Group Past Life Regression Session With 43 Open Souls In A Very Small Space.

Group Past Life Regression Session With 43 Open Souls In A Very Small Space.
Sometimes I just have to feel the fear and put myself out there.
I was stunned at how many people turned up to a group regression and my heart was bursting for one little old lady.
A month or so ago I was talking to a lovely lady here on the Gold Coast in Australia. This lady turned out to be an organiser of psychic expos and as we chatted she asked me what I do and with a big smile on my face I told her about being a professional hypnotherapist, QHHT, past lives and of course Dolores. I told her many fascinating and wonderful stories about my adventures and my clients experiences, what the subconscious has healed and some of the many weird and wonderful things that happen in my office. She was absolutely mesmerised. I just opened my heart and the words naturally poured out. She knew I was speaking the truth and that what we do as QHHT practitioners is very different from everything else.
I casually told her that I could do a group session if she was ever interested in organising one at her expos. Her eyes lit up and I knew this was an answer she had been searching for.
I explained to her that I have done a few private groups before so it is a great way to show people a past life in a very safe environment.
I knew it would be good exposure to spread the QHHT word, a good draw card for her expo and a fantastic way for some people to experience a past life regression hypnosis that is free of cost, fun and easy.
The date was set and the organiser gave me a small room with 30 chairs. I thought to myself, wow imagine if 30 people turn up?. I would be happy if 3 came along. Funnily enough I actually asked 2 previous clients to come (that way I knew at least 2 people would be there) so I would not be embarrassed if no one turned up at all.
The organiser came and told me that they need more chairs and I was thinking wow there’s actually people in there. I felt excitement building up in me and wondered how many are in there?
The organiser told me they can not fit anymore chairs in the room, it is full and said it is time for me to go in. I walked past some people wanting to come in but there was no more room to put them.
I got introduced and looked around and felt such incredible gratitude, I was very humbled. 43 people and more outside. Wow.
I had 1 hour. My plan was to talk to them for 10 mins and tell them exactly what to expect and give them 1 very easy and quick visualisation exercise. 30 mins of a past life and when I said I will be asking for their guardian angels or guides to come to deliver a personal message to them after the past life. I explained my thoughts as we were at a psychic fair and if any passed relations wanted to come in then they are more than welcome and with those kind words I instantly sensed the whole room felt my intention was purely for them and their own personal experience. I assured the room that I would do my best.
They brought in a microphone and speaker for me. It was strange for me as I have never used one before. Now I think Dolores must have set this up with a rye smile on her face because just as I started a band next door started playing, I could not believe it. The walls were only paper thin. I instructed loudly over the speaker, if you hear any sounds in or out of the room they will fade and become part of the background and you will focus on the picture even more. Everyone relaxed again and simply continued on. I spoke a little louder and thought are you testing me Dolores as the timing was impeccable.
At the end one lady had tears in her eyes and I asked what happened. Her grandmother had come to her and she felt her love for her. She just held her grandmother whom she missed dearly. They were happy tears of gratitude and love.
After it was finished I noticed a little old lady, maybe in her late 80s waiting patiently. I went over to her and asked how she was and she held my arm with her old tired hands and looked deep into my eyes, smiled and said thank you.
I felt this lady had a very hard life and didn’t have much material things to her name. Her family came for her and looked at her, looked at me and told her she was glowing, they were confused at what must have happened and my heart burst for her and I leaned to her and simply whispered in her ear that she was the reason why I do this and she looked deep into my eyes, her soul knew exactly what I meant. No words were spoken, no words were needed, I just knew that something extremely special just happened. That feeling I had in my heart is purpose, it is the reason I am here.
While people were leaving through the door the organiser was handing out my business cards as I was chatting to so many people afterwards. We ended up handing out over 100 cards by the end of the night. I expect to get at least a few private QHHT sessions booked in as a result.
Kaya Whittenburg told our Level 2 class to never be afraid of telling people what we do, just speak from your heart as you just never know where it is going to take you. One quick conversation may lead to a group session where they are turning people away. Synchronicity? who knows, what I do know is I have Dolores, Julia, Suzanne, Kaya and all the rest of the QHHT family to thank.
Just like the old tired lady who found her spark, all I can say is thank you.
Very lovely experience! Wonderful service you have provided.
That was beautiful and encouraging. Thank you for sharing.
wow, that is wonderful. thanks for sharing this with us.
I love this story so much! I would love to do group regressions one day soon. Where did you learn the script as it is different then a QHHT session? So happy for you and thank you for sharing.
very touching story.
Resonates with me! In my heart!!! The need to be proud and don’t worry about what other thinks! I love what I do, I hide it from my friends and family because I think they wouldn’t understand at all………….., those feelings are killing me!!! I am a proud QHHT practitioner!!!!!!!
Thanks for this blog!!
Hello everyone, were the 43 people lying on rugs? I am only a level 1 practitioner but organizing this experience would please me very much …
Energy and Love Philippe.
such a wonderful experience!
Look through the forum, there are posts leading you to Dolores’ script.
I feel the same way! I have always been the healer or (hippy) to everyone around me. I feel like I have been looking this for a long time in this life! I have not had a session, but I just finished my level one training! and I am over the moon GREATFUL to all the powerful women you listed. My heart is so full knowing how many people I can help!! So thank you for your doing this big part in our movie!