The Truth about Antarctica

There has been much speculation about the ancient history of Antarctica. Some people assume we would never know for sure whether it was once home to ancient civilizations. Fortunately, QHHT often helps us piece together knowledge from our long lost past, and allows us to find the answers we seek about our forgotten history. Here are some interesting facts about ancient Antarctica, brought to us from the SC through sessions with QHHT Practitioner Sarah Breskman Cosme:
Sarah: My client wants to know about the history of Antarctica and what, if anything is buried under the ice there?
Sc: There is much underneath Antarctica that may truly never be discovered, there are many mass colonies beneath the ice and snow there. They’re from a very long and distant time ago.
Sarah: What type of colonies?
Sc: Original colonies from seeds who came here to this planet. In the shifting of poles, the shifting of the climate, and the freezing of lands, they were covered in ice, miles deep.
Sarah: What exactly would someone find miles deep there?
Sc: They would find many keys that would link us back to our original heritage, to somewhere beyond this planet.
Sarah: What exactly would someone find miles deep there?
Sc: They would find many keys that would link us back to our original heritage, to somewhere beyond this planet.
Sarah: What type of keys?
Sc: You would find ancient technology, for example, the ability to form stone into shapes very quickly, the ability to lift and magnetize things without needing a crane, and cooking technology to cook and keep food for long periods of time. You would also find an abandoned laboratory under the ice as well.
Sarah: Tell me more about that please.
Sc: This laboratory was used for the hybridization project for people and animals.
Sarah: Why in Antarctica?
Sc: Because during this time Antarctica used to be an island while the rest of the world was a Pangaea. It was easier to separate the experiments from the rest of the world this way. There are many things people will find under the ice way into the future, but as of right now we do not want people to uncover what’s under the ice.
Sarah: Why is that?
Sc: You would also find microscopic diseases that are very much intact, so Antarctica is best left alone.
Sarah: Does anyone know about this?
Sc: There have been many explorations that have gone and studied. They have found many unexplained things that they will never be allowed to let people know.
Sarah: What did they find?
Sc: They have found different types of metals in ice drilled cores miles under the earth.
Sarah: Tell me more about the metals they found.
Sc: They have found metals that have a strong magnetic property to them, that are not from this earth. They have also found irradiated metals that as humans have evolved would be detrimental to them now.
Sarah: What did the people do with these metals.
Sc: They have been hidden from the public.
Sarah: Why have they been hidden?
Sc: People want to hide these findings since the finding of these types of things would lead to the understanding that there have been many advanced civilizations before this one and that the human race may well be from somewhere else other than this planet.

This is wonderful information. I can’t wait to see a book about it.
Thank you for sharing this. It ties in with a message through my SC / HS on Feb 27 2020 #1006-
“…we refer to the energy systems and patterns deep within what you call your southern pole area, the icy caps in the Antarctica pattern of land mass and therefore the focus of attention is upon that. There may have arisen to your knowledge some information about objects which exist within the ice patterning and which become revealed due to different shifts of land masses and change in temperature patterns.
All of these energy systems and placements become infused with the pulses coming through the atmospheric presence and layers into the Earth energy matrix grid and therefore there is enlivening of many of these systems. They become visible to the general population.
They have been visible to many of the scientific population for some time because they measure in a different way and instruments now are able to detect these different energy device systems. Some of these have been existing within Earth planet and land masses for different civilisations which have appeared on planet Earth.
Thank you for sharing as I too have a fascination with Antarctica… I would like to travel out-of-body someday!
Great info!
very interesting, thanks for sharing
Hi Sarah, I sometimes watch ur videos on youtube. Very intersting outcome. I like it!!!! 😉
Love this Sarah, thank you
Wow great info that ties together many other things i have heard as well!
Thanks for sharing this Sarah. It is so fascinating to listen to these stories.