Spontaneous Healing

Amazingly, the human body is programmed for spontaneous healing. Broken
bones knit back together. Cuts and scrapes are replaced by new skin. Viruses
are attacked. And much of this healing happens without any conscious
intervention. Having a healthy body improves the ability to spontaneously heal.
Having a healthy mind, emotions and spirit, provides a framework for the body
to thrive in vibrant health.
But what about chronic conditions such as autoimmune diseases, or other
chronic conditions. These can be healed spontaneously as well. Most of us have
someone we know who’s gone into “spontaneous remission”. Often, when this
happens the metaphysical purpose of the chronic condition is that of a message
from the subconscious to the body. The message was to correct some sort of
behavior or belief. In Julia Cannon’s, SoulSpeak: The Language of Your Body, she
shares that Rheumatoid Arthritis can indicate holding too tightly, or not
releasing. Another example from SoulSpeak, is being overweight. This can
indicate the need to protect yourself from being hurt. Or it could indicate that
you may have starved in a past-life. Knowing the purpose of the message to the
body, and then receiving the correcting beliefs, can cause spontaneous healing.
Yet another example of spontaneous healing is that of Claire Haser, as reported
by Jeffrey D. Rediger, M.D., Harvard Medical School professor of psychiatry. In
2008, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given months to live. She
was told that she was going to die. After a lot of internal reflection, she decided
to work on her relationship with fear rather than chase a cure. Five years after
deciding not to go through cancer treatment, Claire needed an abdominal CT for
an unrelated reason and it was discovered her cancer was gone! According to
Dr. Rediger, she faced her fears and at a deep level changed her relationship with
herself. She moved through fear and self-criticism in a way that genuinely
changed how she related to the world.
Spontaneous healing is a natural part of our incarnation. For acute conditions the body goes into repair mode with and without conscious intervention. For
chronic conditions once we understand the message-as-purpose of the
condition, we can make different choices in our life to create spontaneous
So, if spontaneous healing can occur why does it not always happen in every
case? Why is there so much suffering? There are several reasons. Suffering may
be a part of the purpose of this incarnation; the suffering may be serving a
bigger picture purpose, such as karma balancing or learning first hand the
discomfort, treatments, and final outcome of the dis-ease. Mental constructs
can block the process. If suffering is serving a bigger purpose, the purpose can
be uncovered through Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, or QHHT®. This
technique can help us open our minds to the dimensional limitations that we
place on ourselves.
Growing beyond mental constructs that keep us in third dimensional limitations
can free us to experience spontaneous healing. Allowing miracles can result in
spontaneous healing of every type. At the core of any healing, is the belief
system of the person healed. No doctor, nurse, or medicine can heal us, without
the belief that we are healed. The belief of self-healing can be conscious or
subconscious. The power and capability to heal is within us all.
Holly Duckworth, Ph.D. is a Level 3 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Practitioner, a modality which integrates spiritual, physical and emotional healing through past life regression. Holly has a Ph.D. in psychology and is a registered psychotherapist in the state of Colorado. Learn more at awarecaredurango.com or call Holly at 970-335-9548/email: holly@awarecaredurango.com