What is My Shadow Self Quiz: Shadow Self Type Test & Meaning

The shadow self is a concept that has grown in interest. With mental health and mental illness being at the forefront of many people’s realities, doing the necessary inner self-work, and soul work is direly important and extremely beneficial. Our “what is my shadow self quiz” will help identify your shadow self archetype. This might deepen your understanding of certain misunderstood aspects of you.
Table of Contents
What is the shadow self? Our definition
The shadow self is that elusive part of you that not even you fully understand yet. It has many names, often referred to as the shadow side, the dark side, or the dark self. So, what is a shadow self? Well, our shadow self-definition definition of the shadow self meaning is it is the unconscious parts of the personality, that play a big part in their personality.
The shadow self is born of our repressed traumas, no matter how big or small. Our minds cannot cope with everything that we experience, and this causes us to subconsciously push them away to deal with later. Many times, “later” does not come, and those repressed aspects of our personality leak out through unexplained behaviors and thoughts.
7 ways to spot your shadow self
How do I find my shadow self and what is shadow work, you might ask? Well, if you are really curious about your shadow self, you could go speak to a therapist. But, there are also seven different ways you might be able to identify your shadow side. This way, you can learn how to find your shadow self in your own time.
Reflect on your negative traits and habits.
Take note on how you judge others
Do you project your insecurities onto others? If so, reflect on that.
Notice any patterns of behavior that cause harm to yourself or others.
Pay attention to the ways in which you try to avoid or deny certain parts of yourself.
Explore your dreams and the symbols or themes that appear frequently.
What is your role in your relationships with others?
What is your shadow self type? Take the what is my shadow self quiz and find out!
By now you must be curious to know what type of shadow self you possess. The good news is, the shadow self-test test we have created will help identify which is your own shadow self archetype. Take the quiz now!
The 12 shadow self types
The shadow self is the part of you that is a mystery, even to you. When we experience traumas in life, no matter how big or small, we tend to repress them so we don’t have to deal with it at the moment. There are 12 different shadow self examples that describe various ways people cope. The examples of shadow self types are as follows:
1. The Sage:
The Sage is the wise and knowledgeable part of the shadow self. This archetype is the kind of person who revels in being informed. They thrive off knowledge, as they feel it sets them free. However, they fear being misled or misinformed.
2. The Innocent:
This archetype lives off optimism and hopefulness. They are people pleasers, always looking for the best outcome in every situation. Because of this, they find it hard to say “no,” and this causes them to take on too much. Additionally, they do not want to disappoint someone or be reprimanded for doing the wrong thing.
3. The Explorer:
The explorer shadow self-personality personality trait is pretty self-explanatory. They love exploring new territories, including understanding themselves, others, and the world around them. Their mission is to improve their quality of life. But, this can prevent them from feeling satisfied.
4. The Ruler:
The ruler is a born leader. They thrive off routine and stability. Furthermore, they want everything to be done with perfection and follow their guidelines. Which occasionally makes them overbearing and controlling.
5. The Creator:
The creator is an artistic person who has many great ideas but struggles to carry them out in reality. They are the ultimate upcycles, being able to take things apart and rebuild them anew and improved. When it comes to problem-solving, their ideas are too intricate and often end up sabotaging their efforts.
6. The Caregiver:
The Caregiver is the nurturing and compassionate personality type. Their mission is to make sure everyone is safe, and their empathizing skills help them know how to do so. However, they are strong-willed in their nurturing nature. Even if their intention is to keep their loved one safe, it can come across as over-controlling.
7. The Magician:
The magicians are the most mysterious because they are constantly changing, growing, and evolving. Once you think you understand them, they have already begun their next transformation. They are always looking out for the outcome where everyone wins, which often causes them to harm others unintentionally through their actions.
8. The Hero:
The hero has a desire to always be on top, which makes them very competitive. But, mostly they just want to help others, because they love the feeling of being admired. This makes them risk-takers, which occasionally means putting their life at risk to prove themselves with courageous stunts.
9. The Outlaw:
The outlaw, or the Rebel, is the kind of stick-it-to-the-man personality type. they have a “my-way or the high-way” mindset, which reveals their dark side. They will challenge values they disagree with in a sort-of vindictive manner. They can be quite self-destructive at times.
10. The Lover:
The Lover is the romantic and passionate personality type. They thrive off being close to others and revel in their happiness. The dark side of the lover is a fear of being alone, or unseen.
11. The Jester:
The Jester is an outgoing and bubbly type of person. These extroverts will make light of many situations, as is their coping mechanism. However, they tend to break other people down in the process. Also known as the Tricksters, they struggle to take themselves seriously.
12. The Orphan:
The orphan’s greatest desire is to feel loved, and accepted, and that they belong. This causes them to fear being in the wrong, so they struggle to take accountability. Moreover, they have a tendency to victimize themselves in their efforts to divert the blame.
Knowing your shadow self archetype is important because it helps you understand and confront the unconscious aspects of your personality that may be holding you back or causing self-destructive behavior. By bringing these unconscious tendencies to light and working through them, you can improve your self-awareness and relationships with others, leading to a more fulfilling and authentic life.
How to interpret the type of shadow personality test results
Our shadow selves personality quiz is designed to help you understand more about yourself and possibly give light on unexplained behaviors and thoughts. According to Jungian theory, you are most likely going to relate to more than one shadow self archetype, but your personality is dominated by one particular type.
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1. https://earthlybloom.co/shadow-work-jungian-archetypes/well-being/
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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