differently about the world. Either way, rest assured that your higher consciousness is speaking though your sense of intuition, and is guiding you to make healthier life choices.
Benefits of opening the third eye:
1. Aligning with the “Law of Attraction”
One of the most important benefits of opening third eye is the ability to better embrace The Law of Attraction. The more positive you are with your mindset, and the more genuinely you are in love with the life that you have been given, the more you will be able to better manifest the things in life that you desire. The vibrations that you are putting out into the Universe will match those which already exist in the future. You get to decide what you will manifest in your life without even being consciously aware of it.
Lets put it this way… If you are constantly feeling upset, angry, or depressed, then you will automatically experience more sadness and anger-inducing elements in your day-to-day life. You are aligning yourself with those frequencies and vibrations, so that is what you’re manifesting. However, if you choose (because it is a choice!) to be joyful and grateful for the things that come into your life, then you will automatically begin to manifest even more joy and abundance!
This is the best way to manifest more of what you want to see in the world!
2. Freedom from fear
Fear is something we all must deal with on a daily basis. And I’m not just talking about the basic fears we all have, such as a fear of physical harm. Fear of the unknown is also a huge one. If you have any uncertainty about your present situation in life, such as what career choice you should focus on, or what decision you should make in regard to your current relationship, these questions can be answered by a third eye focused, guided meditation.
By cleansing and activating your 3rd eye, certain meditation techniques will help you to see, understand, and embrace new information that may not have been easily understandable prior to meditating. The more you understand, the less doubt and fear you will have.
3. The ability to astral project
Astral Projection is one of the most mind-blowing experiences you will ever have. Also known as an ‘out of body experience’ or ‘lucid dreaming’, Astral Projection is the ability to separate your soul from your physical body. Your pineal gland aka 3rd eye is what allows you to leave your body while conscious.
Every night when you dream, your soul leaves your body and travels around in the spirit realm. Most of the time you’re unconscious when this happens so you do not recall what you experience. However, with a clean and healthy pineal gland, you have the ability to experience this so-called ‘dream state’ while you’re still conscious. You can actually enter the dream state while you’re still awake! Astral Projection means you can fly like superman, or magically pop up literally anywhere in the world just by thinking about it.
Nothing changes your entire perception of reality quite like astral projection does!
Dangers of opening the third eye:
1. The price of awareness.
The dangers of opening the third eye: The opening of the third eye does not come without a price. How ‘dangerous’ it can be, entirely depends on who wants to become more aware and why. It’s important to note that your third eye is never fully closed. You always have at least a little access to it, otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to dream. What can be dangerous, is that you may not be 100% ready to experience what you’re about to experience with a cleansed and healthy pineal gland. Some people aren’t quite ready to ride that rollercoaster, so when they get a glimpse of more than they bargained for, it can be a little too much to handle all at once. Sometimes baby steps are wise when it comes to focusing on cleaning and opening the third eye.
2. What has been seen, cannot be unseen
Seeing behind the curtains in life can have a profound effect on how we see the world, and how we interact with it. Sometimes an opened 3rd eye means we can see new light into things we didn’t really want to. It can even change our entire perception of the things we enjoy.
When you focus on your spiritual journey or start to embrace your spiritual growth, it can make material or sentimental things you once held in high importance, such as television, sports, and other recreational activities, now seem trivial and pointless. It can cause you to avoid friends that aren’t embracing the same sort of spiritual awakening you are. For some, this may not seem like it’s a bad thing, but for others who have built their lives around other people and material posessions, it can uproot their entire life and change everything for them.
3. Things can get pretty intense…
Your 3rd eye has close ties to your emotions. This is why when someone becomes more aware, it can be a frightening experience if left unguided. You may not always need guidance in this instance, but when someone experiences something they cannot explain, it can bring on a feeling of intense stress and anxiety.
