Invest in Yourself – It Pays Dividends for Everyone!
Invest in Yourself – It Pays Dividends for Everyone!
A difficult question…
Recently a 30 year old client wanted help on making a difficult decision. Although he was single, he lived close to his mother and her family and felt like he should stay in the area and help financially support this extended family. But in his heart, he wanted to travel and discover the world. In his QHHT session he asked his subconscious (SC), should I move or stay? The SC responded with…. “give them what they need and follow your heart.”
This answer confused me as it seemed to contradict itself. After all, If he gave them what they needed – which I assumed would be the financial support, he would be unable to move away and follow his dream to travel.
Dig deeper for more clarity…
So I asked the SC to clarify.. “How can he give them what they need if he follows his heart and moves away?” The SC replied, “If he stays there is only a 5% chance of increasing their happiness, if he follows his heart it’s a 38% chance of happiness.” (It’s not unheard of for a SC to give percentages, but I love it when they do – it really gives you a sense that everything is a probability and there aren’t any truly wrong decisions)
After a bit more discussion the SC helped me realize that the happiness he was speaking of was the long term happiness quotient. As humans we want to make everyone happy in the moment of decision. Unfortunately, those tough decisions where everyone isn’t in agreement, but you know in your heart of hearts that you need to do – are the ones that change the game and allow everyone to find a happiness – or joy – in their life that they wouldn’t have otherwise achieved.
Shift distraught to gratitude…
The day after this session I came across an article that brought this idea home for me. A bride on her wedding day was jilted at the alter by her groom[1]. Distraught she sold her home, car and all her belongings to travel and hike the Himalayas. After six months she ended up on France where she is now teaching English and has just received a book deal with a publishing company. She looks back at her ruined wedding day in gratitude. That one horrendous day was the catalyst for her to become happier than she ever thought possible. She is living her dream life that only emerged because she was ejected from her ordinary life into an adventure.
Another example worthy of noting here is Elizabeth Gilbert[2] who also faced an emotional calamity after a difficult divorce. Her book Eat Love Pray became an international story and movie that chronicled her journey and recovery and ultimate realization of ultimate freedom.
Follow your heart…
What decisions are you holding back from making? There is no one better informed to make tough decisions other than you. The resources are within you – such as the intuition that comes through you naturally. Other methods can include a QHHT session[3] where your SC speaks to you directly. The SC knows everything about you, loves and accepts you unconditionally and can help clarify those tough decisions.
Mykal Harp
Testimonial from the client referenced above:
My session with Mykal was unlike anything I have ever experienced before in my life. I hardly remember a thing from when I was under but after the session when we reviewed what my SC spoke about, everything made so much sense to me, from the way I felt to the reasons why I felt the way I did and what I can do to change it all. Many of the things sounded like things I would never say and the messages I received were very clear. A really interesting theme in my past life review was loss of loved ones and not properly dealing with the pain that it caused. The energy was cleansed and right after the session I started to feel much lighter physically and mentally and I had much more clarity in thought and the feeling of a surer direction in life. Before my session with Mykal I was feeling stuck in a rut and not sure how to get out and move on. The process with Mykal was simple and very professional. She guided me through everything that I needed to do for the best results and I was comfortable working with her. Mykal has a gentle and loving energy and it was such a pleasure working with her. It was just what I needed and I am really happy I found out about QHHT and that I decided to do it. I believe it will benefit anyone. SG, Greensboro NC