Being in tune with your 3rd eye and your energy flow can do things to the physical body that some people just cannot fathom. Imagine meditating one day and feeling an intense sensation of heat and energy rising up your spine. Or imagine laying down in a crystal grid, only to start levitating for a moment. Anyone who is not aware that humans can do these incredible things would obviously get scared if it happened to them. This is why guidance is so important.
How to open your third eye fast
1. Prevent Pineal Gland Calcification
Our pineal gland is, unfortunately, one of the first places we accumulate calcium phosphate in our bodies. This means if you have a diet rich in sodium fluoride, calcium, heavy metals or other contaminants, it can cause your pineal gland to harden and close. Avoiding toxins in everyday products, like sodium fluoride in beverages, hormones, chemical additives, refined sugars and artificial sweeteners in processed foods, etc. Even the radiation from our cell phone use, or the lower vibrational energy from WIFI and 5G can have a profound negative impact on the pineal gland.
2. Embrace and appreciate your gift
Did you know, humans aren’t the only species that has a pineal gland? Most animals have pineal glands too! Some even have much larger pineal glands than humans do, and many people believe that it drives their instinctual knowledge. Pineal Glands are considered by many to be the seat of the soul!
It’s important to celebrate and appreciate the fact that you were blessed to be born with a pineal gland. It’s a great idea to start your third eye activation manifestation practice session simply by expressing your innate gratitude to your third eye for your intuitive psychic abilities and your ability to connect with nature.
It’s important to spend at least 10 minutes every day, consciously focusing on activating your third eye through yoga, regular or guided meditation, prayer, dancing, or chanting.
3. Supplements can work wonders
There are many nutritional supplements that can help you to detoxify the third eye. Cilantro, garlic, hemp/cannabis, ginseng, borax, watermelon, raw cacao, raw apple cider vinegar, zeolite, goji berries, lemons, bananas, honey, coconut oil, seaweed, honey, chlorella, spirulina, blue-green algae, Vitamin D3, bentonite clay, and chlorophyll are all healthy, plant-based foods that greatly assist with the purification of the pineal gland.
4. Crystals are powerful allies
Crystals are not just pretty rocks that are enjoyable to look at. They are powerful, highly influential allies when it comes to opening the third eye. Reiki masters are healers who use crystals to heal and open energetic blockages. If crystals and gemstones are something you’re interested in using to awaken the third eye, then you should try using any gems that are indigo or purple in color. Amethyst, purple or blue sapphire, purple or violet tourmaline, rhodonite, sodalite, lapis lazuli are a few examples of the colors you’re looking for. You can also use clear crystals such as Herkimer diamond or clear quartz.
Once you find a suitable crystal, place the gemstone on your forehead, just between the eyebrow during meditation. Focus your intent on healing and opening your pineal gland. That’s all! The crystal and your subconscious will do the rest.
How to close your third eye
Closing your third eye is a lot easier than opening it. All you really have to do is eat unhealthily, drink lots of sodium fluoride or alcohol, and refuse to do any meditation. It will automatically close back up again on its own.
As soon as you choose to heal your pineal gland, and begin working with your functional third eye, you will start to receive an abundance of information and guidance in the form of synchronicities, and messages from the Universe. We all must embrace this gift, and have the courage to follow through with what our intuition tells us. By doing so, your third eye will continue to grow and so will your abilities.
What does the third eye do?
The third eye is a tiny organ in the center of our brain that helps us perceive certain things that are not visible to the usual 5 senses.
Why is your third eye closed?
Most of the time the third eye is closed due to poor diet and lack of awareness.
Is the pineal gland the third eye?
Correct. The Pineal Gland and the Third Eye are different names for the same thing.
Does melatonin open the third eye?
The Pineal Gland produces the bodies Melatonin, among other things. Melatonin controls the circadian rhythm of our body as well as our reproductive hormones. This makes the pineal gland a master regulator of our concept of time, affecting not only our sleep and sleep patterns, but it also affects our stress and ability to adapt to a changing world.
Post Written by: Lara Starr
Laura’s Facebook
Really explanative and helpful! …thanks